An official website of the United States government
QCEW has created a full-industry crosswalk for all versions of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), with the most recent version (NAICS 2022) included in the table below, along with High-Level BLS industries. This is a tool created to help data users quickly reference industry relationships while using QCEW database options. QCEW is also providing a downloadable option of this table for data users, along with additional historical crosswalks for previous versions of NAICS.
Related Documentation: QCEW Industry Guide; BLS QCEW Industry Finder; NAICS 2022 Guide
NAICS HIERARCHY CROSSWALKS - 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, & 2022: XLSX
naics6_code | naics6_title | naics5_code | naics5_title | naics4_code | naics4_title |
111110 |
Soybean Farming | 11111 | Soybean Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111120 |
Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming | 11112 | Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111130 |
Dry Pea and Bean Farming | 11113 | Dry Pea and Bean Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111140 |
Wheat Farming | 11114 | Wheat Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111150 |
Corn Farming | 11115 | Corn Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111160 |
Rice Farming | 11116 | Rice Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111191 |
Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming | 11119 | Other Grain Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111199 |
All Other Grain Farming | 11119 | Other Grain Farming | 1111 | Oilseed and Grain Farming |
111211 |
Potato Farming | 11121 | Vegetable and Melon Farming | 1112 | Vegetable and Melon Farming |
111219 |
Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming | 11121 | Vegetable and Melon Farming | 1112 | Vegetable and Melon Farming |
111310 |
Orange Groves | 11131 | Orange Groves | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111320 |
Citrus (except Orange) Groves | 11132 | Citrus (except Orange) Groves | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111331 |
Apple Orchards | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111332 |
Grape Vineyards | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111333 |
Strawberry Farming | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111334 |
Berry (except Strawberry) Farming | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111335 |
Tree Nut Farming | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111336 |
Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111339 |
Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming | 11133 | Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming | 1113 | Fruit and Tree Nut Farming |
111411 |
Mushroom Production | 11141 | Food Crops Grown Under Cover | 1114 | Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production |
111419 |
Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover | 11141 | Food Crops Grown Under Cover | 1114 | Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production |
111421 |
Nursery and Tree Production | 11142 | Nursery and Floriculture Production | 1114 | Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production |
111422 |
Floriculture Production | 11142 | Nursery and Floriculture Production | 1114 | Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production |
111910 |
Tobacco Farming | 11191 | Tobacco Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111920 |
Cotton Farming | 11192 | Cotton Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111930 |
Sugarcane Farming | 11193 | Sugarcane Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111940 |
Hay Farming | 11194 | Hay Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111991 |
Sugar Beet Farming | 11199 | All Other Crop Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111992 |
Peanut Farming | 11199 | All Other Crop Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
111998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming | 11199 | All Other Crop Farming | 1119 | Other Crop Farming |
112111 |
Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming | 11211 | Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including Feedlots | 1121 | Cattle Ranching and Farming |
112112 |
Cattle Feedlots | 11211 | Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including Feedlots | 1121 | Cattle Ranching and Farming |
112120 |
Dairy Cattle and Milk Production | 11212 | Dairy Cattle and Milk Production | 1121 | Cattle Ranching and Farming |
112210 |
Hog and Pig Farming | 11221 | Hog and Pig Farming | 1122 | Hog and Pig Farming |
112310 |
Chicken Egg Production | 11231 | Chicken Egg Production | 1123 | Poultry and Egg Production |
112320 |
Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production | 11232 | Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production | 1123 | Poultry and Egg Production |
112330 |
Turkey Production | 11233 | Turkey Production | 1123 | Poultry and Egg Production |
112340 |
Poultry Hatcheries | 11234 | Poultry Hatcheries | 1123 | Poultry and Egg Production |
112390 |
Other Poultry Production | 11239 | Other Poultry Production | 1123 | Poultry and Egg Production |
112410 |
Sheep Farming | 11241 | Sheep Farming | 1124 | Sheep and Goat Farming |
112420 |
Goat Farming | 11242 | Goat Farming | 1124 | Sheep and Goat Farming |
112511 |
Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries | 11251 | Aquaculture | 1125 | Aquaculture |
112512 |
Shellfish Farming | 11251 | Aquaculture | 1125 | Aquaculture |
112519 |
Other Aquaculture | 11251 | Aquaculture | 1125 | Aquaculture |
112910 |
Apiculture | 11291 | Apiculture | 1129 | Other Animal Production |
112920 |
Horses and Other Equine Production | 11292 | Horses and Other Equine Production | 1129 | Other Animal Production |
112930 |
Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production | 11293 | Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production | 1129 | Other Animal Production |
112990 |
All Other Animal Production | 11299 | All Other Animal Production | 1129 | Other Animal Production |
113110 |
Timber Tract Operations | 11311 | Timber Tract Operations | 1131 | Timber Tract Operations |
113210 |
Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | 11321 | Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | 1132 | Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products |
113310 |
Logging | 11331 | Logging | 1133 | Logging |
114111 |
Finfish Fishing | 11411 | Fishing | 1141 | Fishing |
114112 |
Shellfish Fishing | 11411 | Fishing | 1141 | Fishing |
114119 |
Other Marine Fishing | 11411 | Fishing | 1141 | Fishing |
114210 |
Hunting and Trapping | 11421 | Hunting and Trapping | 1142 | Hunting and Trapping |
115111 |
Cotton Ginning | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115112 |
Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115113 |
Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115114 |
Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115115 |
Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115116 |
Farm Management Services | 11511 | Support Activities for Crop Production | 1151 | Support Activities for Crop Production |
115210 |
Support Activities for Animal Production | 11521 | Support Activities for Animal Production | 1152 | Support Activities for Animal Production |
115310 |
Support Activities for Forestry | 11531 | Support Activities for Forestry | 1153 | Support Activities for Forestry |
211120 |
Crude Petroleum Extraction | 21112 | Crude Petroleum Extraction | 2111 | Oil and Gas Extraction |
211130 |
Natural Gas Extraction | 21113 | Natural Gas Extraction | 2111 | Oil and Gas Extraction |
212114 |
Surface Coal Mining | 21211 | Coal Mining | 2121 | Coal Mining |
212115 |
Underground Coal Mining | 21211 | Coal Mining | 2121 | Coal Mining |
212210 |
Iron Ore Mining | 21221 | Iron Ore Mining | 2122 | Metal Ore Mining |
212220 |
Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining | 21222 | Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining | 2122 | Metal Ore Mining |
212230 |
Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining | 21223 | Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining | 2122 | Metal Ore Mining |
212290 |
Other Metal Ore Mining | 21229 | Other Metal Ore Mining | 2122 | Metal Ore Mining |
212311 |
Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying | 21231 | Stone Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212312 |
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying | 21231 | Stone Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212313 |
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying | 21231 | Stone Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212319 |
Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying | 21231 | Stone Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212321 |
Construction Sand and Gravel Mining | 21232 | Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212322 |
Industrial Sand Mining | 21232 | Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212323 |
Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining | 21232 | Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
212390 |
Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | 21239 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | 2123 | Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying |
213111 |
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells | 21311 | Support Activities for Mining | 2131 | Support Activities for Mining |
213112 |
Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | 21311 | Support Activities for Mining | 2131 | Support Activities for Mining |
213113 |
Support Activities for Coal Mining | 21311 | Support Activities for Mining | 2131 | Support Activities for Mining |
213114 |
Support Activities for Metal Mining | 21311 | Support Activities for Mining | 2131 | Support Activities for Mining |
213115 |
Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining | 21311 | Support Activities for Mining | 2131 | Support Activities for Mining |
221111 |
Hydroelectric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221113 |
Nuclear Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221114 |
Solar Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221115 |
Wind Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221116 |
Geothermal Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221117 |
Biomass Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221118 |
Other Electric Power Generation | 22111 | Electric Power Generation | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221121 |
Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control | 22112 | Electric Power Transmission, Control, and Distribution | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221122 |
Electric Power Distribution | 22112 | Electric Power Transmission, Control, and Distribution | 2211 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
221210 |
Natural Gas Distribution | 22121 | Natural Gas Distribution | 2212 | Natural Gas Distribution |
221310 |
Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | 22131 | Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | 2213 | Water, Sewage and Other Systems |
221320 |
Sewage Treatment Facilities | 22132 | Sewage Treatment Facilities | 2213 | Water, Sewage and Other Systems |
221330 |
Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | 22133 | Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | 2213 | Water, Sewage and Other Systems |
236115 |
New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 23611 | Residential Building Construction | 2361 | Residential Building Construction |
236116 |
New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 23611 | Residential Building Construction | 2361 | Residential Building Construction |
236117 |
New Housing For-Sale Builders | 23611 | Residential Building Construction | 2361 | Residential Building Construction |
236118 |
Residential Remodelers | 23611 | Residential Building Construction | 2361 | Residential Building Construction |
236210 |
Industrial Building Construction | 23621 | Industrial Building Construction | 2362 | Nonresidential Building Construction |
236220 |
Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | 23622 | Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | 2362 | Nonresidential Building Construction |
237110 |
Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | 23711 | Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | 2371 | Utility System Construction |
237120 |
Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | 23712 | Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | 2371 | Utility System Construction |
237130 |
Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction | 23713 | Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction | 2371 | Utility System Construction |
237210 |
Land Subdivision | 23721 | Land Subdivision | 2372 | Land Subdivision |
237310 |
Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | 23731 | Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | 2373 | Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction |
237990 |
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23799 | Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 2379 | Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction |
238111 |
Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 23811 | Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238112 |
Non-Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 23811 | Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238121 |
Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 23812 | Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238122 |
Non-Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 23812 | Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238131 |
Residential Framing Contractors | 23813 | Framing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238132 |
Non-Residential Framing Contractors | 23813 | Framing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238141 |
Residential Masonry Contractors | 23814 | Masonry Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238142 |
Non-Residential Masonry Contractors | 23814 | Masonry Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238151 |
Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 23815 | Glass and Glazing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238152 |
Non-Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 23815 | Glass and Glazing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238161 |
Residential Roofing Contractors | 23816 | Roofing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238162 |
Non-Residential Roofing Contractors | 23816 | Roofing Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238171 |
Residential Siding Contractors | 23817 | Siding Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238172 |
Non-Residential Siding Contractors | 23817 | Siding Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238191 |
Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 23819 | Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238192 |
Non-Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 23819 | Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238211 |
Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 23821 | Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238212 |
Non-Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 23821 | Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238221 |
Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 23822 | Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238222 |
Non-Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 23822 | Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238291 |
Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 23829 | Other Building Equipment Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238292 |
Non-Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 23829 | Other Building Equipment Contractors | 2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238311 |
Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 23831 | Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238312 |
Non-Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 23831 | Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238321 |
Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 23832 | Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238322 |
Non-Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 23832 | Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238331 |
Residential Flooring Contractors | 23833 | Flooring Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238332 |
Non-Residential Flooring Contractors | 23833 | Flooring Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238341 |
Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 23834 | Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238342 |
Non-Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 23834 | Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238351 |
Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 23835 | Finish Carpentry Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238352 |
Non-Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 23835 | Finish Carpentry Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238391 |
Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 23839 | Other Building Finishing Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238392 |
Non-Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 23839 | Other Building Finishing Contractors | 2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
238911 |
Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 23891 | Site Preparation Contractors | 2389 | Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
238912 |
Non-Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 23891 | Site Preparation Contractors | 2389 | Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
238991 |
Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 23899 | All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 2389 | Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
238992 |
Non-Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 23899 | All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 2389 | Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
311111 |
Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing | 31111 | Animal Food Manufacturing | 3111 | Animal Food Manufacturing |
311119 |
Other Animal Food Manufacturing | 31111 | Animal Food Manufacturing | 3111 | Animal Food Manufacturing |
311211 |
Flour Milling | 31121 | Flour Milling and Malt Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311212 |
Rice Milling | 31121 | Flour Milling and Malt Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311213 |
Malt Manufacturing | 31121 | Flour Milling and Malt Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311221 |
Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing | 31122 | Starch and Vegetable Fats and Oils Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311224 |
Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing | 31122 | Starch and Vegetable Fats and Oils Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311225 |
Fats and Oils Refining and Blending | 31122 | Starch and Vegetable Fats and Oils Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311230 |
Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing | 31123 | Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing | 3112 | Grain and Oilseed Milling |
311313 |
Beet Sugar Manufacturing | 31131 | Sugar Manufacturing | 3113 | Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
311314 |
Cane Sugar Manufacturing | 31131 | Sugar Manufacturing | 3113 | Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
311340 |
Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 31134 | Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 3113 | Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
311351 |
Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans | 31135 | Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing | 3113 | Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
311352 |
Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate | 31135 | Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing | 3113 | Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
311411 |
Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing | 31141 | Frozen Food Manufacturing | 3114 | Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing |
311412 |
Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing | 31141 | Frozen Food Manufacturing | 3114 | Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing |
311421 |
Fruit and Vegetable Canning | 31142 | Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling, and Drying | 3114 | Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing |
311422 |
Specialty Canning | 31142 | Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling, and Drying | 3114 | Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing |
311423 |
Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing | 31142 | Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling, and Drying | 3114 | Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing |
311511 |
Fluid Milk Manufacturing | 31151 | Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing | 3115 | Dairy Product Manufacturing |
311512 |
Creamery Butter Manufacturing | 31151 | Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing | 3115 | Dairy Product Manufacturing |
311513 |
Cheese Manufacturing | 31151 | Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing | 3115 | Dairy Product Manufacturing |
311514 |
Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing | 31151 | Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing | 3115 | Dairy Product Manufacturing |
311520 |
Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 31152 | Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 3115 | Dairy Product Manufacturing |
311611 |
Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering | 31161 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing | 3116 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing |
311612 |
Meat Processed from Carcasses | 31161 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing | 3116 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing |
311613 |
Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing | 31161 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing | 3116 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing |
311615 |
Poultry Processing | 31161 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing | 3116 | Animal Slaughtering and Processing |
311710 |
Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging | 31171 | Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging | 3117 | Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging |
311811 |
Retail Bakeries | 31181 | Bread and Bakery Product Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311812 |
Commercial Bakeries | 31181 | Bread and Bakery Product Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311813 |
Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing | 31181 | Bread and Bakery Product Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311821 |
Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing | 31182 | Cookie, Cracker, and Pasta Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311824 |
Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour | 31182 | Cookie, Cracker, and Pasta Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311830 |
Tortilla Manufacturing | 31183 | Tortilla Manufacturing | 3118 | Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing |
311911 |
Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing | 31191 | Snack Food Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311919 |
Other Snack Food Manufacturing | 31191 | Snack Food Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311920 |
Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 31192 | Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311930 |
Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing | 31193 | Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311941 |
Mayonnaise, Dressing, and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing | 31194 | Seasoning and Dressing Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311942 |
Spice and Extract Manufacturing | 31194 | Seasoning and Dressing Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311991 |
Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing | 31199 | All Other Food Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
311999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing | 31199 | All Other Food Manufacturing | 3119 | Other Food Manufacturing |
312111 |
Soft Drink Manufacturing | 31211 | Soft Drink and Ice Manufacturing | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312112 |
Bottled Water Manufacturing | 31211 | Soft Drink and Ice Manufacturing | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312113 |
Ice Manufacturing | 31211 | Soft Drink and Ice Manufacturing | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312120 |
Breweries | 31212 | Breweries | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312130 |
Wineries | 31213 | Wineries | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312140 |
Distilleries | 31214 | Distilleries | 3121 | Beverage Manufacturing |
312230 |
Tobacco Manufacturing | 31223 | Tobacco Manufacturing | 3122 | Tobacco Manufacturing |
313110 |
Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills | 31311 | Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills | 3131 | Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills |
313210 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills | 31321 | Broadwoven Fabric Mills | 3132 | Fabric Mills |
313220 |
Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery | 31322 | Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery | 3132 | Fabric Mills |
313230 |
Nonwoven Fabric Mills | 31323 | Nonwoven Fabric Mills | 3132 | Fabric Mills |
313240 |
Knit Fabric Mills | 31324 | Knit Fabric Mills | 3132 | Fabric Mills |
313310 |
Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills | 31331 | Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills | 3133 | Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills |
313320 |
Fabric Coating Mills | 31332 | Fabric Coating Mills | 3133 | Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills |
314110 |
Carpet and Rug Mills | 31411 | Carpet and Rug Mills | 3141 | Textile Furnishings Mills |
314120 |
Curtain and Linen Mills | 31412 | Curtain and Linen Mills | 3141 | Textile Furnishings Mills |
314910 |
Textile Bag and Canvas Mills | 31491 | Textile Bag and Canvas Mills | 3149 | Other Textile Product Mills |
314994 |
Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills | 31499 | All Other Textile Product Mills | 3149 | Other Textile Product Mills |
314999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills | 31499 | All Other Textile Product Mills | 3149 | Other Textile Product Mills |
315120 |
Apparel Knitting Mills | 31512 | Apparel Knitting Mills | 3151 | Apparel Knitting Mills |
315210 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 31521 | Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 3152 | Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing |
315250 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors) | 31525 | Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors) | 3152 | Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing |
315990 |
Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 31599 | Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 3159 | Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing |
316110 |
Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing | 31611 | Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing | 3161 | Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing |
316210 |
Footwear Manufacturing | 31621 | Footwear Manufacturing | 3162 | Footwear Manufacturing |
316990 |
Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 31699 | Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 3169 | Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing |
321113 |
Sawmills | 32111 | Sawmills and Wood Preservation | 3211 | Sawmills and Wood Preservation |
321114 |
Wood Preservation | 32111 | Sawmills and Wood Preservation | 3211 | Sawmills and Wood Preservation |
321211 |
Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 32121 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing | 3212 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing |
321212 |
Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 32121 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing | 3212 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing |
321215 |
Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing | 32121 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing | 3212 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing |
321219 |
Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing | 32121 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing | 3212 | Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing |
321911 |
Wood Window and Door Manufacturing | 32191 | Millwork | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321912 |
Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing | 32191 | Millwork | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321918 |
Other Millwork (including Flooring) | 32191 | Millwork | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321920 |
Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing | 32192 | Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321991 |
Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing | 32199 | All Other Wood Product Manufacturing | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321992 |
Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing | 32199 | All Other Wood Product Manufacturing | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
321999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing | 32199 | All Other Wood Product Manufacturing | 3219 | Other Wood Product Manufacturing |
322110 |
Pulp Mills | 32211 | Pulp Mills | 3221 | Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills |
322120 |
Paper Mills | 32212 | Paper Mills | 3221 | Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills |
322130 |
Paperboard Mills | 32213 | Paperboard Mills | 3221 | Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills |
322211 |
Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing | 32221 | Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322212 |
Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing | 32221 | Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322219 |
Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 32221 | Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322220 |
Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing | 32222 | Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322230 |
Stationery Product Manufacturing | 32223 | Stationery Product Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322291 |
Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing | 32229 | Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
322299 |
All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | 32229 | Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | 3222 | Converted Paper Product Manufacturing |
323111 |
Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books) | 32311 | Printing | 3231 | Printing and Related Support Activities |
323113 |
Commercial Screen Printing | 32311 | Printing | 3231 | Printing and Related Support Activities |
323117 |
Books Printing | 32311 | Printing | 3231 | Printing and Related Support Activities |
323120 |
Support Activities for Printing | 32312 | Support Activities for Printing | 3231 | Printing and Related Support Activities |
324110 |
Petroleum Refineries | 32411 | Petroleum Refineries | 3241 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing |
324121 |
Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing | 32412 | Asphalt Paving, Roofing, and Saturated Materials Manufacturing | 3241 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing |
324122 |
Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing | 32412 | Asphalt Paving, Roofing, and Saturated Materials Manufacturing | 3241 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing |
324191 |
Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing | 32419 | Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 3241 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing |
324199 |
All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 32419 | Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 3241 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing |
325110 |
Petrochemical Manufacturing | 32511 | Petrochemical Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325120 |
Industrial Gas Manufacturing | 32512 | Industrial Gas Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325130 |
Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing | 32513 | Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325180 |
Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing | 32518 | Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325193 |
Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing | 32519 | Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325194 |
Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing | 32519 | Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325199 |
All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 32519 | Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 3251 | Basic Chemical Manufacturing |
325211 |
Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing | 32521 | Resin and Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing | 3252 | Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing |
325212 |
Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing | 32521 | Resin and Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing | 3252 | Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing |
325220 |
Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing | 32522 | Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing | 3252 | Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing |
325311 |
Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing | 32531 | Fertilizer and Compost Manufacturing | 3253 | Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing |
325312 |
Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing | 32531 | Fertilizer and Compost Manufacturing | 3253 | Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing |
325314 |
Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing | 32531 | Fertilizer and Compost Manufacturing | 3253 | Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing |
325315 |
Compost Manufacturing | 32531 | Fertilizer and Compost Manufacturing | 3253 | Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing |
325320 |
Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 32532 | Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 3253 | Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing |
325411 |
Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing | 32541 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing | 3254 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing |
325412 |
Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | 32541 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing | 3254 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing |
325413 |
In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing | 32541 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing | 3254 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing |
325414 |
Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing | 32541 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing | 3254 | Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing |
325510 |
Paint and Coating Manufacturing | 32551 | Paint and Coating Manufacturing | 3255 | Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing |
325520 |
Adhesive Manufacturing | 32552 | Adhesive Manufacturing | 3255 | Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing |
325611 |
Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing | 32561 | Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing | 3256 | Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing |
325612 |
Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing | 32561 | Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing | 3256 | Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing |
325613 |
Surface Active Agent Manufacturing | 32561 | Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing | 3256 | Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing |
325620 |
Toilet Preparation Manufacturing | 32562 | Toilet Preparation Manufacturing | 3256 | Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing |
325910 |
Printing Ink Manufacturing | 32591 | Printing Ink Manufacturing | 3259 | Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing |
325920 |
Explosives Manufacturing | 32592 | Explosives Manufacturing | 3259 | Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing |
325991 |
Custom Compounding of Purchased Resins | 32599 | All Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 3259 | Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing |
325992 |
Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing | 32599 | All Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 3259 | Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing |
