An official website of the United States government
All sample estimates, including the JOLTS estimates, have inherent variability. The true population value estimated from a sample may be lower or higher than the sample point estimate. Comparing sample estimates to determine if they are different in terms of statistical significance requires the use of a statistical measure called the standard error of the estimate. The JOLTS program computes the standard error for each estimate in each month and then uses the median of those standard errors for statistical comparisons. The median standard errors are derived from the standard errors of not seasonally adjusted monthly estimates for the previous 5 years.
The median standard error tables are provided below for national and state for their respective current year. The tables provide the median standard errors for the level and rate of each data element (job openings, hires, etc.) for each published series.
For information on how to use the JOLTS Median Standard Errors, see the reliability of JOLTS estimates page.
Last Modified Date: July 25, 2024