An official website of the United States government
Occupational Requirements Survey - Field DefinitionsCategory CodeIndicates the element being estimated within the four main requirement categories (i.e., physical demands; environmental conditions; education, training, and experience; as well as cognitive and mental requirements). Estimate CodeIndicates the specific element being estimated and type of measurement (e.g., percent of workers, percent of workday, work hours performing physical job requirement). Industry CodeIndicates the classification of the establishments as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), see www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/. Job characteristic CodeIncludes worker characteristics such as bargaining status (union and nonunion), full- and part-time, and time- and incentive-based pay and establishment characteristics such as industry, geographic location, and size. Occupation CodeIndicates the classification of the worker as defined by the 6-digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system, see www.bls.gov/soc. The 8-digit occupations follow the O*Net convention for more information, see www.onetcenter.org/dictionary/21.0/excel/occupation_data.html. Ownership CodeIndicates the sector for which the estimates represent. All workers covered by the Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) are referred to as civilian workers. Civilian workers include private industry and state and local government workers. Requirement CodeThe Occupational Requirements Survey elements are grouped into four main categories: physical demands (P), environmental conditions (E) under which the work is typically performed, cognitive and mental requirements (C), and education, training, and experience (V). Seasonally AdjustedIndicates the adjustment of time series data to eliminate the effect of intrayear variations which tend to occur during the same period on an annual basis (i.e. where U=unadjusted and S=seasonally adjusted). ORS estimates are not considered a time-series and are not seasonally adjusted.
Last Modified Date: June 20, 2024 |