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Long-term care insurance was offered to 26 percent of State and local government workers in September 2007.
Such insurance was the quality-of-life benefit most commonly offered to employees of State and local governments.
Another quality-of-life benefit, employer assistance for childcare, was available to 19 percent of State and local government workers. Childcare resource and referral services were available to 10 percent of workers, and on- and off-site childcare, to 9 percent; employer-provided funds for childcare were available to 4 percent.
Subsidized commuting was available to 10 percent of State and local government employees and adoption assistance to 8 percent of employees.
These data are from the BLS National Compensation Survey. To learn more, see "National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in State and Local Governments in the United States, September 2007," (PDF) Summary 08-02, March 2008.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, State and local government workers’ access to quality-of-life benefits at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2008/mar/wk5/art05.htm (visited February 13, 2025).