An official website of the United States government
The 2004 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) data were revised to include 61 cases that were identified or confirmed after the preliminary 2004 data were released in August 2005. The revised fatality count for 2004 is 5,764. Fifty-one of the 61 additional cases were from California, largely due to delays in obtaining death certificate information. As a result, the distribution of the updates by demographic characteristics strongly resembled the distribution of fatalities in California. Notably, 31 percent or 19 of the 61 total updates were to workers of Hispanic origin. The resulting fatality count for 2004 to Hispanic workers was 902, a new series high. Additionally, 36 percent, or 22, of the updates were to foreign-born workers.
Of the updates, over half, or 31, were transportation incidents (of which 25 were highway incidents), 13 percent (8) were homicides, 10 percent (6) were suicides, and 10 percent (6) were falls. Eleven of the 61 fatalities were in the Transportation and warehousing industry, 9 of which were in Truck transportation. Ten fatalities each occurred in construction and agriculture bringing the total 2004 count in these industries to 1,234 and 669, respectively. Eight fatalities occurred to government workers, 7 of which were to workers in the resident military.
The revised data can be accessed using the following tools: Most Requested Statistics, Create Customized Tables (One Screen), and Create Customized Tables (Multiple Screens). Additional tables can be found on Current and Revised Data.
Last Modified Date: April 26, 2006