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An official website of the United States government
October 20, 2011 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)
Occupation | Employment | Median annual wages |
Social and human service assistants |
130,210 | $26,550 |
Child, family, and school social workers |
76,180 | 34,640 |
Rehabilitation counselors |
50,730 | 29,650 |
Mental health and substance abuse social workers |
25,410 | 35,720 |
Mental health counselors |
24,000 | 37,410 |
Educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors |
20,930 | 35,370 |
Healthcare social workers |
18,880 | 38,910 |
Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors |
14,190 | 36,790 |
Social workers, all other |
13,880 | 36,340 |
Marriage and family therapists |
10,880 | 41,320 |
Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists |
8,000 | 56,080 |
Counselors, all other |
6,360 | 33,170 |
These data are featured in the TED article, Helping those in need: Human service workers.