Productivity Research and Program Development
Working Papers and Conference Presentations
- "Why are Measures of Aggregate Hours Worked by the Unincorporated Self-employed So Volatile?" (with Sabrina Pabilonia) BLS Working Paper No. 567, September 2024.
- Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity, (with Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Sabrina Pabilonia, Jay Stewart, and Zoltan Wolf). Center for Economic Studies Working Paper CES 18-25R.
- Optimizing Incentive Plan Design: A Case Study, (with Mike Gibbs and Alec Levenson) Center for Effective Organizations Working Paper T11-10, 2011.
- Why Are Jobs Designed the Way They Are?, (with Mike Gibbs and Alec Levenson). BLS Working Paper No. 382, June 2005.
- The Distribution of Decision Rights in the Workplace: Evidence from Canadian, Australian and UK Data, BLS Working Paper No. 363, December 2002. (renamed The Decentralization of Decision-Making and Employee Involvement within the Workplace: Evidence from British, Australian and Canadian Establishments,)
- Measuring Labor Composition: A Comparison of Alternate Methodologies June 2007.
- Changes to the BLS Labor Composition Index, Unpublished manuscript, June 2006.
- Sectoral Wage Differentials and Job Requirements, (with Alec Levenson). Unpublished manuscript, April 2007.
- The Strength of Occupation Indicators as a Proxy for Skill, (with Alec Levenson). BLS Working Paper No. 404, December 2006.
- Publications by Cindy Michelle Cunningham
- Productivity Dispersion and Structural Change in Retail Trade, with Dominic Smith, G. Jacob Blackwood, Cheryl Grim, Jay Stewart, and Zoltan Wolf. BLS Working Paper 570, November 2023 and revised in June 2024.
- “Transitions from Career Employment Among Public- and Private-Sector Workers,” with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, NBER Working Paper No. 25003, 2018.
- The Impact of Hours Flexibility on Career Employment, Bridge Jobs, and the Timing of Retirement, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 472, 2014.
- Are Gender Differences Emerging in the Retirement Patterns of the Early Boomers?, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 468, 2013.
- New Evidence on Self-Employment Transitions Among Older Americans with Career Jobs, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 463, 2013.
- The Relationship between Work Decisions and Location Later in life, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 458, 2012.
- Employment Patterns and Determinants Among Older Individuals with a History of Short-Duration Jobs, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 440, 2009.
- How Does Occupational Status Impact Bridge Job Prevalence?, with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper No. 447, 2011.
- Self Employment Among Older American Workers, (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). BLS Working Paper No. 418, 2008.
- An Update on Bridge Jobs: The HRS War Babies, (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). BLS Working Paper No. 407, 2008.
- A Micro-level Analysis of Recent Increases in Labor Force Participation among Older Workers, (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). BLS Working Paper No. 400, 2006.
- Industry Competition and Total Factor Productivity Growth, BLS Working Paper No. 399, 2006.
- Are Traditional Retirements a Thing of the Past? New Evidence on Retirement Patterns and Bridge Jobs, (with Kevin E. Cahill and Joseph F. Quinn). BLS Working Paper No. 384, 2005.
- Publications by Michael Giandrea
- “Using multinational patent data to measure a design change in early aviation”, forthcoming in Scientometrics
- Statistical classifications: a FAIRy tale, presented at FCSM 2024, 22 Oct 2024
- Aeronautics patentees and their strategies, 1880-1918 presented at ASSA 2025, 3 Jan 2025, and SSHA 2024, 31 Oct 2024 (as Aeronautical inventors over time, 1880-1918,)
- The impact of COVID-19 on income inequality, presentation to CDC/HERG (Health Economics Research Group), 17 Jan 2024
- "Marketing, other intangibles, and output growth in 61 United States industries", with Leo Sveikauskas, Rachel Soloveichik, Corby Garner, James Bessen, and Matt Russell. Incremental versions in: BEA Working Paper WP2023-11, BLS Working Paper 568, and published in Review of Income and Wealth, 2024.
- Augmented CPS information on Industry and Occupation, with Kendra Asher. JSM (Joint Statistical Meetings) presentation Aug. 2020.
- Augmenting U.S. Census data on industry and occupation of respondents, with Kendra Asher. 2019 IEEE Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) conference, 600-601. At IEEE: doi:10.1109/DSAA.2019.00076
- Metadata systems for the U.S. statistical agencies, in plain language. 2020. Coauthored with Daniel Gillman, Kathryn McNamara, Francisco Moris, William Savino, and Bruce Taylor (the SCOPE metadata team). Slides
Diplopedia and other Federal Government Wikis, presentation coauthored with Bob Watts, for Powerpedia 10th birthday celebration, Jan 27, 2020; video from ~ 46:00 to 54:35
Patent technology classifications for early aeronautics], at SSHA conference, Nov. 2019
- Predicting industry output with statistical learning methods, with Wendy Martinez. 2017. In JSM Proceedings, Government Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 3256-3269.
- EHA, Economic History, and Wikipedia. Plenary presentation at 2013 Economic History Association conference.
- Wikis across government agencies. 2012. Presentation at Tech@State / Wikimania 2012
- Statipedia: a platform for collaboration across statistical agencies, (2009 OECD presentation, with Jim Buszuwski)
- Statipedia: a platform for collaboration across statistical agencies, (2010 FCSM conference paper with Jim Buszuwski)
- Network of Tinkerers: A Model of Open-Source Technology Innovation, BLS Working Paper No. 413, November 2007.
