Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Data
News Release
Summary tables and percent relative standard errors - 2023
- The percent relative standard errors in tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey estimates.
- Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level (XLSX) (HTML)
- Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates (XLSX) (HTML)
- Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level (XLSX) (HTML)
- Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts (XLSX) (HTML)
- Table 3 - Number of hours worked and percent relative standard errors - detailed industry level - 2023 (XLSX)
- Supplemental news release tables
- SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses (XLSX)
- SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses (XLSX)
- SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses (XLSX)
- SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and Illnesses (XLSX)
- SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed industry (XLSX)
- SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases (XLSX)
- SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry division (XLSX)
- SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry (XLSX)
- SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry (XLSX)
- SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases (XLSX)
- Quartile Data
- Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
- Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
- Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
- Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
- Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
- Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size – 2023 (XLSX)
Interactive Charts
- Charts related to the latest "Employer-reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses" news release (HTML)
- Total nonfatal work injuries and illnesses rates, by year, private industry (HTML)
- Nonfatal work injuries and illnesses rates, by year and case type, private industry (HTML)
- Number and rate of nonfatal work injuries and illnesses in private industries (HTML)
- Number and rate of nonfatal work injuries in private industries (HTML)
- Number and rate of nonfatal work illnesses in private industries (HTML)
- Number and rate of nonfatal work injuries in detailed private industries (HTML)
- Number and rate of nonfatal work illnesses in detailed private industries (HTML)
- Number of nonfatal work injuries and illnesses, by state and case type, private industry
- Total recordable cases (in thousands) (HTML)
- Cases involving days away from work, job restriction, or transfer (in thousands) (HTML)
- Cases involving days away from work (in thousands) (HTML)
- Cases involving days of job transfer or restriction (in thousands) (HTML)
- Other recordable cases (in thousands) (HTML)
- Rate of nonfatal work injuries and illnesses, by state and case type, private industry
- Total recordable cases (per 100 full-time workers) (HTML)
- Cases involving days away from work, job restriction, or transfer (per 100 full-time workers) (HTML)
- Cases involving days away from work (per 100 full-time workers) (HTML)
- Cases involving days of job transfer or restriction (per 100 full-time workers) (HTML)
- Other recordable cases (per 100 full-time workers) (HTML)
Biennial case and demographic characteristics for work-related injuries and illnesses involving days away from work, restricted activity, or job transfer - 2021-22
Biennial estimates for case circumstances and worker demographics for cases involving days away from work and days of job transfer or restriction were published for the first time for the two-year 2021-2022 reference period. These data will be published every two years (biennially), with the next release occurring for the 2023-2024 period.
- By Industry
- R1. Detailed industry by selected natures (Number) (XLSX)
- R2. Detailed industry by selected parts of body affected (Number) (XLSX)
- R4. Detailed industry by selected events or exposures (Number) (XLSX)
- R5. Detailed industry by selected natures (Rate) (XLSX)
- R6. Detailed industry by selected parts of body affected (Rate) (XLSX)
- R8. Detailed industry by selected events or exposures (Rate) (XLSX)
- R37. Detailed industry by age of worker (Number) (XLSX)
- R65. Detailed industry by number of days by case type (Number) (XLSX)
- By Occupation
- R9. Detailed occupation by selected natures (Number) (XLSX)
- R10. Detailed occupation by selected parts of body affected (Number) (XLSX)
- R11. Detailed occupation by selected sources (Number) (XLSX)
- R12. Detailed occupation by selected events or exposures (Number) (XLSX)
- R41. Detailed occupation by age of worker (Number) (XLSX)
- R44. Detailed occupation by industry division (Number) (XLSX)
- R66. Detailed occupation by number of days by case type (Number) (XLSX)
- R98. Detailed occupation by selected natures (Rate) (XLSX)
- R100. Detailed occupation by selected events or exposures (Rate) (XLSX)
- By Event or Exposure
- R31. Detailed event or exposure by selected natures (Number) (XLSX)
- R33. Detailed event or exposure by selected sources (Number) (XLSX)
- R60. Detailed event or exposure by age of worker (Number) (XLSX)
- R64. Detailed event or exposure by industry division (Number) (XLSX)
- R70. Detailed event or exposure by number of days by case type (Number) (XLSX)
- R75. Detailed event or exposure by major industry division (Rate) (XLSX)
- By Nature
- R13. Detailed nature by selected parts of body affected (Number) (XLSX)
- R67. Detailed nature by number of days by case type (Number) (XLSX)
- By Worker Characteristics
- R71. Selected worker characteristics by number of days by case type (Number) (XLSX)
- By Musculoskeletal Disorders
- MSD by nature of injury or illness by days away from work cases and days of job transfer or restriction cases (Number, Rate, Median) (XLSX)
- MSD by part of body affected by days away from work cases and days of job transfer or restriction cases (Number, Rate, Median) (XLSX)
Historical Data
Last Modified Date: November 8, 2024