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Bureau of Labor Statistics > Productivity Research and Program Development Group > Productivity research publications > Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Cunningham, Cindy

  • Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity” (with Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Sabrina Pabilonia, Jay Stewart, and Zoltan Wolf), Review of Income and Wealth, 2022. Working paper version.
  • Chaos Before Order: Productivity Patterns in U.S. Manufacturing”, (with Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, Jay Stewart, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, and Zoltan Wolf). International Productivity Monitor 41, Fall 2021, 138-152.
  • “Job Characteristics and Labor Market Discrimination in Promotions” (with Jed DeVaro and Suman Ghosh) Industrial Relations April 2018.
  • Wage and Job-Skill Distributions in the National Compensation Survey” (with Robert D. Mohr). Monthly Labor Review, February 2017.
  • “The Decentralization of Decision Making and Employee Involvement within the Workplace: Evidence from Four Establishment Datasets” (with Robert D. Mohr). British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 49, No. 4, December 2011, pp.688-716.
  • “Occupations, Human Capital and Skill” (with Alec Levenson). Journal of Labor Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 2010, pp.365-386.
  • “Why are jobs designed the way they are?” (with Michael Gibbs and Alec Levenson). Research in Labor Economics 30, 2010, pp.107-154.
  • Measuring Labor Composition: A Comparison of Alternate Methodologies” in Labor in the New Economy, Katharine G. Abraham, James R. Spletzer, and Michael Harper, eds., NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press, 2010.
  • “Workplace organization and innovation” (with Robert D. Mohr and Peter B. Meyer). Canadian Journal of Economics 43:2 (May 2010), pp.622-639.
  • “High-Involvement Work Design and Job Satisfaction”, (with Robert D. Mohr). Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 61, No. 3, April 2008, pp.275-296.
  • “Which Workers Gain Upon Adopting a Computer?”, (with Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia). Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 40, No. 2, May 2007, pp. 423-444.
  • “Who gains from computer use?”, (with Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia). Perspectives on labour and income, Vol.6, No. 7, July 2005, pp. 3-12.
  • “Returning to the Returns to Computer Use”, (with Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia). American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, May 2005.
  • “Why Have Public Universities Done So Badly?”, Economics of Education Review Vol. 22, No. 1, February 2003, pp.45-57.
  • “ESOPs: For Whose Benefit?”, (with Laura Robinson). Jobs and Capital, Vol. 5, Winter 1996.
  • Working Papers by Cindy Cunningham

Giandrea, Michael D.

  • "Alternative capital asset depreciation rates for U.S. capital and total factor productivity measures," (with Robert J. Kornfeld, Peter B. Meyer, and Susan G. Powers), Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2022
  • Is Bridge Job Activity Overstated?,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. QuinnWork, Aging, and Retirement, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 330-351.
  • Evolving Patterns of Work and Retirement,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. in The Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, edited by Linda George and Kenneth Ferraro.
  • "Retirement Patterns and the Macroeconomy, 1992-2010: The Prevalence and Determinants of Bridge Jobs, Phased Retirement, and Re-entry among Different Cohorts of Older Americans," (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). The Gerontologist, 2014.doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt146
  • Bridge Employment,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. in The Oxford Handbook of Retirement , Mo Wang, editor. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp.293-310.
  • Older workers and short-term jobs: patterns and determinants,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 135, No. 5, May 2012, pp.19-32.
  • Early Retirement:The Dawn of a New Era?” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. TIAA-CREF Institute Policy Brief, July 2011.
  • Reentering the labor force after retirement,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. Monthly Labor Review, June 2011, pp. 34 - 42.
  • “Bridge Jobs: A Comparison Across Cohorts,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn. Research on Aging, Sept. 2009.
  • “Self Employment as a Step in the Retirement Process,” (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). Issue Brief 15 for Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College, Sept. 2008.
  • “The Role of Bridge Jobs after Career Employment,” (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). Issue Brief 6 for Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College, April 2007.
  • “Retirement Patterns from Career Employment,” (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). The Gerontologist, 46, 2006, pp. 514-523.
  • “Are Traditional Retirements a Thing of the Past? New Evidence on Retirement Patterns and Bridge Jobs,” Business Perspectives, 18 (Fall/Winter 2006) Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research: The University of Memphis.
  • Working Papers by Michael Giandrea

