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Series ID Formats


Employment & Unemployment

Inflation & Prices

Spending & Time Use

Pay & Benefits

Work Stoppages


Workplace Injuries

Occupational Requirements


Employment & Unemployment

National Employment, Hours, and Earnings

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Employment, Hours, and Earnings series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    CEU0800000003
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CE              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-11		08000000	Supersector and Industry Codes
	12-13           03              Data Type Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

State and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the State and Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    SMU19197802023800001
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             SM              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             19              State Code
	6-10            19780           Area Code
	11-18           20238000        SuperSector and Industry Code
	19-20           01             	Data Type Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

State and County Employment and Wages from Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    ENU04013105111150
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             EN              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-8             04013           Area Code
	9               1               Data Type Code
	10              0               Size Code
	11              5               Ownership Code
	12-17           111150          Industry Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Business Employment Dynamics

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Business Employment Dynamics series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    BDS0000000000000000110101LQ5
	Positions    Value        Field Name
	1-2          BD           Prefix
	3            S            Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-13         0000000000	  Area Code
	14-19        000000       Industry Code
	20           0            Unit Analysis Code
	21           0            Data Element Code
	22-23        01           Size Class Code
	24-25        01           Data Class Code
	26           L            Rate/Level Code
	27           Q            Record Type Code
	28           5            Ownership Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Local Area Unemployment Statistics' series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    LAUCN281070000000003
	Positions    Value            Field Name
	1-2          LA               Prefix
	3            U                Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-18         CN2810700000000  Area Code
	19-20        03               Measure Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Statistics series identifier:

	                      1         2         3
	Series ID    JTU110099000000000HIL
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             JT              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-9             110099          Industry Code
	10-11          	00              State Code
	12-16           00000           Area Code
	17-18           00              Size Class Code
	19-20           HI              Data Element Code
	21              L               Rate/Level Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Inflation & Prices

Average Price Data

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Average Price series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    APU000070111
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             AP              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-7             0000            Area Code
	8-13            701111          Item Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    CUUR0000SA0L1E
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CU              Prefix
	3               U               Not Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               R               Periodicity Code
	5-8             0000            Area Code
	9               S               Base Code
	10-16           A0L1E           Item Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    CWSR0000SA111211
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CW              Prefix
	3               S               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               R               Periodicity Code
	5-8             0000            Area Code
	9               S               Base Code
	10-16           A111211         Item Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Chained CPI-All Urban Consumers

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Department Store Inventory Price Index series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    SUUR0000SA0
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             SU              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               R               Periodicity Code
	5-8             0000            Area Code
	9-11            SA0             Item Code


To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Producer Price Index Industry Data - Current Series

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Producer Price Index Industry Data - Current series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    PCU22112222112241
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             PC              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-9             221122          Industry Code
	10-19           22112241        Product Code

For higher-level index aggregations (NAICS industry groups whose length is less than 6 digits) will use hyphens as place holders. For example:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    PCU2211--2211--
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             PC              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-9             2211--          Industry Code
	10-15           2211--          Product Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Producer Price Index Commodity Data - Current Series

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Producer Price Index Commodity Data - Current series identifiers:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    WPS141101
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             WP              Prefix
	3               S               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             14              Group Code
	6-14            1101            Item Code

For higher-level index aggregations (e.g. Final Demand-Intermediate Demand system indices) will use alpha-numeric group code. For example:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    WPSFD49116
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             WP              Prefix
	3               S               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             FD              Group Code
	6-14            49116           Item Code

For Inputs to Industry indices, other than construction indices, Bureau of Economic Analysis industry codes are utilized with zero as placeholders for codes less than 6 digits. For example:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    WPUIP32610012
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             WP              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             IP              Group Code
	6-11            326100          Item Code (part 1) and BEA code
	12-14           12              Item Code (part 2)

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Spending & Time Use

American Time Use Survey

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the American Time Use Survey series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    TUU10101AA01011987
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             TU              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-8             10101           Type of Estimate Code
	9               A               Time Period Code
	10              A               All ATUS data series have the character "A."
        11-12           01	        Number of years Code
	13-18           011987          Character Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Consumer Expenditure Survey

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Consumer Expenditure Survey series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CX              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-11            MENBOYS         Item Code
        12-15	   	LB01	        Demographics Code
        16-17           01	        Characteristics Code
	18              M               Process Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Pay & Benefits