325998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 32599 | All Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 3259 | Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing |
326111 |
Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing | 32611 | Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326112 |
Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing | 32611 | Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326113 |
Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing | 32611 | Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326121 |
Unlaminated Plastics Profile Shape Manufacturing | 32612 | Plastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting, and Unlaminated Profile Shape Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326122 |
Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 32612 | Plastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting, and Unlaminated Profile Shape Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326130 |
Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing | 32613 | Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326140 |
Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing | 32614 | Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326150 |
Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing | 32615 | Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326160 |
Plastics Bottle Manufacturing | 32616 | Plastics Bottle Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326191 |
Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 32619 | Other Plastics Product Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326199 |
All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing | 32619 | Other Plastics Product Manufacturing | 3261 | Plastics Product Manufacturing |
326211 |
Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading) | 32621 | Tire Manufacturing | 3262 | Rubber Product Manufacturing |
326212 |
Tire Retreading | 32621 | Tire Manufacturing | 3262 | Rubber Product Manufacturing |
326220 |
Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing | 32622 | Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing | 3262 | Rubber Product Manufacturing |
326291 |
Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use | 32629 | Other Rubber Product Manufacturing | 3262 | Rubber Product Manufacturing |
326299 |
All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing | 32629 | Other Rubber Product Manufacturing | 3262 | Rubber Product Manufacturing |
327110 |
Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 32711 | Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 3271 | Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing |
327120 |
Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing | 32712 | Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing | 3271 | Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing |
327211 |
Flat Glass Manufacturing | 32721 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing | 3272 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing |
327212 |
Other Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware Manufacturing | 32721 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing | 3272 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing |
327213 |
Glass Container Manufacturing | 32721 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing | 3272 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing |
327215 |
Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass | 32721 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing | 3272 | Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing |
327310 |
Cement Manufacturing | 32731 | Cement Manufacturing | 3273 | Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing |
327320 |
Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing | 32732 | Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing | 3273 | Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing |
327331 |
Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing | 32733 | Concrete Pipe, Brick, and Block Manufacturing | 3273 | Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing |
327332 |
Concrete Pipe Manufacturing | 32733 | Concrete Pipe, Brick, and Block Manufacturing | 3273 | Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing |
327390 |
Other Concrete Product Manufacturing | 32739 | Other Concrete Product Manufacturing | 3273 | Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing |
327410 |
Lime Manufacturing | 32741 | Lime Manufacturing | 3274 | Lime and Gypsum Product Manufacturing |
327420 |
Gypsum Product Manufacturing | 32742 | Gypsum Product Manufacturing | 3274 | Lime and Gypsum Product Manufacturing |
327910 |
Abrasive Product Manufacturing | 32791 | Abrasive Product Manufacturing | 3279 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
327991 |
Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing | 32799 | All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 3279 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
327992 |
Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing | 32799 | All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 3279 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
327993 |
Mineral Wool Manufacturing | 32799 | All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 3279 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
327999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 32799 | All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 3279 | Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
331110 |
Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing | 33111 | Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing | 3311 | Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing |
331210 |
Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel | 33121 | Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel | 3312 | Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel |
331221 |
Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing | 33122 | Rolling and Drawing of Purchased Steel | 3312 | Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel |
331222 |
Steel Wire Drawing | 33122 | Rolling and Drawing of Purchased Steel | 3312 | Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel |
331313 |
Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production | 33131 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing | 3313 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing |
331314 |
Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum | 33131 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing | 3313 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing |
331315 |
Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing | 33131 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing | 3313 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing |
331318 |
Other Aluminum Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 33131 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing | 3313 | Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing |
331410 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining | 33141 | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining | 3314 | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing |
331420 |
Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 33142 | Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 3314 | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing |
331491 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 33149 | Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 3314 | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing |
331492 |
Secondary Smelting, Refining, and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) | 33149 | Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 3314 | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing |
331511 |
Iron Foundries | 33151 | Ferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
331512 |
Steel Investment Foundries | 33151 | Ferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
331513 |
Steel Foundries (except Investment) | 33151 | Ferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
331523 |
Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries | 33152 | Nonferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
331524 |
Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 33152 | Nonferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
331529 |
Other Nonferrous Metal Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 33152 | Nonferrous Metal Foundries | 3315 | Foundries |
332111 |
Iron and Steel Forging | 33211 | Forging and Stamping | 3321 | Forging and Stamping |
332112 |
Nonferrous Forging | 33211 | Forging and Stamping | 3321 | Forging and Stamping |
332114 |
Custom Roll Forming | 33211 | Forging and Stamping | 3321 | Forging and Stamping |
332117 |
Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing | 33211 | Forging and Stamping | 3321 | Forging and Stamping |
332119 |
Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive) | 33211 | Forging and Stamping | 3321 | Forging and Stamping |
332215 |
Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing | 33221 | Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing | 3322 | Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing |
332216 |
Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing | 33221 | Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing | 3322 | Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing |
332311 |
Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing | 33231 | Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332312 |
Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing | 33231 | Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332313 |
Plate Work Manufacturing | 33231 | Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332321 |
Metal Window and Door Manufacturing | 33232 | Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332322 |
Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing | 33232 | Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332323 |
Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing | 33232 | Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products Manufacturing | 3323 | Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing |
332410 |
Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing | 33241 | Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing | 3324 | Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing |
332420 |
Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing | 33242 | Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing | 3324 | Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing |
332431 |
Metal Can Manufacturing | 33243 | Metal Can, Box, and Other Metal Container (Light Gauge) Manufacturing | 3324 | Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing |
332439 |
Other Metal Container Manufacturing | 33243 | Metal Can, Box, and Other Metal Container (Light Gauge) Manufacturing | 3324 | Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing |
332510 |
Hardware Manufacturing | 33251 | Hardware Manufacturing | 3325 | Hardware Manufacturing |
332613 |
Spring Manufacturing | 33261 | Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing | 3326 | Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing |
332618 |
Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing | 33261 | Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing | 3326 | Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing |
332710 |
Machine Shops | 33271 | Machine Shops | 3327 | Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing |
332721 |
Precision Turned Product Manufacturing | 33272 | Turned Product and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing | 3327 | Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing |
332722 |
Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing | 33272 | Turned Product and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing | 3327 | Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing |
332811 |
Metal Heat Treating | 33281 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities | 3328 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities |
332812 |
Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers | 33281 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities | 3328 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities |
332813 |
Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring | 33281 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities | 3328 | Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities |
332911 |
Industrial Valve Manufacturing | 33291 | Metal Valve Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332912 |
Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing | 33291 | Metal Valve Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332913 |
Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing | 33291 | Metal Valve Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332919 |
Other Metal Valve and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 33291 | Metal Valve Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332991 |
Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332992 |
Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332993 |
Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332994 |
Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332996 |
Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
332999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 33299 | All Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 3329 | Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing |
333111 |
Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 33311 | Agricultural Implement Manufacturing | 3331 | Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing |
333112 |
Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing | 33311 | Agricultural Implement Manufacturing | 3331 | Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing |
333120 |
Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 33312 | Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 3331 | Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing |
333131 |
Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 33313 | Mining and Oil and Gas Field Machinery Manufacturing | 3331 | Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing |
333132 |
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 33313 | Mining and Oil and Gas Field Machinery Manufacturing | 3331 | Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing |
333241 |
Food Product Machinery Manufacturing | 33324 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 3332 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing |
333242 |
Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing | 33324 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 3332 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing |
333243 |
Sawmill, Woodworking, and Paper Machinery Manufacturing | 33324 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 3332 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing |
333248 |
All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 33324 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 3332 | Industrial Machinery Manufacturing |
333310 |
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing | 33331 | Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing | 3333 | Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing |
333413 |
Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing | 33341 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 3334 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing |
333414 |
Heating Equipment (except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing | 33341 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 3334 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing |
333415 |
Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 33341 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 3334 | Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing |
333511 |
Industrial Mold Manufacturing | 33351 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 3335 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing |
333514 |
Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing | 33351 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 3335 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing |
333515 |
Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing | 33351 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 3335 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing |
333517 |
Machine Tool Manufacturing | 33351 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 3335 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing |
333519 |
Rolling Mill and Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 33351 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 3335 | Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing |
333611 |
Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing | 33361 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 3336 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing |
333612 |
Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, and Gear Manufacturing | 33361 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 3336 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing |
333613 |
Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 33361 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 3336 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing |
333618 |
Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing | 33361 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 3336 | Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing |
333912 |
Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing | 33391 | Pump and Compressor Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333914 |
Measuring, Dispensing, and Other Pumping Equipment Manufacturing | 33391 | Pump and Compressor Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333921 |
Elevator and Moving Stairway Manufacturing | 33392 | Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333922 |
Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing | 33392 | Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333923 |
Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing | 33392 | Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333924 |
Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing | 33392 | Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333991 |
Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333992 |
Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333993 |
Packaging Machinery Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333994 |
Industrial Process Furnace and Oven Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333995 |
Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333996 |
Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