Meyer, Peter Benjamin

  • “The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequality”, with Joe Piacentini, Harley Frazis, Michael Schultz, and Leo Sveikauskas, forthcoming in Review of Income and Wealth.
  • Marketing, other intangibles, and output growth in 61 United States industries”, with Leo Sveikauskas, Rachel Soloveichik, Corby Garner, James Bessen, and Matt Russell, Review of Income and Wealth, 2024.
  • "Alternative capital asset depreciation rates for U.S. capital and total factor productivity measures," (with Michael D. Giandrea, Robert J. Kornfeld, and Susan G. Powers), Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2022
  • Revisions to BLS quarterly labor productivity estimates: How large are they?”, with Kendra Asher, John Glaser, Jay Stewart, and Jerin Varghese.  Monthly Labor Review, March 2022
  • Intangible capital and US productivity growth in 61 industries,” with Corby Garner, Matt Russell, James Bessen, and Leo Sveikauskas. Presented at IARIW conference, Aug 2021, and ASSA 2022 (2022 slides), (2021 paper)
  • Employment recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker, Joseph Piacentini, Michael Schultz, and Leo Sveikauskas. Monthly Labor Review, December 2020
  • Augmenting U.S. Census data on industry and occupation of respondents,” coauthored with Kendra Asher. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA).
  • Predicting industry output with statistical learning methods” with Wendy Martinez. 2017. In JSM Proceedings, Government Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 3256-3269.
  • Smart machines and the future U.S. workforce” with Leo Sveikauskas. 2015. Review of The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. Monthly Labor Review.
  • “A Catapult of Riches: the invention of the airplane and its industry.” 2015. Chapter 8 of Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development, edited by Avner Greif, Lynne Kiesling, and John Nye. Princeton University Press.
  • “An Inventive Commons: shared sources of the airplane and its industry.” 2014. Chapter 10 of Governing Knowledge Commons, edited by Brett Frischmann, Michael Madison, and Katherine Strandburg. Oxford University Press.
  • “The Airplane as an Open Source Invention.” Revue Economique Vol. 64, No. 1, January 2013, pp. 115-132.
  • “Workplace Organization and Innovation”. (with Cindy Zoghi and Robert D. Mohr) Canadian Journal of Economics Vol. 43, No.2, May 2010, pp. 622-639.
  • “Who had an Occupation? Changing Boundaries in Historical U.S. Census Data.” Historical Social Research, 34:3, 2009, pp. 149-167.
  • Preliminary Estimates of Multifactor Productivity Growth” (with Michael J. Harper). Monthly Labor Review, June 2005, pp. 32-43.
  • Book review of Productivity, Inequality, and the Digital Economy: A Transatlantic Perspective by Greenan, L’Horty, and Mairesse for Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie. Vol. 81, No. 3, 2004.
  • Entries for "Henry Cort”, “Siemens-Martin process”, and “Machine tools industry” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History (2003).
  • The Weeks Report from the 1880 Census, online. Edited. 2001-4.
  • Online Glossary of Research Economics. 1997-2009. At
  • Integrating an Economics Glossary into any Web Site” (with Martin Poulter). Computers in Higher Education Economics Review. Vol. 13, No. 2. 1999.
  • Working Papers by Peter Meyer

