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The average hourly employer compensation costs for private industry workers were $39.61 in September 2022. Wages and salaries accounted for $27.93 of these costs, while benefits accounted for $11.68.
Category | Total compensation | Wages and salaries | Benefits |
All workers |
$39.61 | $27.93 | $11.68 |
Union workers |
53.20 | 31.95 | 21.24 |
Union workers in goods-producing industries |
56.70 | 32.52 | 24.18 |
Union workers in service-providing industries |
51.64 | 31.70 | 19.94 |
Nonunion workers |
38.37 | 27.56 | 10.81 |
Nonunion workers in goods-producing industries |
40.93 | 28.80 | 12.14 |
Nonunion workers in service-providing industries |
37.90 | 27.34 | 10.57 |
In September 2022, the average hourly employer compensation costs for private industry union workers were $53.20. Employer compensation costs were $56.70 for union workers in goods-producing industries and $51.64 for union workers in service-providing industries.
The average hourly employer compensation costs for private industry nonunion workers were $38.37 in September 2022. Employer compensation costs were $40.93 for nonunion workers in goods-producing industries and $37.90 for nonunion workers in service-providing industries.
These data are from the Employment Cost Trends program and are not seasonally adjusted. To learn more, see "Employer Costs for Employee Compensation — September 2022." We also have more charts on the latest Employer Costs for Employee Compensation news release.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Average hourly private industry employer compensation costs were $39.61 in September 2022 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/average-hourly-private-industry-employer-compensation-costs-were-39-61-in-september-2022.htm (visited February 10, 2025).