An official website of the United States government
ATUS industry codes use the U.S. Census Bureau's Industry Classification System, which is based on the North American Industry Classification System. Beginning with the 2020 ATUS and CPS, industry data were classified using the 2017 Census Industry Classification System. This system replaced the 2012 Census Industry Classification System. The 2012 Census Industry Classification System was incorporated beginning with the 2014 ATUS and CPS and replaced the 2007 Census Industry Classification System. The 2007 Census Industry Classification System was used by ATUS from 2010 and by CPS from 2009 until the 2012 classification scheme was implemented. The 2002 Census Industry Classification System was used by ATUS and CPS from 2003 until the 2007 classification scheme was implemented. There were only minor differences between the 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Census Industry Classification Systems.
ATUS occupation codes use the U.S. Census Bureau's Occupation Classification System, which is based on the Standard Occupational Classification. Beginning with the 2020 ATUS and CPS, occupation data were classified using the 2018 Census Occupation Classification System. This system replaced the 2010 Census Occupation Classification System. The 2010 Census Occupation Classification System was incorporated beginning with the 2011 ATUS and CPS; it replaced the 2002 Census Occupation Classification System, which was used by ATUS and CPS from 2002 until the 2010 classification scheme was implemented. There are numerous differences between the 2002, 2010, and 2018 Census Occupation Classification Systems and as a result, occupational data are not strictly comparable across all the years.
More information on the differences between the Census Occupation and Industry classification systems is provided by the Current Population Survey. For detailed information on ATUS variables impacted by these changes, see changes between the ATUS Single-Year Data Files document as well as the ATUS Data Dictionaries.
Detailed lists of the industry and occupation codes in the Census Industry and Occupation Classification Systems are provided below.
Last Modified Date: July 22, 2021