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Each year since 1969, the Lawrence R. Klein Award has honored the best articles appearing in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Monthly Labor Review. The award was established in honor of Lawrence R. Klein, who retired in 1968 after 22 years as editor-in-chief of the Review and established a fund to encourage articles that
Among articles by BLS authors in 2013, the trustees chose “High employment growth firms: defining and counting them” by Richard L. Clayton, Akbar Sadeghi, David M. Talan, and James R. Spletzer (June 2013).
Among articles by non-BLS authors, the trustees selected “The relationship between housing and labor market crises and doubling up: an MSA-level analysis, 2005–2011” by William H. Rogers and Anne E. Winkler (August 2013).
Members of the Lawrence R. Klein Award board of trustees are Deborah Klein (president), Ronald Kutscher (secretary-treasurer), William Barron, Kenneth Dalton, and Robert Bednarzik.