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The percentage of managers and professionals that have access to employer-provided medical coverage is more than twice that of service workers.
Two-thirds of managers and professionals participate in their employer's plan, compared with just over a quarter of the workers in service occupations. In addition, employees in service-related occupations are required to contribute a higher proportion of their benefit premiums, on average, than are managers and professionals.
Access to medical care benefits is also greater for union workers than for nonunion workers—92 percent versus 67 percent. Similarly, access is greater for full-time workers (85 percent) than for part-time workers (23 percent).
These projections are from the National Compensation Survey program. To learn more, see "Tracking Employment-Based Health Benefits in Changing Times," in the January issue of Compensation and Working Conditions Online.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Employer-provided health care benefits at (visited January 16, 2025).