333998 |
All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 33399 | All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 3339 | Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing |
334111 |
Electronic Computer Manufacturing | 33411 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 3341 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing |
334112 |
Computer Storage Device Manufacturing | 33411 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 3341 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing |
334118 |
Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 33411 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 3341 | Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing |
334210 |
Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing | 33421 | Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing | 3342 | Communications Equipment Manufacturing |
334220 |
Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 33422 | Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 3342 | Communications Equipment Manufacturing |
334290 |
Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 33429 | Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 3342 | Communications Equipment Manufacturing |
334310 |
Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing | 33431 | Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing | 3343 | Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing |
334412 |
Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334413 |
Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334416 |
Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334417 |
Electronic Connector Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334418 |
Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334419 |
Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 33441 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 3344 | Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing |
334510 |
Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334511 |
Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334512 |
Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334513 |
Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Variables | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334514 |
Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334515 |
Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334516 |
Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334517 |
Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334519 |
Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing | 33451 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing | 3345 | Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing |
334610 |
Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media | 33461 | Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media | 3346 | Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media |
335131 |
Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 33513 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 3351 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing |
335132 |
Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 33513 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 3351 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing |
335139 |
Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 33513 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 3351 | Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing |
335210 |
Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing | 33521 | Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing | 3352 | Household Appliance Manufacturing |
335220 |
Major Household Appliance Manufacturing | 33522 | Major Household Appliance Manufacturing | 3352 | Household Appliance Manufacturing |
335311 |
Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing | 33531 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing | 3353 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing |
335312 |
Motor and Generator Manufacturing | 33531 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing | 3353 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing |
335313 |
Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing | 33531 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing | 3353 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing |
335314 |
Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing | 33531 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing | 3353 | Electrical Equipment Manufacturing |
335910 |
Battery Manufacturing | 33591 | Battery Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335921 |
Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing | 33592 | Communication and Energy Wire and Cable Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335929 |
Other Communication and Energy Wire Manufacturing | 33592 | Communication and Energy Wire and Cable Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335931 |
Current-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 33593 | Wiring Device Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335932 |
Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 33593 | Wiring Device Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335991 |
Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing | 33599 | All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
335999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing | 33599 | All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing | 3359 | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |
336110 |
Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | 33611 | Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | 3361 | Motor Vehicle Manufacturing |
336120 |
Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | 33612 | Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | 3361 | Motor Vehicle Manufacturing |
336211 |
Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing | 33621 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | 3362 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing |
336212 |
Truck Trailer Manufacturing | 33621 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | 3362 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing |
336213 |
Motor Home Manufacturing | 33621 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | 3362 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing |
336214 |
Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing | 33621 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | 3362 | Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing |
336310 |
Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 33631 | Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336320 |
Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing | 33632 | Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336330 |
Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing | 33633 | Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336340 |
Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing | 33634 | Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336350 |
Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing | 33635 | Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336360 |
Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing | 33636 | Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336370 |
Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | 33637 | Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336390 |
Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 33639 | Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 3363 | Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing |
336411 |
Aircraft Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336412 |
Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336413 |
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336414 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336415 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336419 |
Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 33641 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | 3364 | Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing |
336510 |
Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 33651 | Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 3365 | Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing |
336611 |
Ship Building and Repairing | 33661 | Ship and Boat Building | 3366 | Ship and Boat Building |
336612 |
Boat Building | 33661 | Ship and Boat Building | 3366 | Ship and Boat Building |
336991 |
Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing | 33699 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 3369 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing |
336992 |
Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing | 33699 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 3369 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing |
336999 |
All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 33699 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 3369 | Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing |
337110 |
Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing | 33711 | Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing | 3371 | Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing |
337121 |
Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing | 33712 | Household and Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 3371 | Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing |
337122 |
Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing | 33712 | Household and Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 3371 | Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing |
337126 |
Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing | 33712 | Household and Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 3371 | Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing |
337127 |
Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 33712 | Household and Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 3371 | Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing |
337211 |
Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing | 33721 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing | 3372 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing |
337212 |
Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing | 33721 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing | 3372 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing |
337214 |
Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing | 33721 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing | 3372 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing |
337215 |
Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing | 33721 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing | 3372 | Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing |
337910 |
Mattress Manufacturing | 33791 | Mattress Manufacturing | 3379 | Other Furniture Related Product Manufacturing |
337920 |
Blind and Shade Manufacturing | 33792 | Blind and Shade Manufacturing | 3379 | Other Furniture Related Product Manufacturing |
339112 |
Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing | 33911 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 3391 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing |
339113 |
Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing | 33911 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 3391 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing |
339114 |
Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 33911 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 3391 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing |
339115 |
Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing | 33911 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 3391 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing |
339116 |
Dental Laboratories | 33911 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 3391 | Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing |
339910 |
Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing | 33991 | Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339920 |
Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing | 33992 | Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339930 |
Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing | 33993 | Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339940 |
Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing | 33994 | Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339950 |
Sign Manufacturing | 33995 | Sign Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339991 |
Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339992 |
Musical Instrument Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339993 |
Fastener, Button, Needle, and Pin Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339994 |
Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339995 |
Burial Casket Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
339999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 33999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 3399 | Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing |
423110 |
Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers | 42311 | Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers | 4231 | Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423120 |
Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers | 42312 | Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers | 4231 | Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423130 |
Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers | 42313 | Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers | 4231 | Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423140 |
Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers | 42314 | Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers | 4231 | Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423210 |
Furniture Merchant Wholesalers | 42321 | Furniture Merchant Wholesalers | 4232 | Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers |
423220 |
Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 42322 | Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 4232 | Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers |
423310 |
Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers | 42331 | Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers | 4233 | Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers |
423320 |
Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 42332 | Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 4233 | Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers |
423330 |
Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers | 42333 | Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers | 4233 | Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers |
423390 |
Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 42339 | Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 4233 | Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers |
423410 |
Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42341 | Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423420 |
Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42342 | Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423430 |
Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | 42343 | Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423440 |
Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42344 | Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423450 |
Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42345 | Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423460 |
Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 42346 | Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423490 |
Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42349 | Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4234 | Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423510 |
Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 42351 | Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 4235 | Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant Wholesalers |
423520 |
Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers | 42352 | Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers | 4235 | Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant Wholesalers |
423610 |
Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42361 | Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4236 | Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423620 |
Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers | 42362 | Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers | 4236 | Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423690 |
Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42369 | Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4236 | Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423710 |
Hardware Merchant Wholesalers | 42371 | Hardware Merchant Wholesalers | 4237 | Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423720 |
Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers | 42372 | Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers | 4237 | Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423730 |
Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42373 | Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4237 | Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423740 |
Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42374 | Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4237 | Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423810 |
Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42381 | Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423820 |
Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42382 | Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423830 |
Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 42383 | Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423840 |
Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42384 | Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423850 |
Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42385 | Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423860 |
Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers | 42386 | Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers | 4238 | Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
423910 |
Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42391 | Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4239 | Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423920 |
Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42392 | Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4239 | Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423930 |
