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Workers in metropolitan areas earned an average of $15.73 per hour in 1997. Workers in non-metropolitan areas averaged $11.84.
White-collar occupations generally recorded higher hourly earnings than blue-collar or service occupations. In metropolitan areas, wages in all three occupations were higher than their counterparts in non-metropolitan areas.
White-collar workers averaged $19.07 in metropolitan areas and $15.15 in non-metropolitan areas. Among blue-collar workers, the corresponding figures were $12.78 and $10.74. Service workers in metropolitan areas received $9.40 per hour while those in non-metropolitan areas received $8.00.
These data are the product of the National Compensation Survey. Read more in "When It Comes To Pay, Does Location Matter?" (PDF 49K), Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 2000.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Pay gap crosses occupational lines at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2000/jul/wk5/art05.htm (visited February 08, 2025).