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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected Teachers, elementary & secondary A156 —Any subject Elementary school 821 A157 —Any subject Secondary school 821 A155 —Day care 835 A157 —G.E.D. 821 A159 —G.E.D. Exc. 821 A158 —Handicapped 821 A155 —Head start 821,835 A157 —High school 821 A159 —Home, exc. teaching All Industries A156 —Home-teaching grades 1 thru 6 All Industries A157 —Home-teaching grades 7 and 8, subject specified All Industries A156 —Home-teaching grades 7 and 8, subject, n. s. All Industries A157 —Home-teaching grades 9 thru 12 All Industries A156 —Intermediate 821 A157 —Junior high school 821 A155 —Kindergarten 821 A156 —Middle school 821 A155 —Nursery school 821,835 A156 —Practice or student Elementary school 821 A157 —Practice or student Secondary school 821 A155 —Pre-school 821,835 A156 —Reading 821 A156 —Remedial reading, exc. secondary 821 A157 —Remedial reading, secondary 821 A156 —Resource Elementary school 821 A158 —Special education All Industries A156 —Specified grades 1 thru 6 All Industries A157 —Specified grades 7 and 8, subject spec ified All Industries A156 —Specified grades 7 and 8, subject n. s. All Industries A157 —Specified grades 9 thru 12 All Industries A157 —Specified subject, school level n. s. 821 A156 —Subject or level not specified 821 A160 —Substitute All Industries A163 —Teacher and counselor 821 A159 —Tutor, any subject specified or n. s. 821 A156 —Visitation-teaching grades 1 thru 6 All Industries A157 —Visitation-teaching grades 7 and 8, subject specified All Industries A156 —Visitation-teaching grades 7 and 8, subject n.s. All Industries A157 —Visitation-teaching grades 9 thru 12 All Industries A159 —Visiting 821 A156 —N. s. 821 A156 —N. s. Elementary school 821 A157 —N. s. High school 821 A157 —N. s. Military school 821 A155 —N. s. Nursery school 821,835 A155 —N. s. Pre-school 821,835 A156 —N. s. Private school 821 A156 —N. s. School 821 A157 —N. s. Secondary school 821 A157 —N. s. Vocational school GOV 821
Last modified: October 16, 2001