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | 42393 | Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | 4239 | Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423940 |
Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 42394 | Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 4239 | Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
423990 |
Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 42399 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 4239 | Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424110 |
Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 42411 | Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 4241 | Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424120 |
Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42412 | Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4241 | Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424130 |
Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 42413 | Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 4241 | Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424210 |
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | 42421 | Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | 4242 | Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers |
424310 |
Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 42431 | Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 4243 | Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers |
424340 |
Footwear Merchant Wholesalers | 42434 | Footwear Merchant Wholesalers | 4243 | Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers |
424350 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers | 42435 | Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers | 4243 | Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers |
424410 |
General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers | 42441 | General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424420 |
Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers | 42442 | Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424430 |
Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers | 42443 | Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424440 |
Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers | 42444 | Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424450 |
Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers | 42445 | Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424460 |
Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers | 42446 | Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424470 |
Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers | 42447 | Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424480 |
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers | 42448 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424490 |
Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers | 42449 | Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers | 4244 | Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers |
424510 |
Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers | 42451 | Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers | 4245 | Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers |
424520 |
Livestock Merchant Wholesalers | 42452 | Livestock Merchant Wholesalers | 4245 | Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers |
424590 |
Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers | 42459 | Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers | 4245 | Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers |
424610 |
Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers | 42461 | Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers | 4246 | Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers |
424690 |
Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers | 42469 | Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers | 4246 | Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers |
424710 |
Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals | 42471 | Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals | 4247 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers |
424720 |
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | 42472 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | 4247 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers |
424810 |
Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers | 42481 | Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers | 4248 | Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers |
424820 |
Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers | 42482 | Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers | 4248 | Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers |
424910 |
Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42491 | Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424920 |
Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers | 42492 | Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424930 |
Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42493 | Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424940 |
Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers | 42494 | Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424950 |
Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 42495 | Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
424990 |
Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 42499 | Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 4249 | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers |
425120 |
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 42512 | Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 4251 | Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers |
441110 |
New Car Dealers | 44111 | New Car Dealers | 4411 | Automobile Dealers |
441120 |
Used Car Dealers | 44112 | Used Car Dealers | 4411 | Automobile Dealers |
441210 |
Recreational Vehicle Dealers | 44121 | Recreational Vehicle Dealers | 4412 | Other Motor Vehicle Dealers |
441222 |
Boat Dealers | 44122 | Motorcycle, Boat, and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 4412 | Other Motor Vehicle Dealers |
441227 |
Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 44122 | Motorcycle, Boat, and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 4412 | Other Motor Vehicle Dealers |
441330 |
Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers | 44133 | Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers | 4413 | Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Retailers |
441340 |
Tire Dealers | 44134 | Tire Dealers | 4413 | Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Retailers |
444110 |
Home Centers | 44411 | Home Centers | 4441 | Building Material and Supplies Dealers |
444120 |
Paint and Wallpaper Retailers | 44412 | Paint and Wallpaper Retailers | 4441 | Building Material and Supplies Dealers |
444140 |
Hardware Retailers | 44414 | Hardware Retailers | 4441 | Building Material and Supplies Dealers |
444180 |
Other Building Material Dealers | 44418 | Other Building Material Dealers | 4441 | Building Material and Supplies Dealers |
444230 |
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers | 44423 | Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers | 4442 | Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Retailers |
444240 |
Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers | 44424 | Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers | 4442 | Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Retailers |
445110 |
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers) | 44511 | Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers) | 4451 | Grocery and Convenience Retailers |
445131 |
Convenience Retailers | 44513 | Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators | 4451 | Grocery and Convenience Retailers |
445132 |
Vending Machine Operators | 44513 | Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators | 4451 | Grocery and Convenience Retailers |
445230 |
Fruit and Vegetable Retailers | 44523 | Fruit and Vegetable Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445240 |
Meat Retailers | 44524 | Meat Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445250 |
Fish and Seafood Retailers | 44525 | Fish and Seafood Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445291 |
Baked Goods Retailers | 44529 | Other Specialty Food Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445292 |
Confectionery and Nut Retailers | 44529 | Other Specialty Food Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445298 |
All Other Specialty Food Retailers | 44529 | Other Specialty Food Retailers | 4452 | Specialty Food Retailers |
445320 |
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers | 44532 | Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers | 4453 | Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers |
449110 |
Furniture Retailers | 44911 | Furniture Retailers | 4491 | Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers |
449121 |
Floor Covering Retailers | 44912 | Home Furnishings Retailers | 4491 | Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers |
449122 |
Window Treatment Retailers | 44912 | Home Furnishings Retailers | 4491 | Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers |
449129 |
All Other Home Furnishings Retailers | 44912 | Home Furnishings Retailers | 4491 | Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers |
449210 |
Electronics and Appliance Retailers | 44921 | Electronics and Appliance Retailers | 4492 | Electronics and Appliance Retailers |
455110 |
Department Stores | 45511 | Department Stores | 4551 | Department Stores |
455211 |
Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters | 45521 | Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers | 4552 | Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers |
455219 |
All Other General Merchandise Retailers | 45521 | Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers | 4552 | Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers |
456110 |
Pharmacies and Drug Retailers | 45611 | Pharmacies and Drug Retailers | 4561 | Health and Personal Care Retailers |
456120 |
Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers | 45612 | Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers | 4561 | Health and Personal Care Retailers |
456130 |
Optical Goods Retailers | 45613 | Optical Goods Retailers | 4561 | Health and Personal Care Retailers |
456191 |
Food (Health) Supplement Retailers | 45619 | Other Health and Personal Care Retailers | 4561 | Health and Personal Care Retailers |
456199 |
All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers | 45619 | Other Health and Personal Care Retailers | 4561 | Health and Personal Care Retailers |
457110 |
Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores | 45711 | Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores | 4571 | Gasoline Stations |
457120 |
Other Gasoline Stations | 45712 | Other Gasoline Stations | 4571 | Gasoline Stations |
457210 |
Fuel Dealers | 45721 | Fuel Dealers | 4572 | Fuel Dealers |
458110 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers | 45811 | Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers | 4581 | Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers |
458210 |
Shoe Retailers | 45821 | Shoe Retailers | 4582 | Shoe Retailers |
458310 |
Jewelry Retailers | 45831 | Jewelry Retailers | 4583 | Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Retailers |
458320 |
Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers | 45832 | Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers | 4583 | Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Retailers |
459110 |
Sporting Goods Retailers | 45911 | Sporting Goods Retailers | 4591 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers |
459120 |
Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers | 45912 | Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers | 4591 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers |
459130 |
Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers | 45913 | Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers | 4591 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers |
459140 |
Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers | 45914 | Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers | 4591 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers |
459210 |
Book Retailers and News Dealers | 45921 | Book Retailers and News Dealers | 4592 | Book Retailers and News Dealers |
459310 |
Florists | 45931 | Florists | 4593 | Florists |
459410 |
Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers | 45941 | Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers | 4594 | Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Retailers |
459420 |
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers | 45942 | Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers | 4594 | Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Retailers |
459510 |
Used Merchandise Retailers | 45951 | Used Merchandise Retailers | 4595 | Used Merchandise Retailers |
459910 |
Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers | 45991 | Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers | 4599 | Other Miscellaneous Retailers |
459920 |
Art Dealers | 45992 | Art Dealers | 4599 | Other Miscellaneous Retailers |
459930 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers | 45993 | Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers | 4599 | Other Miscellaneous Retailers |
459991 |
Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers | 45999 | All Other Miscellaneous Retailers | 4599 | Other Miscellaneous Retailers |
459999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Retailers | 45999 | All Other Miscellaneous Retailers | 4599 | Other Miscellaneous Retailers |
481111 |
Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation | 48111 | Scheduled Air Transportation | 4811 | Scheduled Air Transportation |
481112 |
Scheduled Freight Air Transportation | 48111 | Scheduled Air Transportation | 4811 | Scheduled Air Transportation |
481211 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation | 48121 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 4812 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation |
481212 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation | 48121 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 4812 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation |
481219 |
Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 48121 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 4812 | Nonscheduled Air Transportation |
482111 |
Line-Haul Railroads | 48211 | Rail Transportation | 4821 | Rail Transportation |
482112 |
Short Line Railroads | 48211 | Rail Transportation | 4821 | Rail Transportation |
483111 |
Deep Sea Freight Transportation | 48311 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation | 4831 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation |
483112 |
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation | 48311 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation | 4831 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation |
483113 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation | 48311 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation | 4831 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation |
483114 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation | 48311 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation | 4831 | Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation |
483211 |
Inland Water Freight Transportation | 48321 | Inland Water Transportation | 4832 | Inland Water Transportation |
483212 |
Inland Water Passenger Transportation | 48321 | Inland Water Transportation | 4832 | Inland Water Transportation |
484110 |
General Freight Trucking, Local | 48411 | General Freight Trucking, Local | 4841 | General Freight Trucking |
484121 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload | 48412 | General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance | 4841 | General Freight Trucking |
484122 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload | 48412 | General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance | 4841 | General Freight Trucking |
484210 |
Used Household and Office Goods Moving | 48421 | Used Household and Office Goods Moving | 4842 | Specialized Freight Trucking |
484220 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | 48422 | Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | 4842 | Specialized Freight Trucking |
484230 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | 48423 | Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | 4842 | Specialized Freight Trucking |
485111 |
Mixed Mode Transit Systems | 48511 | Urban Transit Systems | 4851 | Urban Transit Systems |
485112 |
Commuter Rail Systems | 48511 | Urban Transit Systems | 4851 | Urban Transit Systems |
485113 |
Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems | 48511 | Urban Transit Systems | 4851 | Urban Transit Systems |
485119 |
Other Urban Transit Systems | 48511 | Urban Transit Systems | 4851 | Urban Transit Systems |
485210 |
Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation | 48521 | Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation | 4852 | Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation |
485310 |
Taxi and Ridesharing Services | 48531 | Taxi and Ridesharing Services | 4853 | Taxi and Limousine Service |
485320 |
Limousine Service | 48532 | Limousine Service | 4853 | Taxi and Limousine Service |
485410 |
School and Employee Bus Transportation | 48541 | School and Employee Bus Transportation | 4854 | School and Employee Bus Transportation |
485510 |
Charter Bus Industry | 48551 | Charter Bus Industry | 4855 | Charter Bus Industry |
485991 |
Special Needs Transportation | 48599 | Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 4859 | Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation |
485999 |
All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48599 | Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 4859 | Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation |
486110 |
Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil | 48611 | Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil | 4861 | Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas | 48621 | Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas | 4862 | Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas |
486910 |
Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products | 48691 | Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products | 4869 | Other Pipeline Transportation |
486990 |
All Other Pipeline Transportation | 48699 | All Other Pipeline Transportation | 4869 | Other Pipeline Transportation |
487110 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land | 48711 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land | 4871 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land |
