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As part of the planning process for a new NLSY27 cohort, the NLS has sought recommendations from outside experts on measurement objects and prospective content. In fiscal year 2022 outside contractors (NORC at the University of Chicago, contract #1605C5-21-P-00020) conducted a needs assessment for a new cohort consisting of stakeholder and user outreach, a retrospective analysis of prior uses of NLSY data, and a review of possible alternative data sources. They also convened four content panels to make recommendations regarding the content of specific sections for the NLSY27 questionnaire during the earlier rounds: family and early childhood retrospectives, K-12 education and cognition, health and environmental outcomes, and assessment tools of the Department of Defense (including the ASVAB).
In fiscal year 2023 outside contractors (NORC at the University of Chicago, contract #1605C5-22-Q-00065) convened two additional content panels: delinquency, victimization, and interactions with the criminal justice system, and employment and work arrangements.
The NLS has now received reports from contractors from these activities. The reports provide advice about several foundational NLSY27 topics:
Fiscal Year 2022
Report on the Content and Measurement Objectives for the NLSY27: Provides recommendations on content and measurements objectives for a new NLSY27 cohort based on stakeholder outreach activities, a retrospective analysis of prior use of NLSY data, and a detailed evaluation of potential alternative data sources.
Retrospective Analysis Report: Assesses strengths of previous NLSY cohorts according to research usage and impact, identifies less well-used variables in previous NLSY97 cohort, and compares NLSY to other large longitudinal surveys.
Retrospective Analysis Report Appendices:
Evaluation of Potential Alternative Data Sources: Assesses alternative data sources that could be integrated into the NLSY27 to improve the accuracy of survey data collected, reduce respondent burden, or expand the scope of the survey content.
Summary report from four Content Panels: Provides summary of key recommendations of the four content panels and implications of recommendations for the design of the NLSY27.
Reports from four Content Panels:
Fiscal Year 2023
Reports from two Content Panels:
Fiscal Year 2024
Note that while these reports are recommendations to BLS from informed sources not all suggestions will be implemented.
Last Modified Date: June 14, 2024