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The proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population age 16 years and over who worked at some time during 2007 was 67.7 percent, essentially unchanged from 2006.
The percent of men who worked during 2007 was 74.1 percent, down slightly from 74.4 percent in 2006. The proportion of women who worked at some point during 2007 held at 61.6 percent.
The proportions of whites (68.3 percent), blacks (63.5 percent), and Asians (67.8 percent) who worked at some time during the year were essentially unchanged in 2007. The proportion of Hispanics who worked at some point during 2007 (68.5 percent) was down from 2006 (69.1 percent).
These data are from the Current Population Survey. To learn more, see "Work Experience of the Population in 2007," USDL news release (PDF) (HTML) news release USDL 08-1803.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Working in 2007 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2008/dec/wk4/art03.htm (visited February 07, 2025).