An official website of the United States government
The most common use for a computer at work in September 2001 was to access the Internet or to use e-mail.
Of the 72.3 million workers who used a computer on the job, 71.8 percent said that they used the computer to connect to the Internet or use e-mail. Other common uses included word processing (67.0 percent), working with spreadsheets or databases (62.3 percent), and calendar or scheduling (52.9 percent). Less commonly reported uses were graphics and design (28.8 percent) and programming (15.2 percent).
This information is from a supplement to the Current Population Survey. Find more information in "Computer and Internet Use at Work in 2001" news release USDL 02-601.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Reasons for computer use at work at (visited September 12, 2024).