An official website of the United States government
Struck-by-Lightning Deaths in the United States
Journal of Environmental Health, v 67, n 9, May 2005, 45-50.
Adekoya, Nelson and Kurt B. Nolte. (Reprinted with permission from Journal of Environmental Health, May 2005, a publication of the National Environmental Health Association Occupational Injuries at Road Construction Sites
Monthly Labor Review, December 2004, 43-47.
Pegula, Stephen.Occupational Injuries among Young Workers
Monthly Labor Review, October 2005, 11-23.
Windau, Janice and Samuel Meyer.Is the Fatal Occupational Injury Experience in the United States Really Improving?
NORA (National Occupational Research Agenda) Symposium, April 2006.
Biddle, Elyce, PhD., NIOSH.Visual Essay: Foreign-born Hispanic Workers
Monthly Labor Review, October 2005, 63-67.
Richardson, Scott.
Last Modified Date: September 16, 2015