An official website of the United States government
The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) maintains a database of fatal work injuries in the United States back to 1992 and provides a number of online mechanisms for accessing these data. Our online Profiles system performs online cross-tabulations and can be found at Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Fatal Injuries Profiles. The BLS also maintains a list of Most Requested Statistics. Queries may be run using either of the following tools: Create Customized Tables (One Screen—requires Java), and Create Customized Tables (Multiple Screens). Additional compiled tables can be found at Current and Revised Data.
In addition to these online tools, BLS economists can perform special tabulations of data not available elsewhere. BLS is currently evaluating and updating the disclosure criteria used for outputs from the CFOI. Until this evaluation is complete, BLS will be unable to process special queries for CFOI.
It is our experience that most data requests can be completed using one of the methods noted above. However, if these mechanisms do not provide the data you need, the BLS may approve access to a restricted access micro data research file via a virtual data enclave. For a description of CFOI data and a list of data elements collected, see the BLS Handbook of Methods. The research file contains data from various sources. Much of these data were collected under a pledge of confidentiality and therefore are protected under the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002.
The CFOI research file is available only to those researchers who agree to protect the confidentiality of the data and have the safeguards in place to do so. In addition, proposed projects must have a well-defined research question of scientific merit that is of a purely statistical nature. Currently, access to restricted CFOI data is considered only for research projects that do not involve tabular output. Ultimately, final approval rests with the Commissioner of BLS.
Applications can be submitted at any time by following the process for restricted data access: https://www.bls.gov/rda/home.htm.
Last Modified Date: June 7, 2023