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In private industry, employment cost increases between June 2001 and June 2002 varied by occupation, industry, and union status.
Over the year ended in June 2002, compensation cost increases were 4.1 percent for white-collar occupations, 3.9 percent for blue-collar occupations, and 4.0 percent for service occupations.
Over the same year, the compensation cost increase was 3.6 percent for goods-producing industries. The over-the-year increase in compensation for service-producing industries was 4.2 percent.
Compensation costs for union workers rose 4.5 percent over the year, compared with a 3.9 percent increase for nonunion workers.
These data are from the Employment Cost Trends program. Compensation costs (also known as employment costs) include wages, salaries, and employer costs for employee benefits. See USDL 02-403, "Employment Cost Index--June 2002" (PDF) (TXT), for more information on changes in compensation costs.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Variation in employment cost increases at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2002/jul/wk5/art01.htm (visited February 18, 2025).