- Workplace Organization and Innovation, (with Cindy Zoghi and Robert Mohr) BLS Working Paper No. 405, May 2007.
- Proposed Category System for 1960-2000 Census Occupations, (with Anastasiya Osborne) BLS Working Paper No. 383, September 2005.
- Turbulence, Inequality, and Cheap Steel, BLS Working Paper No. 375, February 2005.
- Episodes of Collective Invention, BLS Working Paper No. 368, August 2003.
- Publications by Peter Benjamin Meyer
- “Couples’ Remote Work Arrangements and Labor Supply” (with Victoria Vernon), BLS Working Paper No. 581, January 2025.
- "Why are Measures of Aggregate Hours Worked by the Unincorporated Self-employed So Volatile?" (with Cindy Michelle Cunningham) BLS Working Paper No. 567, September 2024.
- "Paid Sick Leave and Childcare" (with Johanna Catherine Maclean) NBER Working Paper No. 32710, July 2024.
- “Remote Work, Wages, and Hours Worked in the United States” (with Victoria Vernon), BLS Working Paper No. 565, June 2024.
- The Effect of Child Gender on Parents’ Labor Supply: Responses among Natives, Immigrants, and Racial and Ethnic Subgroups, (with Jennifer Ward-Batts). Presented at the 8th IZA Annual Migration Meeting, 2011.
- Which Job Skills Are Complementary to IT Adoption and Use?, (with Cindy Zoghi). Presented at the Society of Labor Economists Meetings, 2013.
- Time Allocation of Parents and Investments in Sons and Daughters, (with Shelly Lundberg and Jennifer Ward-Batts). Presented at the Workshop on Gender and the Labor Market at ZEW, March 2008.
- Working at Home: An Analysis of Telecommuting in Canada, Presented at the Southern Economic Association Meetings, 2005.
- Investigation of the Volatility of Quarterly Nonfarm Unincorporated Self-Employed Hours in the CPS, (with Shawn Sprague). Unpublished manuscript, 2004.
- Youth Earnings and Parental Allowances, Presented at the Western Economic Association Meetings, 2002.
- The Effects of Federal and State Minimum Wage Laws Upon Youth Employment, Presented at the Society of Labor Economist Meetings, 2002.
- Publications by Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia
- “Productivity Measurement in a Decentralized Statistical System: Challenges and Opportunities”, (with Robert E. Yuskavage) Parallel Session 4A: Productivity Measurement: Methodology and International Comparisons, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), 29th General Conference, Joensuu, Finland, August 2006.
- “Progress Toward Completing Historical Production Accounts using the North American Industry Classification System”, (with Michael J. Harper, Barabara M. Fraumeni, and Robert E. Yuskavage).
- “Comparison of BEA and BLS NAICS-based Output Measures”, (with Michael J. Harper, Barabara M. Fraumeni, and Robert E. Yuskavage).
- “The Cyclicality of Productivity Measures: Are There Increasing Returns?”, (with Michael J. Harper). Presented at the Society of Government Economists, Allied Social Sciences Meeting, January 1993.
- “Economic Statistics for Economies in Transition: Eastern Europe in the 1990’s”, Proceedings Volume for the Conference on Economic Statistics for Economies in Transition: Eastern Europe in the 1990’s, sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Eurostat, held February 14-16, 1991 in Washington, D.C.
- “Cyclicality of Labor Productivity Measures”, (with Lawrence J. Fulco and Michael J. Harper). Presented at the Atlantic Economic Association Meeting, December 1990.
- “Cyclical Movements in Bureau of Labor Statistics Multifactor Productivity Measures and Capacity Utilization”, BLS Working Paper 128, August 1989.
- Publications by Susan Powers
- Productivity Dispersion and Structural Change in Retail Trade, with Dominic Smith, G. Jacob Blackwood, Michael D. Giandrea, Cheryl Grim, and Zoltan Wolf. BLS Working Paper 570, November 2023 and revised in June 2024.
- Recent Trends in Job Stability and Job Security, BLS Working Paper No. 356, 2002.
- A Report on the Feasibility of Conducting a Time-Use Survey, (with Michael Horrigan, Diane Herz, Ed Robison, and Linda Stinson). Report submitted to the National Academy of Sciences, May 1999.
- Has Job Mobility Increased? Evidence from the Current Population Survey: 1975-1995, BLS Working Paper No. 308, February 1998.
- Do Older Workers Respond to Changes in Social Security? A Look at the Time Series Evidence, BLS Working Paper No. 272, December 1995.
- Publications by Jay Stewart
- "Marketing, other intangibles, and output growth in 61 United States industries", with Rachel Soloveichik, Corby Garner, Peter B. Meyer, James Bessen, and Matt Russell. Incremental versions: BEA Working Paper WP2023-11, BLS Working Paper 568, and published in Review of Income and Wealth, 2024.
- Allocation of Company Research and Development Expenditures to Industries Using a Tobit Model, (with Christian Awuku-Budu).Center for Economic Studies Working Paper 15-42.
- R&D and Productivity Growth: A Review of the literature, BLS Working Paper No. 408, September 2007.
- CES Efficiency Parameters, BLS Working Paper No. 81, 1980.
- Publications by Leo Sveikauskas
Other Productivity Research
Last Modified Date: December 3, 2024