An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected F765 Quad stayer 265 H498 Quahogger 09 B036 Qualifications examiner FGOV 91-97 F796 Quality checker 20-39 F796 Quality control checker 20-39 F797 Quality tester All Industries B036 Quality-assurance representative 91-97 B022 Quality-assurance representative Exc. 91-97 A073 Quality-control chemist All Industries D365 Quality-control clerk All Industries A056 Quality-control director All Industries A056 Quality-control expert All Industries F774 Quality-control head 781-783,792 A225 Quality-control technician All Industries F797 Quality-control tester All Industries B015 Quarantine officer Public Health Service 94 E628 Quarry boss 14 E617 Quarry boy 14 E617 Quarry worker 14 E617 Quarry-plug & feather driller 14 E613 Quarryman OWN 14 E617 Quarryman PR 14 F745 Quarter backer 313,314 F745 Quarter seamer 313,314 F785 Quarter trimmer 371 E628 Quarterman 373 G829 Quartermaster 44 F769 Quartz cutter 361,362,364,367,369 E615 Quartz miner, blasting 14 E616 Quartz miner, n. s. 14 F769 Quartz mounter 361,362,364,367,369 F796 Quartz orientator 361,362,364,367,369 F777 Quebracho tanner 311 G856 Quencher operator Coke 331 G856 Quenching-car man Coke 331 G856 Quenching-car operator Coke 331 F724 Quenching-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H878 Quill boy 22 H878 Quill cleaner 22 H878 Quill collector 22 F738 Quill fixer 22 F777 Quill layer 22 F738 Quill reamer 22 H878 Quill skinner 22 H878 Quill stripper 22 F738 Quill winder 22 F738 Quill-machine operator 22 F738 Quill-machine tender 22 F738 Quiller 22 F738 Quiller hand 22 F738 Quiller operator 22 F738 Quiller runner 22 F738 Quiller tender 22 F744 Quilt maker 239 E666 Quilt maker Exc. 239 F785 Quilt stuffer All Industries F744 Quilter 22 E666 Quilter 7219 F744 Quilting-machine operator 25 D389 Quotation checker 63,64 D323 Quotation clerk All Industries D323 Quotation man All Industries D323 Quoter 63,64
Last modified: October 16, 2001