487210 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water | 48721 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water | 4872 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water |
487990 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other | 48799 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other | 4879 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other |
488111 |
Air Traffic Control | 48811 | Airport Operations | 4881 | Support Activities for Air Transportation |
488119 |
Other Airport Operations | 48811 | Airport Operations | 4881 | Support Activities for Air Transportation |
488190 |
Other Support Activities for Air Transportation | 48819 | Other Support Activities for Air Transportation | 4881 | Support Activities for Air Transportation |
488210 |
Support Activities for Rail Transportation | 48821 | Support Activities for Rail Transportation | 4882 | Support Activities for Rail Transportation |
488310 |
Port and Harbor Operations | 48831 | Port and Harbor Operations | 4883 | Support Activities for Water Transportation |
488320 |
Marine Cargo Handling | 48832 | Marine Cargo Handling | 4883 | Support Activities for Water Transportation |
488330 |
Navigational Services to Shipping | 48833 | Navigational Services to Shipping | 4883 | Support Activities for Water Transportation |
488390 |
Other Support Activities for Water Transportation | 48839 | Other Support Activities for Water Transportation | 4883 | Support Activities for Water Transportation |
488410 |
Motor Vehicle Towing | 48841 | Motor Vehicle Towing | 4884 | Support Activities for Road Transportation |
488490 |
Other Support Activities for Road Transportation | 48849 | Other Support Activities for Road Transportation | 4884 | Support Activities for Road Transportation |
488510 |
Freight Transportation Arrangement | 48851 | Freight Transportation Arrangement | 4885 | Freight Transportation Arrangement |
488991 |
Packing and Crating | 48899 | Other Support Activities for Transportation | 4889 | Other Support Activities for Transportation |
488999 |
All Other Support Activities for Transportation | 48899 | Other Support Activities for Transportation | 4889 | Other Support Activities for Transportation |
491110 |
Postal Service | 49111 | Postal Service | 4911 | Postal Service |
492110 |
Couriers and Express Delivery Services | 49211 | Couriers and Express Delivery Services | 4921 | Couriers and Express Delivery Services |
492210 |
Local Messengers and Local Delivery | 49221 | Local Messengers and Local Delivery | 4922 | Local Messengers and Local Delivery |
493110 |
General Warehousing and Storage | 49311 | General Warehousing and Storage | 4931 | Warehousing and Storage |
493120 |
Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage | 49312 | Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage | 4931 | Warehousing and Storage |
493130 |
Farm Product Warehousing and Storage | 49313 | Farm Product Warehousing and Storage | 4931 | Warehousing and Storage |
493190 |
Other Warehousing and Storage | 49319 | Other Warehousing and Storage | 4931 | Warehousing and Storage |
512110 |
Motion Picture and Video Production | 51211 | Motion Picture and Video Production | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512120 |
Motion Picture and Video Distribution | 51212 | Motion Picture and Video Distribution | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512131 |
Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins) | 51213 | Motion Picture and Video Exhibition | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512132 |
Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters | 51213 | Motion Picture and Video Exhibition | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512191 |
Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services | 51219 | Postproduction Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512199 |
Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | 51219 | Postproduction Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | 5121 | Motion Picture and Video Industries |
512230 |
Music Publishers | 51223 | Music Publishers | 5122 | Sound Recording Industries |
512240 |
Sound Recording Studios | 51224 | Sound Recording Studios | 5122 | Sound Recording Industries |
512250 |
Record Production and Distribution | 51225 | Record Production and Distribution | 5122 | Sound Recording Industries |
512290 |
Other Sound Recording Industries | 51229 | Other Sound Recording Industries | 5122 | Sound Recording Industries |
513110 |
Newspaper Publishers | 51311 | Newspaper Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513120 |
Periodical Publishers | 51312 | Periodical Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513130 |
Book Publishers | 51313 | Book Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513140 |
Directory and Mailing List Publishers | 51314 | Directory and Mailing List Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513191 |
Greeting Card Publishers | 51319 | Other Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513199 |
All Other Publishers | 51319 | Other Publishers | 5131 | Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers |
513210 |
Software Publishers | 51321 | Software Publishers | 5132 | Software Publishers |
516110 |
Radio Broadcasting Stations | 51611 | Radio Broadcasting Stations | 5161 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations |
516120 |
Television Broadcasting Stations | 51612 | Television Broadcasting Stations | 5161 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations |
516210 |
Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers | 51621 | Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers | 5162 | Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers |
517111 |
Wired Telecommunications Carriers | 51711 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | 5171 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite) |
517112 |
Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | 51711 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | 5171 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite) |
517121 |
Telecommunications Resellers | 51712 | Telecommunications Resellers and Agents for Wireless Telecommunication Services | 5171 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite) |
517410 |
Satellite Telecommunications | 51741 | Satellite Telecommunications | 5174 | Satellite Telecommunications |
517810 |
All Other Telecommunications | 51781 | All Other Telecommunications | 5178 | All Other Telecommunications |
518210 |
Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services | 51821 | Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services | 5182 | Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services |
519210 |
Libraries and Archives | 51921 | Libraries and Archives | 5192 | Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services |
519290 |
Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services | 51929 | Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services | 5192 | Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services |
521110 |
Monetary Authorities-Central Bank | 52111 | Monetary Authorities-Central Bank | 5211 | Monetary Authorities-Central Bank |
522110 |
Commercial Banking | 52211 | Commercial Banking | 5221 | Depository Credit Intermediation |
522130 |
Credit Unions | 52213 | Credit Unions | 5221 | Depository Credit Intermediation |
522180 |
Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation | 52218 | Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation | 5221 | Depository Credit Intermediation |
522210 |
Credit Card Issuing | 52221 | Credit Card Issuing | 5222 | Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
522220 |
Sales Financing | 52222 | Sales Financing | 5222 | Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
522291 |
Consumer Lending | 52229 | Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation | 5222 | Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
522292 |
Real Estate Credit | 52229 | Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation | 5222 | Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
522299 |
International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation | 52229 | Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation | 5222 | Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
522310 |
Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers | 52231 | Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers | 5223 | Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
522320 |
Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | 52232 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | 5223 | Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
522390 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation | 52239 | Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation | 5223 | Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
523150 |
Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation | 52315 | Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation | 5231 | Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage |
523160 |
Commodity Contracts Intermediation | 52316 | Commodity Contracts Intermediation | 5231 | Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage |
523210 |
Securities and Commodity Exchanges | 52321 | Securities and Commodity Exchanges | 5232 | Securities and Commodity Exchanges |
523910 |
Miscellaneous Intermediation | 52391 | Miscellaneous Intermediation | 5239 | Other Financial Investment Activities |
523940 |
Portfolio Management and Investment Advice | 52394 | Portfolio Management and Investment Advice | 5239 | Other Financial Investment Activities |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities | 52399 | All Other Financial Investment Activities | 5239 | Other Financial Investment Activities |
523999 |
Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities | 52399 | All Other Financial Investment Activities | 5239 | Other Financial Investment Activities |
524113 |
Direct Life Insurance Carriers | 52411 | Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524114 |
Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | 52411 | Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524126 |
Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers | 52412 | Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524127 |
Direct Title Insurance Carriers | 52412 | Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524128 |
Other Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers | 52412 | Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524130 |
Reinsurance Carriers | 52413 | Reinsurance Carriers | 5241 | Insurance Carriers |
524210 |
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages | 52421 | Insurance Agencies and Brokerages | 5242 | Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities |
524291 |
Claims Adjusting | 52429 | Other Insurance Related Activities | 5242 | Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities |
524292 |
Pharmacy Benefit Management and Other Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds | 52429 | Other Insurance Related Activities | 5242 | Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities |
524298 |
All Other Insurance Related Activities | 52429 | Other Insurance Related Activities | 5242 | Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities |
525110 |
Pension Funds | 52511 | Pension Funds | 5251 | Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds |
525120 |
Health and Welfare Funds | 52512 | Health and Welfare Funds | 5251 | Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds |
525190 |
Other Insurance Funds | 52519 | Other Insurance Funds | 5251 | Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds |
525910 |
Open-End Investment Funds | 52591 | Open-End Investment Funds | 5259 | Other Investment Pools and Funds |
525920 |
Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts | 52592 | Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts | 5259 | Other Investment Pools and Funds |
525990 |
Other Financial Vehicles | 52599 | Other Financial Vehicles | 5259 | Other Investment Pools and Funds |
531110 |
Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings | 53111 | Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings | 5311 | Lessors of Real Estate |
531120 |
Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses) | 53112 | Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses) | 5311 | Lessors of Real Estate |
531130 |
Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units | 53113 | Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units | 5311 | Lessors of Real Estate |
531190 |
Lessors of Other Real Estate Property | 53119 | Lessors of Other Real Estate Property | 5311 | Lessors of Real Estate |
531210 |
Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers | 53121 | Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers | 5312 | Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers |
531311 |
Residential Property Managers | 53131 | Real Estate Property Managers | 5313 | Activities Related to Real Estate |
531312 |
Nonresidential Property Managers | 53131 | Real Estate Property Managers | 5313 | Activities Related to Real Estate |
531320 |
Offices of Real Estate Appraisers | 53132 | Offices of Real Estate Appraisers | 5313 | Activities Related to Real Estate |
531390 |
Other Activities Related to Real Estate | 53139 | Other Activities Related to Real Estate | 5313 | Activities Related to Real Estate |
532111 |
Passenger Car Rental | 53211 | Passenger Car Rental and Leasing | 5321 | Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532112 |
Passenger Car Leasing | 53211 | Passenger Car Rental and Leasing | 5321 | Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532120 |
Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing | 53212 | Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing | 5321 | Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532210 |
Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental | 53221 | Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532281 |
Formal Wear and Costume Rental | 53228 | Other Consumer Goods Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532282 |
Video Tape and Disc Rental | 53228 | Other Consumer Goods Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532283 |
Home Health Equipment Rental | 53228 | Other Consumer Goods Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532284 |
Recreational Goods Rental | 53228 | Other Consumer Goods Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532289 |
All Other Consumer Goods Rental | 53228 | Other Consumer Goods Rental | 5322 | Consumer Goods Rental |
532310 |
General Rental Centers | 53231 | General Rental Centers | 5323 | General Rental Centers |
532411 |
Commercial Air, Rail, and Water Transportation Equipment Rental and Leasing | 53241 | Construction, Transportation, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 5324 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532412 |
Construction, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 53241 | Construction, Transportation, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 5324 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532420 |
Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 53242 | Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 5324 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
532490 |
Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 53249 | Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 5324 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing |
533110 |
Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) | 53311 | Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) | 5331 | Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) |
541110 |
Offices of Lawyers | 54111 | Offices of Lawyers | 5411 | Legal Services |
541191 |
Title Abstract and Settlement Offices | 54119 | Other Legal Services | 5411 | Legal Services |
541199 |
All Other Legal Services | 54119 | Other Legal Services | 5411 | Legal Services |
541211 |
Offices of Certified Public Accountants | 54121 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services |
541213 |
Tax Preparation Services | 54121 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services |
541214 |
Payroll Services | 54121 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services |
541219 |
Other Accounting Services | 54121 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services |
541310 |
Architectural Services | 54131 | Architectural Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541320 |
Landscape Architectural Services | 54132 | Landscape Architectural Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541330 |
Engineering Services | 54133 | Engineering Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541340 |
Drafting Services | 54134 | Drafting Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541350 |
Building Inspection Services | 54135 | Building Inspection Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541360 |
Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services | 54136 | Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541370 |
Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services | 54137 | Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541380 |
Testing Laboratories and Services | 54138 | Testing Laboratories and Services | 5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services |
541410 |
Interior Design Services | 54141 | Interior Design Services | 5414 | Specialized Design Services |
541420 |
Industrial Design Services | 54142 | Industrial Design Services | 5414 | Specialized Design Services |
541430 |
Graphic Design Services | 54143 | Graphic Design Services | 5414 | Specialized Design Services |
541490 |
Other Specialized Design Services | 54149 | Other Specialized Design Services | 5414 | Specialized Design Services |
541511 |
Custom Computer Programming Services | 54151 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services | 5415 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
541512 |
Computer Systems Design Services | 54151 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services | 5415 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
541513 |
Computer Facilities Management Services | 54151 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services | 5415 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
541519 |
Other Computer Related Services | 54151 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services | 5415 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
541611 |
Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services | 54161 | Management Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541612 |
Human Resources Consulting Services | 54161 | Management Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541613 |