Pabilonia, Sabrina Wulff

Powers, Susan

Stewart, Jay

  • Opening the Black Box: Task and Skill Mix and Productivity Dispersion” (with Cindy Cunningham, Matthew Dey, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Rachel Nesbit, Sabrina Pabilonia, Cody Tuttle, and Zoltan Wolf), BLS Working Paper No. 558, September 2022, and forthcoming in CRIW Conference volume, Technology, Productivity and Economic Growth.
  • “Why was Labor Productivity Growth so High during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Role of Labor Composition”, International Productivity Monitor, Spring 2022.
  • Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity” (with Cindy Cunningham, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Sabrina Pabilonia, and Zoltan Wolf), Review of Income and Wealth, 2022. Working paper version
  • Revisions to BLS quarterly labor productivity estimates: How large are they?”, (with Kendra Asher, John Glaser, Peter Meyer, and Jerin Varghese).  Monthly Labor Review, March 2022, and earlier BLS Working Paper 538.
  • Chaos Before Order: Productivity Patterns in U.S. Manufacturing”, (with Cindy Cunningham, Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, and Zoltan Wolf). International Productivity Monitor 41, Fall 2021, 138-152.
  • Time spent exercising and obesity: An application of Lewbel’s instrumental variables method”, (with Charles Courtemanche and Joshua C. Pinkston), Economics & Human Biology 41 (May 2021)
  • The importance and challenges of measuring work hours” (with Harley Frazis) IZA World of Labor, 2019.
  • Getting Started with Time-Use DataJournal of Time Use Research, 2018.
  • “The BLS Productivity Program”, (with Lucy Eldridge and Chris Sparks) Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • “Reconciling the Divergence in Aggregate U.S. Wage Series”, (with Julien Champagne and Andre Kurmann). Labour Economics 49, December 2017, pp. 27-41.
  • Secondary Childcare in the ATUS: What Does It Measure?”, (with Dori Allard) in The Economics of Multitasking, Charlene M. Kalenkoski and Gigi Foster, eds., Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2015.
  • Adjusting Body Mass for Measurement Error with Invalid Validation Data”, (with Charles Courtemanche and Josh Pinkston). Economics and Human Biology 19, December 2015, pp.275-293.
  • The Importance and Challenges of Measuring Work Hours”, IZA World of Labor 38(3), 2014.
  • Is the Workweek Really Overestimated?”, (with Harley Frazis). Monthly Labor Review 38(3), June 2014.
  • Tobit or Not Tobit?”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement38(3), 2013, pp. 263-290.
  • Early to Bed and Earlier to Rise: School, Maternal Employment, and Children's Sleep ”, Review of Economics and the Household 12(1), March 2014, pp. 29-50.
  • “Cyclical Variation in Labor Hours and Productivity Using the ATUS?”, (with Michael Burda and Daniel S. Hamermesh). American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 103(3), May 2013, pp. 99-104.
  • “How to Think About Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make About Long- and Short-run Time Use form Time Diaries?”, (with Harley Frazis). Annales d'Economie et Statistique (Annals of Economics and Statistics) 105/106, January/June 2012, pp.231-246.
  • “How Does Nonmarket Production Affect Measured Income Inequality?”, (with Harley Frazis). Journal of Population Economics 24(1), January 2011, pp.3-22.
  • “The Timing of Maternal Work and Time with Children”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review 64(1), October 2010, pp.181-20.
  • Time-use Surveys: Issues in Data Collection on Multitasking”, (with Bob Drago). Monthly Labor Review 133(8), August 2010, pp. 17-31.
  • “Why Do BLS Hours Series Tell Different Stories About Trends in Hours Worked?”, (with Harley Frazis). in Labor in the New Economy, Katharine G. Abraham, Michael J. Harper, and James R. Spletzer, eds., NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press, 2010.
  • “Comparing Hours Worked per Job in the Current Population Survey and the American Time Use Survey”, (with Harley Frazis). Social Indicators Research. special issue, 93(1), August 2009, pp. 191-195.
  • “The Time Use of Nonworking Men”, in How Do We Spend Our Time? Evidence From the American Time Use Survey, Jean Kimmel, ed. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2008.