National Benefits (NAICS and SOC)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Benefits series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    NBU20530000000000033030
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             NB              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               2               Ownership Code
	5-6             05              Estimate Code
	7-10            3000            Industry Code
	11-16           000000          Occupation Code
	17-18           00              Subcell Code
	19-20           33              Datatype Code
	21-23           030             Provision Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Employment Cost Index (NAICS and SOC)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Employee Cost Index series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    CIS1010000000000I
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CI              Prefix
	3               S               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               1               Ownership Code
	5-6             01              Component Code
	7-10            0000            Industry Code
	11-13           000             Occupation Code
	14-16           000             Subcell Code
	17              I               Periodicity Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (NAICS and SOC)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Employer Cost for Employee Compensation series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    CMU1010000100000P
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CM              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               1               Ownership Code
	5-6             01           	Estimate Code
	7-10           	0000          	Industry Code
	11-14           1000          	Occupation Code
	15-16           00          	Subcell  Code
	17		P		Datatype Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Modeled Wage Estimates (NAICS and SOC)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Modeled Wage Estimates series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    WMU40000011020000004130992500
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             WM              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-10            4000001         Area Code
	11              1               Ownership Code
	12-13           02              Estimate Code
	14-19           000000          Industry Code
	20-25           413099          Occupation Code
	26-27           25              Job Characteristic Code
	28-29           00              Level Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

National Wages (NW) : Discontinued database (NAICS and SOC)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the National Wages Survey series identifier:

			      1         2         3
	Series ID    NWU371674020200000000002505000
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             NW              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             37              State Code
	6-10            16740           Area Code
	11           	2           	Ownership Code
	12-13           02           	Estimate Code
	14-17           0000            Industry Code
	18-23           000000          Occupation Code
	24-25           25              Subcell Code
	26-27           05              Data Type Code
	28-29           00              Work Level/Supervisory Code
	30              0               Filler Codeseasonal (code)

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Work Stoppages

Work Stoppages Program

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Work Stoppage series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    WSUB00
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             WS              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-6             B00             Measure Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:



Major Sector Productivity and Costs

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Major Sector Productivity and Costs series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    PRS85006032
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             PR              Prefix
	3               S               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-7             3000            Sector Code
	8               6               Type Code
	9-10            08              Measure Code
	11              1               Duration Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Major Sector Total Factor Productivity

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Major Sector Total Factor Productivity Index series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    MPU4900012
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             MP              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-7             4900            Sector Code
	8-9             01              Measure Code
	10              2               Duration Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Industry Productivity

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Industry Productivity series identifier:

	                      1         2         3
	Series ID    IPUBN212___W000000000
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             IP              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               B               Sector Code
	5-11            N21___          Industry Code
	12-14           W00             Measure Code
	15              0               Duration Code
	16-21           000000          Area Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Workplace Injuries

Occupational Injuries and Illnesses - industry data (2014 forward)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Injuries and Illnesses industry data series identifier:

	                         1         2
	Series ID   	ISU00X00000060N00
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             IS              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-6             00X             Supersector Code
	7-12            000000          Industry Code
	13              6               Data Type Code
	14              0               Case Type Code
	15-17           N00             Area Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2011 forward)

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries series identifier:

	                         1         2
	Series ID   	FWU00X00000080M70

	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             FW              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-6             00X             Category Code
	7-12            000000          Detail Code (Industry, Event or Exposure, Primary Source, Secondary Source, Occupation)
	13              8               Data Type Code
	14              0               Case Type Code
	15-17           M70             Area Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:

Biennial Nonfatal Case and Demographic numbers and rates: selected characteristics

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Injuries and Illnesses industry data series identifier:

	                         1         2
	Series ID   	CBUS8C2212XX6E000
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             CB              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-6             S8C             Category Code
	7-12            2212XX          Event Code
	13              6               Datatype Code
	14              E               Case Code
	15	        0             	Ownership Code
	16-17           00              Area Code

To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Occupational Requirements

Occupational Requirements Survey

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Occupational Requirements Survey series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Series ID    ORUV1000000000001029
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             OR              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4               V               Requirement Code
	5               1               Ownership Code
	6-9             0000            Industry code
	10-12           000             Occupation Code
	13-15           000             Job characteristic Code
	16-20           01029           Estimate Code


To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:



Import/Export Price Indexes

Survey Overview The following is a sample format description of the Import/Export Price Indexes series identifier:

	                      1         2
	Positions       Value           Field Name
	1-2             EI              Prefix
	3               U               Seasonal Adjustment Code
	4-5             CO              Index Code
	6-12            CANMANU         Series Name


To assist you in formatting series IDs, access any of the following for a list of codes and their corresponding titles:


Last Modified Date: August 8, 2024