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A total of 148.6 million persons worked at some point during 2000, of which 67.0 percent were employed year round and full time. This percentage was up from the 65.9 percent figure recorded in 1999 and was the highest since the series began in 1950.
The share of men working full time and year round rose from 73.4 percent in 1999 to 74.4 percent in 2000. The percentage of women working full time and year round increased even more, from 57.6 percent to 58.9 percent.
Year-round workers are employed for 50 to 52 weeks a year and full-time workers usually work 35 or more hours a week.
These data are from the March Supplement to the Current Population Survey. Learn more in "Work Experience of the Population in 2000," news release USDL 01-401.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Working full time, year round at new high in 2000 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2001/nov/wk1/art03.htm (visited February 09, 2025).