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In May 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule requiring certain employers to submit their workplace injury and illness data electronically. OSHA began the process of collecting establishment data in 2017, launching the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) as a means for employers to provide this information. Recognizing that some Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) respondents may also be required to report to OSHA, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and OSHA are working together to reduce duplicative burden.
Since 2017, BLS has conducted research to determine the extent to which OSHA-collected data may be incorporated in the SOII. In 2019, SOII respondents were asked to provide their OSHA identification number in order to better understand the linkages in information provided to these two programs.
Beginning in 2020, some respondents will be able to provide their OSHA identification number to import to BLS the data that they have submitted to the OSHA ITA. If BLS can successfully match its establishment information with establishment information reported to OSHA, summary illness and injury data that have been reported to the OSHA ITA in the same year will be automatically imported into the SOII Internet Data Collection Facility (IDCF). Imported data are taken from the OSHA 300A form, "Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses." Additional information may need to be entered manually to complete the SOII.
Information obtained through the OSHA ITA system by BLS is kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only, held in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent. For these reasons, BLS cannot share information in the SOII with OSHA. Protections are included to ensure that OSHA will not know what establishments participate in the SOII, even if data is obtained from the OSHA ITA system.
Below is a brief summary of BLS research on this topic. Please click here for a list of frequently asked questions.
For further questions, please contact us at IIFStaff@bls.gov or (202) 691-6170.
Completed Research | Current Research | |
FY2018Research to identify various approaches to combining injury and illness data in the SOII with the administrative records reported directly to OSHA.Outputs include:
FY2017Outputs include:
| FY2020BLS and OSHA complete a secure application programming interface (API) that imports some data from OSHA's ITA into the BLS Internet Data Collection Facility (IDCF) for some SOII respondents.FY2019Research to perform unit level linkage of the reference year 2016 ITA data to both the SOII and the SOII sample frame.Outputs include:
Last Modified Date: December 21, 2020