  • “Using March CPS Data to Analyze Labor Market Transitions”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 32(2-3), 2007, pp. 177-197.
  • “Where Does the Time Go? Concepts and Measurement in the American Time Use Survey”,(with Harley Frazis), in Hard to Measure Goods and Services: Essays in Memory of Zvi Griliches, Ernst Berndt and Charles Hulten, eds., NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press, 2007.
  • Comparing Childcare Measures in the ATUS and Earlier Time-Use Studies”, (with Dori Allard, Suzanne Bianchi, and Vanessa Wight), Monthly Labor Review 130(5), May 2007.
  • How Do Older Americans Spend Their Time?”, (with Rachel Krantz-Kent) Monthly Labor Review 130(5), May 2007.
  • “Male Nonworkers: Who Are They and Who Supports Them?”, Demography, 43(3), August 2006, pp. 537-552.
  • “Assessing Alternative Indexes for Comparing Activity Profiles”, Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 3(1), August 2006, pp. 49-59.
  • “Data Watch: The American Time Use Survey”, (with Daniel Hamermesh and Harley Frazis), Journal of Economic Perspectives 19(1), Winter 2005, pp. 221-232.
  • What Can Time Use Data Tell Us About Hours of Work”, (with Harley Frazis), Monthly Labor Review 127(12), December 2004, pp. 3-9.
  • “Assessing the Bias Associated with Alternative Contact Strategies in Telephone Time-Use Surveys”, Survey Methodology 28(2), December 2002.
  • “Contact Strategies and Activity Bias in Telephone Time-Use Surveys”, in the Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 2001.
  • “Did Job Security Decline in the 1990s?”, in On the Job: Is Long-Term Employment a Thing of the Past? D. Neumark, Ed., Russell Sage Foundation, 2000.
  • “Why Collect Time-Use Data?”, (with Mary Joyce), in the Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 1999.
  • “The CES Concepts Pilot Study: Design and Analysis of Responses”,(with Karen Goldenberg, Anthony Gomes, and Marilyn Manser), in the Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 1999.
  • “Earnings Concepts and Data Availability for the Current Employment Statistics Survey: Findings from Cognitive Interviews”, (with Karen Goldenberg), in the Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 1999.
  • What Can We Learn From Time-Use Data?”, (with Mary Joyce), Monthly Labor Review 122(8), August 1999, pp. 3-6.
  • ““Why Do Different Wage Series Tell Different Stories?”, (with Katharine G. Abraham and James R. Spletzer). American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 89(2), May 1999, pp. 34-39.
  • “Tracking the Returns to Education in the Nineties: Bridging the Gap Between the New and Old CPS Education Items”, (with Harley Frazis), Journal of Human Resources 34(3), Summer 1999, pp. 629-41.
  • “Adverse Selection and Pay Compression”, Southern Economic Journal 65(4), April 1999, pp.885-99.
  • “Divergent Trends in Alternative Wage Series”, (with Katharine G. Abraham and James R. Spletzer), in Labor Statistics Measurement Issues, John Haltiwanger, Marilyn Manser, and Robert Topel, eds., University of Chicago Press, 1998.
  • “Keying Errors Caused by Unusual Response Categories: Evidence from A Current Population Survey Test”, (with Harley Frazis), Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 1998, pp. 131-34.
  • “Counting the Workers: Results of a First Survey”, (with Sharon R. Cohany, Steven F. Hipple, Thomas J. Nardone, and Anne E. Polivka) in Contingent Work: American Employment Relations in Transition, Kathleen Barker and Kathleen Christensen, eds., Cornell University Press, 1998.
  • Earnings and Benefits of Contingent and Noncontingent Workers”, (with Steven Hipple), Monthly Labor Review 119(10), October 1996, pp.22-30.
  • Earnings and Benefits or Workers in Alternative Arrangements”, (with Steven Hipple) Monthly Labor Review 119(10), October 1996, pp. 46-54.
  • “A Comparison of the New and Old Education Items in the Current Population Survey”, (with Harley Frazis and Michelle Ports), Monthly Labor Review 118(9), September 1995, pp. 40-44.
  • “The Welfare Implications of Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Competitive Insurance Markets”, Economic Inquiry 32(1), April 1994, pp. 193-208.
  • Working Papers by Jay Stewart

