Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

QCEW Methods Overview Page
An in-depth guide on how we create data and the concepts we measure.
A complete list of QCEW resources for QCEW data classification based on areas, industries, establishment sizes, ownerships, and aggregation levels, as well as datatype definitions and data file documentation.
QCEW reporting rates tables for quarterly establishments, employment and wages that provides percentages on reported data.
QCEW revisions tables track changes to establishment, employment, and wage totals going back four years from the most recent publication date. National and state-level revision data from 2017 to the present are available in CSV format.
Details concerning the program scope, concepts, and methods, along with how data in the QCEW new release are calculated and presented.
Explore additional information about the QCEW program including appendices to the Handbook of Methods and other papers.