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Among the States, Connecticut had the highest average annual pay—$42,653—in 1999. The next highest pay level occurred in the State of New York—$42,133.
Following Connecticut and New York were Massachusetts ($40,331), California ($37,564), and Illinois ($36,279). Occupying the remaining top 10 pay positions for states were, in order of 1999 pay levels, Washington, Michigan, Delaware, Maryland, and Colorado.
Average annual pay for the District of Columbia was $50,742 in 1999.
The BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program produced these data. Pay data presented here are for all workers covered by State and Federal unemployment insurance programs. Data for 1999 are preliminary and subject to revision. Find more information on pay levels in 1999 in "Average Annual Pay By State and Industry, 1999," news release USDL 00-339.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Connecticut, New York tops in pay at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2000/dec/wk1/art03.htm (visited February 15, 2025).