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The Green Technologies and Practices (GTP) survey is a special survey of business establishments designed to collect data on establishments’ use of green technologies and practices and the occupations of workers who spend more than half of their time involved in green technologies and practices. Using the BLS process approach to green jobs, the GTP survey provides data on the incidence of specific green technologies and practices, and on the employment, wages, and occupations of workers who spend more than half of their time involved in green technologies and practices.
The GTP survey data are estimated from a sample of 35,000 business establishments in the private sector and local, state, and federal governments. All business establishments covered by unemployment insurance are within the scope of the GTP survey, including most larger agricultural establishments. Most workers in small agricultural establishments and those working in private households are not included in the survey. The survey data represent the pay period including August 12th, 2011.
According to the definition developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, green jobs are either:
The GTP survey provides information on jobs using the process approach, while the GGS and OES surveys are collecting information on jobs using the output approach. The results from the first output approach survey are available on the Green Goods and Services webpage, and occupational data related to the output approach will be available in the fall of 2012.
Workers were considered to be involved in green technologies and practices if they were:
The GTP survey identified 6 specific types of green technologies and practices, grouped into 3 broader categories:
Energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency
Examples of renewable sources:
Greenhouse gas reduction and pollution reduction and removal
Examples of pollutants or toxic compounds:
Recycling and reuse and natural resource conservation
The GTP survey produces data on the incidence of specific green technologies and practices and on the total number of jobs in which workers spent more than half of their time involved in green technologies and practices. These data are available for all industries combined at the national and Census region levels, and for NAICS industry sectors at the national level. The GTP survey also produces national occupational employment, mean wage, and median wage estimates for jobs in which workers spent more than half of their time involved in green technologies and practices.
For more detailed information on the methodology of the GTP survey, please refer to the GTP technical note (HTML) (PDF).
Last Modified Date: June 28, 2012