Sveikauskas, Leo

  • “The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequality”, with Peter B. Meyer, Joe Piacentini, Harley Frazis, and Michael Schultz, forthcoming in Review of Income and Wealth.
  • Marketing, other intangibles, and output growth in 61 United States industries”, with Rachel Soloveichik, Corby Garner, Peter B. Meyer, James Bessen, and Matt Russell, Review of Income and Wealth, 2024.
  • Employment recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic”, with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker, Peter B. Meyer, Joseph Piacentini, and Michael Schultz. Monthly Labor Review, December 2020
  • Measuring Productivity Growth in Construction” (with Samuel Rowe, James Mildenberger, Jennifer Price, and Arthur Young), Monthly Labor Review, January 2018.
  • Productivity Growth in Construction”, (with Samuel Rowe, James Mildenberger, Jennifer Price, and Arthur Young), Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001138, 2016.
  • Judging Factor Abundance”, (with Harry Bowen). Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 106 (May 1992), 599-620. (jstor)
  • “Productivity Growth and the Depletion of Technological Opportunities”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 1, June 1990, pp. 301-308.
  • “Interindustry Regression Estimates of Factor Abundance”, (with Harry Bowen). in Claudon, Michael and Audretsch, David (Eds.), The Internationalization of United States Markets, New York University Press, New York City, New York, 1989.
  • “The Impact of Research and Development on Productivity Growth”, Bulletin 2331, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., September 1989.
  • “Urban Productivity: City Size or Industry Size?”, (with John Gowdy and Michael Funk). Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 28, May 1988, pp. 185-202.
  • “Multicountry, Multifactor Tests of the Factor Abundance Theory”, (with Harry Bowen and Edward Leamer), American Economic Review, Vol. 77, December 1987, pp. 791-809.
  • “The Contribution of Research and Development to Productivity Growth”, Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 109, March 1986, pp. 16-20.
  • “Intraregional Productivity Differences in New Manufacturing Plants in Sao Paulo State in Brazil”, (with Peter Townroe and Eric Hansen). Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Vol. 121, December 1985, pp. 722-740.
  • “Science and Technology in Many Different Industries: Data for the Analysis of International Trade”, Review of Public Data Use, Vol. 12, June 1984, pp. 133-156.
  • “Science and Technology in United States Foreign Trade”, Economic Journal, Vol. 93, September 1983, pp.542-555.
  • “Measures of Productivity Growth Implied by Tornqvist and Fixed-Weight Input Aggregation”, (with Kent Kunze), pp. 69-72 in U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Trends in Multifactor Productivity, 1948-1981, Bulletin 2178, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1983.
  • “Industry Characteristics and Productivity Growth" (with Catherine D. Sveikauskas), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 48, January 1982, pp. 769-774.
  • “Technological Inputs and Multifactor Productivity Growth”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 63, May 1981, pp. 275-282.
  • “CES Efficiency Parameters”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 62, February 1980, pp.135-139.
  • “Interurban Differences in the Innovative Nature of Production”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 6, April 1979, pp. 216-227.
  • “The Productivity of Cities”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 89, August 1975, pp.393-413.
  • “Bias in Cross-Section Estimates of the Elasticity of Substitution”, International Economic Review, Vol. 15, June 1974, pp. 522-528.
  • Working Papers by Leo Sveikauskas

Other BLS/OPT Publications on Productivity


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