Marketing Consulting Services | 54161 | Management Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541614 |
Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services | 54161 | Management Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541618 |
Other Management Consulting Services | 54161 | Management Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541620 |
Environmental Consulting Services | 54162 | Environmental Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541690 |
Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services | 54169 | Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services | 5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services |
541713 |
Research and Development in Nanotechnology | 54171 | Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences | 5417 | Scientific Research and Development Services |
541714 |
Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology) | 54171 | Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences | 5417 | Scientific Research and Development Services |
541715 |
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) | 54171 | Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences | 5417 | Scientific Research and Development Services |
541720 |
Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities | 54172 | Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities | 5417 | Scientific Research and Development Services |
541810 |
Advertising Agencies | 54181 | Advertising Agencies | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541820 |
Public Relations Agencies | 54182 | Public Relations Agencies | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541830 |
Media Buying Agencies | 54183 | Media Buying Agencies | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541840 |
Media Representatives | 54184 | Media Representatives | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541850 |
Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising | 54185 | Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541860 |
Direct Mail Advertising | 54186 | Direct Mail Advertising | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541870 |
Advertising Material Distribution Services | 54187 | Advertising Material Distribution Services | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541890 |
Other Services Related to Advertising | 54189 | Other Services Related to Advertising | 5418 | Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services |
541910 |
Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling | 54191 | Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541921 |
Photography Studios, Portrait | 54192 | Photographic Services | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541922 |
Commercial Photography | 54192 | Photographic Services | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541930 |
Translation and Interpretation Services | 54193 | Translation and Interpretation Services | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541940 |
Veterinary Services | 54194 | Veterinary Services | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541990 |
All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54199 | All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
551111 |
Offices of Bank Holding Companies | 55111 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 5511 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
551112 |
Offices of Other Holding Companies | 55111 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 5511 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
551114 |
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices | 55111 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 5511 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
561110 |
Office Administrative Services | 56111 | Office Administrative Services | 5611 | Office Administrative Services |
561210 |
Facilities Support Services | 56121 | Facilities Support Services | 5612 | Facilities Support Services |
561311 |
Employment Placement Agencies | 56131 | Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services | 5613 | Employment Services |
561312 |
Executive Search Services | 56131 | Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services | 5613 | Employment Services |
561320 |
Temporary Help Services | 56132 | Temporary Help Services | 5613 | Employment Services |
561330 |
Professional Employer Organizations | 56133 | Professional Employer Organizations | 5613 | Employment Services |
561410 |
Document Preparation Services | 56141 | Document Preparation Services | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561421 |
Telephone Answering Services | 56142 | Telephone Call Centers | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561422 |
Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers | 56142 | Telephone Call Centers | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561431 |
Private Mail Centers | 56143 | Business Service Centers | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561439 |
Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops) | 56143 | Business Service Centers | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561440 |
Collection Agencies | 56144 | Collection Agencies | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561450 |
Credit Bureaus | 56145 | Credit Bureaus | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561491 |
Repossession Services | 56149 | Other Business Support Services | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561492 |
Court Reporting and Stenotype Services | 56149 | Other Business Support Services | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561499 |
All Other Business Support Services | 56149 | Other Business Support Services | 5614 | Business Support Services |
561510 |
Travel Agencies | 56151 | Travel Agencies | 5615 | Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services |
561520 |
Tour Operators | 56152 | Tour Operators | 5615 | Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services |
561591 |
Convention and Visitors Bureaus | 56159 | Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services | 5615 | Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services |
561599 |
All Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services | 56159 | Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services | 5615 | Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services |
561611 |
Investigation and Personal Background Check Services | 56161 | Investigation, Guard, and Armored Car Services | 5616 | Investigation and Security Services |
561612 |
Security Guards and Patrol Services | 56161 | Investigation, Guard, and Armored Car Services | 5616 | Investigation and Security Services |
561613 |
Armored Car Services | 56161 | Investigation, Guard, and Armored Car Services | 5616 | Investigation and Security Services |
561621 |
Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) | 56162 | Security Systems Services | 5616 | Investigation and Security Services |
561622 |
Locksmiths | 56162 | Security Systems Services | 5616 | Investigation and Security Services |
561710 |
Exterminating and Pest Control Services | 56171 | Exterminating and Pest Control Services | 5617 | Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
561720 |
Janitorial Services | 56172 | Janitorial Services | 5617 | Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
561730 |
Landscaping Services | 56173 | Landscaping Services | 5617 | Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
561740 |
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services | 56174 | Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services | 5617 | Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
561790 |
Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings | 56179 | Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings | 5617 | Services to Buildings and Dwellings |
561910 |
Packaging and Labeling Services | 56191 | Packaging and Labeling Services | 5619 | Other Support Services |
561920 |
Convention and Trade Show Organizers | 56192 | Convention and Trade Show Organizers | 5619 | Other Support Services |
561990 |
All Other Support Services | 56199 | All Other Support Services | 5619 | Other Support Services |
562111 |
Solid Waste Collection | 56211 | Waste Collection | 5621 | Waste Collection |
562112 |
Hazardous Waste Collection | 56211 | Waste Collection | 5621 | Waste Collection |
562119 |
Other Waste Collection | 56211 | Waste Collection | 5621 | Waste Collection |
562211 |
Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal | 56221 | Waste Treatment and Disposal | 5622 | Waste Treatment and Disposal |
562212 |
Solid Waste Landfill | 56221 | Waste Treatment and Disposal | 5622 | Waste Treatment and Disposal |
562213 |
Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators | 56221 | Waste Treatment and Disposal | 5622 | Waste Treatment and Disposal |
562219 |
Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal | 56221 | Waste Treatment and Disposal | 5622 | Waste Treatment and Disposal |
562910 |
Remediation Services | 56291 | Remediation Services | 5629 | Remediation and Other Waste Management Services |
562920 |
Materials Recovery Facilities | 56292 | Materials Recovery Facilities | 5629 | Remediation and Other Waste Management Services |
562991 |
Septic Tank and Related Services | 56299 | All Other Waste Management Services | 5629 | Remediation and Other Waste Management Services |
562998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services | 56299 | All Other Waste Management Services | 5629 | Remediation and Other Waste Management Services |
611110 |
Elementary and Secondary Schools | 61111 | Elementary and Secondary Schools | 6111 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
611210 |
Junior Colleges | 61121 | Junior Colleges | 6112 | Junior Colleges |
611310 |
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools | 61131 | Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools | 6113 | Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools |
611410 |
Business and Secretarial Schools | 61141 | Business and Secretarial Schools | 6114 | Business Schools and Computer and Management Training |
611420 |
Computer Training | 61142 | Computer Training | 6114 | Business Schools and Computer and Management Training |
611430 |
Professional and Management Development Training | 61143 | Professional and Management Development Training | 6114 | Business Schools and Computer and Management Training |
611511 |
Cosmetology and Barber Schools | 61151 | Technical and Trade Schools | 6115 | Technical and Trade Schools |
611512 |
Flight Training | 61151 | Technical and Trade Schools | 6115 | Technical and Trade Schools |
611513 |
Apprenticeship Training | 61151 | Technical and Trade Schools | 6115 | Technical and Trade Schools |
611519 |
Other Technical and Trade Schools | 61151 | Technical and Trade Schools | 6115 | Technical and Trade Schools |
611610 |
Fine Arts Schools | 61161 | Fine Arts Schools | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611620 |
Sports and Recreation Instruction | 61162 | Sports and Recreation Instruction | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611630 |
Language Schools | 61163 | Language Schools | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611691 |
Exam Preparation and Tutoring | 61169 | All Other Schools and Instruction | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611692 |
Automobile Driving Schools | 61169 | All Other Schools and Instruction | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611699 |
All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction | 61169 | All Other Schools and Instruction | 6116 | Other Schools and Instruction |
611710 |
Educational Support Services | 61171 | Educational Support Services | 6117 | Educational Support Services |
621111 |
Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists) | 62111 | Offices of Physicians | 6211 | Offices of Physicians |
621112 |
Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists | 62111 | Offices of Physicians | 6211 | Offices of Physicians |
621210 |
Offices of Dentists | 62121 | Offices of Dentists | 6212 | Offices of Dentists |
621310 |
Offices of Chiropractors | 62131 | Offices of Chiropractors | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621320 |
Offices of Optometrists | 62132 | Offices of Optometrists | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621330 |
Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) | 62133 | Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621340 |
Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologists | 62134 | Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologists | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621391 |
Offices of Podiatrists | 62139 | Offices of All Other Health Practitioners | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621399 |
Offices of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners | 62139 | Offices of All Other Health Practitioners | 6213 | Offices of Other Health Practitioners |
621410 |
Family Planning Centers | 62141 | Family Planning Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621420 |
Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers | 62142 | Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621491 |
HMO Medical Centers | 62149 | Other Outpatient Care Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621492 |
Kidney Dialysis Centers | 62149 | Other Outpatient Care Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621493 |
Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical and Emergency Centers | 62149 | Other Outpatient Care Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621498 |
All Other Outpatient Care Centers | 62149 | Other Outpatient Care Centers | 6214 | Outpatient Care Centers |
621511 |
Medical Laboratories | 62151 | Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories | 6215 | Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories |
621512 |
Diagnostic Imaging Centers | 62151 | Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories | 6215 | Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories |
621610 |
Home Health Care Services | 62161 | Home Health Care Services | 6216 | Home Health Care Services |
621910 |
Ambulance Services | 62191 | Ambulance Services | 6219 | Other Ambulatory Health Care Services |
621991 |
Blood and Organ Banks | 62199 | All Other Ambulatory Health Care Services | 6219 | Other Ambulatory Health Care Services |
621999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62199 | All Other Ambulatory Health Care Services | 6219 | Other Ambulatory Health Care Services |
622110 |
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | 62211 | General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | 6221 | General Medical and Surgical Hospitals |
622210 |
Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals | 62221 | Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals | 6222 | Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals |
622310 |
Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals | 62231 | Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals | 6223 | Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals |
623110 |
Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) | 62311 | Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) | 6231 | Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) |
623210 |
Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability Facilities | 62321 | Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability Facilities | 6232 | Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Facilities |
623220 |
Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities | 62322 | Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities | 6232 | Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Facilities |
623311 |
Continuing Care Retirement Communities | 62331 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly | 6233 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly |
623312 |
Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly | 62331 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly | 6233 | Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly |
623990 |
Other Residential Care Facilities | 62399 | Other Residential Care Facilities | 6239 | Other Residential Care Facilities |
624110 |
Child and Youth Services | 62411 | Child and Youth Services | 6241 | Individual and Family Services |
624120 |
Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities | 62412 | Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities | 6241 | Individual and Family Services |
624190 |
Other Individual and Family Services | 62419 | Other Individual and Family Services | 6241 | Individual and Family Services |
624210 |
Community Food Services | 62421 | Community Food Services | 6242 | Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services |
624221 |
Temporary Shelters | 62422 | Community Housing Services | 6242 | Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services |
624229 |
Other Community Housing Services | 62422 | Community Housing Services | 6242 | Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services |
624230 |
Emergency and Other Relief Services | 62423 | Emergency and Other Relief Services | 6242 | Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services |
624310 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 62431 | Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 6243 | Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
624410 |
Child Care Services | 62441 | Child Care Services | 6244 | Child Care Services |
711110 |
Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters | 71111 | Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters | 7111 | Performing Arts Companies |
711120 |
Dance Companies | 71112 | Dance Companies | 7111 | Performing Arts Companies |
711130 |
Musical Groups and Artists | 71113 | Musical Groups and Artists | 7111 | Performing Arts Companies |
711190 |
Other Performing Arts Companies | 71119 | Other Performing Arts Companies | 7111 | Performing Arts Companies |
711211 |
Sports Teams and Clubs | 71121 | Spectator Sports | 7112 | Spectator Sports |
711212 |
Racetracks | 71121 | Spectator Sports | 7112 | Spectator Sports |
711219 |
Other Spectator Sports | 71121 | Spectator Sports | 7112 | Spectator Sports |
711310 |
Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities | 71131 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities | 7113 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events |
711320 |
Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities | 71132 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities | 7113 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events |
711410 |
Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures | 71141 | Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures | 7114 | Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures |
711510 |
Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers | 71151 | Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers | 7115 | Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers |
712110 |
Museums | 71211 | Museums | 7121 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions |
712120 |
Historical Sites | 71212 | Historical Sites | 7121 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions |
712130 |
Zoos and Botanical Gardens | 71213 | Zoos and Botanical Gardens | 7121 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions |
712190 |
Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions | 71219 | Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions | 7121 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions |
713110 |
Amusement and Theme Parks | 71311 | Amusement and Theme Parks | 7131 | Amusement Parks and Arcades |
713120 |
Amusement Arcades | 71312 | Amusement Arcades | 7131 | Amusement Parks and Arcades |
713210 |
Casinos (except Casino Hotels) | 71321 | Casinos (except Casino Hotels) | 7132 | Gambling Industries |
713290 |
Other Gambling Industries | 71329 | Other Gambling Industries | 7132 | Gambling Industries |
713910 |
Golf Courses and Country Clubs | 71391 | Golf Courses and Country Clubs | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
713920 |
Skiing Facilities | 71392 | Skiing Facilities | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
713930 |
Marinas | 71393 | Marinas | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
713940 |
Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers | 71394 | Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
713950 |
Bowling Centers | 71395 | Bowling Centers | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
713990 |
All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries | 71399 | All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries | 7139 | Other Amusement and Recreation Industries |
721110 |
Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels | 72111 | Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels | 7211 | Traveler Accommodation |
721120 |
Casino Hotels | 72112 | Casino Hotels | 7211 | Traveler Accommodation |
721191 |
Bed-and-Breakfast Inns | 72119 | Other Traveler Accommodation | 7211 | Traveler Accommodation |
721199 |
All Other Traveler Accommodation | 72119 | Other Traveler Accommodation | 7211 | Traveler Accommodation |
721211 |
RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Campgrounds | 72121 | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps | 7212 | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps |
721214 |
Recreational and Vacation Camps (except Campgrounds) | 72121 | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps | 7212 | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps |
721310 |
Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps | 72131 | Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps | 7213 | Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps |
722310 |
Food Service Contractors | 72231 | Food Service Contractors | 7223 | Special Food Services |
722320 |
Caterers | 72232 | Caterers | 7223 | Special Food Services |
722330 |
Mobile Food Services | 72233 | Mobile Food Services | 7223 | Special Food Services |
722410 |
Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) | 72241 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) | 7224 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) |
722511 |
Full-Service Restaurants | 72251 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places | 7225 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places |
722513 |
Limited-Service Restaurants | 72251 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places | 7225 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places |
722514 |
Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets | 72251 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places | 7225 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places |
722515 |
Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars | 72251 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places | 7225 | Restaurants and Other Eating Places |
811111 |
General Automotive Repair | 81111 | Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811114 |
Specialized Automotive Repair | 81111 | Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811121 |
Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance | 81112 | Automotive Body, Paint, Interior, and Glass Repair | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811122 |
Automotive Glass Replacement Shops | 81112 | Automotive Body, Paint, Interior, and Glass Repair | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811191 |
Automotive Oil Change and Lubrication Shops | 81119 | Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811192 |
Car Washes | 81119 | Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811198 |
All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 81119 | Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 8111 | Automotive Repair and Maintenance |
811210 |
Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 81121 | Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 8112 | Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance |
811310 |
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance | 81131 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance | 8113 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance |
811411 |
Home and Garden Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 81141 | Home and Garden Equipment and Appliance Repair and Maintenance | 8114 | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance |
811412 |
Appliance Repair and Maintenance | 81141 | Home and Garden Equipment and Appliance Repair and Maintenance | 8114 | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance |
811420 |
Reupholstery and Furniture Repair | 81142 | Reupholstery and Furniture Repair | 8114 | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance |
811430 |
Footwear and Leather Goods Repair | 81143 | Footwear and Leather Goods Repair | 8114 | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance |
811490 |
Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance | 81149 | Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance | 8114 | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance |
812111 |
Barber Shops | 81211 | Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services | 8121 | Personal Care Services |
812112 |
Beauty Salons | 81211 | Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services | 8121 | Personal Care Services |
812113 |
Nail Salons | 81211 | Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services | 8121 | Personal Care Services |
812191 |
Diet and Weight Reducing Centers | 81219 | Other Personal Care Services | 8121 | Personal Care Services |
812199 |
Other Personal Care Services | 81219 | Other Personal Care Services | 8121 | Personal Care Services |
812210 |
Funeral Homes and Funeral Services | 81221 | Funeral Homes and Funeral Services | 8122 | Death Care Services |
812220 |
Cemeteries and Crematories | 81222 | Cemeteries and Crematories | 8122 | Death Care Services |
812310 |
Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners | 81231 | Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners | 8123 | Drycleaning and Laundry Services |
812320 |
Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) | 81232 | Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) | 8123 | Drycleaning and Laundry Services |
812331 |
Linen Supply | 81233 | Linen and Uniform Supply | 8123 | Drycleaning and Laundry Services |
812332 |
Industrial Launderers | 81233 | Linen and Uniform Supply | 8123 | Drycleaning and Laundry Services |
812910 |
Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services | 81291 | Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services | 8129 | Other Personal Services |
812921 |
Photofinishing Laboratories (except One-Hour) | 81292 | Photofinishing | 8129 | Other Personal Services |
812922 |
One-Hour Photofinishing | 81292 | Photofinishing | 8129 | Other Personal Services |
812930 |
Parking Lots and Garages | 81293 | Parking Lots and Garages | 8129 | Other Personal Services |
812990 |
All Other Personal Services | 81299 | All Other Personal Services | 8129 | Other Personal Services |
813110 |
Religious Organizations | 81311 | Religious Organizations | 8131 | Religious Organizations |
813211 |
Grantmaking Foundations | 81321 | Grantmaking and Giving Services | 8132 | Grantmaking and Giving Services |
813212 |
Voluntary Health Organizations | 81321 | Grantmaking and Giving Services | 8132 | Grantmaking and Giving Services |
813219 |
Other Grantmaking and Giving Services | 81321 | Grantmaking and Giving Services | 8132 | Grantmaking and Giving Services |
813311 |
Human Rights Organizations | 81331 | Social Advocacy Organizations | 8133 | Social Advocacy Organizations |
813312 |
Environment, Conservation and Wildlife Organizations | 81331 | Social Advocacy Organizations | 8133 | Social Advocacy Organizations |
813319 |
Other Social Advocacy Organizations | 81331 | Social Advocacy Organizations | 8133 | Social Advocacy Organizations |
813410 |
Civic and Social Organizations | 81341 | Civic and Social Organizations | 8134 | Civic and Social Organizations |
813910 |
Business Associations | 81391 | Business Associations | 8139 | Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations |
813920 |
Professional Organizations | 81392 | Professional Organizations | 8139 | Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations |
813930 |
Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations | 81393 | Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations | 8139 | Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations |
813940 |
Political Organizations | 81394 | Political Organizations | 8139 | Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations |
813990 |
Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations) | 81399 | Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations) | 8139 | Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations |
814110 |
Private Households | 81411 | Private Households | 8141 | Private Households |
921110 |
Executive Offices | 92111 | Executive Offices | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
921120 |
Legislative Bodies | 92112 | Legislative Bodies | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
921130 |
Public Finance Activities | 92113 | Public Finance Activities | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
921140 |
Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined | 92114 | Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
921150 |
American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments | 92115 | American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
921190 |
Other General Government Support | 92119 | Other General Government Support | 9211 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
922110 |
Courts | 92211 | Courts | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922120 |
Police Protection | 92212 | Police Protection | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922130 |
Legal Counsel and Prosecution | 92213 | Legal Counsel and Prosecution | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922140 |
Correctional Institutions | 92214 | Correctional Institutions | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922150 |
Parole Offices and Probation Offices | 92215 | Parole Offices and Probation Offices | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922160 |
Fire Protection | 92216 | Fire Protection | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
922190 |
Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92219 | Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 9221 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities |
923110 |
Administration of Education Programs | 92311 | Administration of Education Programs | 9231 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
923120 |
Administration of Public Health Programs | 92312 | Administration of Public Health Programs | 9231 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
923130 |
Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs) | 92313 | Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs) | 9231 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
923140 |
Administration of Veterans' Affairs | 92314 | Administration of Veterans' Affairs | 9231 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
924110 |
Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs | 92411 | Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs | 9241 | Administration of Environmental Quality Programs |
924120 |
Administration of Conservation Programs | 92412 | Administration of Conservation Programs | 9241 | Administration of Environmental Quality Programs |
925110 |
Administration of Housing Programs | 92511 | Administration of Housing Programs | 9251 | Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development |
925120 |
Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development | 92512 | Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development | 9251 | Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development |
926110 |
Administration of General Economic Programs | 92611 | Administration of General Economic Programs | 9261 | Administration of Economic Programs |
926120 |
Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs | 92612 | Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs | 9261 | Administration of Economic Programs |
926130 |
Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities | 92613 | Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities | 9261 | Administration of Economic Programs |
926140 |
Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities | 92614 | Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities | 9261 | Administration of Economic Programs |
926150 |
Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors | 92615 | Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors | 9261 | Administration of Economic Programs |
927110 |
Space Research and Technology | 92711 | Space Research and Technology | 9271 | Space Research and Technology |
928110 |
National Security | 92811 | National Security | 9281 | National Security and International Affairs |
928120 |
International Affairs | 92812 | International Affairs | 9281 | National Security and International Affairs |
999999 |
Unclassified | 99999 | Unclassified | 9999 | Unclassified |
naics6_code | naics6_title | naics3_code | naics3_title | sector_code | sector_title |
111110 |
Soybean Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111120 |
Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111130 |
Dry Pea and Bean Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111140 |
Wheat Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111150 |
Corn Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111160 |
Rice Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111191 |
Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111199 |
All Other Grain Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111211 |
Potato Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111219 |
Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111310 |
Orange Groves | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111320 |
Citrus (except Orange) Groves | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111331 |
Apple Orchards | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111332 |
Grape Vineyards | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111333 |
Strawberry Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111334 |
Berry (except Strawberry) Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111335 |
Tree Nut Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111336 |
Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111339 |
Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111411 |
Mushroom Production | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111419 |
Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111421 |
Nursery and Tree Production | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111422 |
Floriculture Production | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111910 |
Tobacco Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111920 |
Cotton Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111930 |
Sugarcane Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111940 |
Hay Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111991 |
Sugar Beet Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111992 |
Peanut Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
111998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming | 111 | Crop Production | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112111 |
Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112112 |
Cattle Feedlots | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112120 |
Dairy Cattle and Milk Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112210 |
Hog and Pig Farming | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112310 |
Chicken Egg Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112320 |
Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112330 |
Turkey Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112340 |
Poultry Hatcheries | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112390 |
Other Poultry Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112410 |
Sheep Farming | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112420 |
Goat Farming | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112511 |
Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112512 |
Shellfish Farming | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112519 |
Other Aquaculture | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112910 |
Apiculture | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112920 |
Horses and Other Equine Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112930 |
Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
112990 |
All Other Animal Production | 112 | Animal Production and Aquaculture | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
113110 |
Timber Tract Operations | 113 | Forestry and Logging | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
113210 |
Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | 113 | Forestry and Logging | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
113310 |
Logging | 113 | Forestry and Logging | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
114111 |
Finfish Fishing | 114 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
114112 |
Shellfish Fishing | 114 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
114119 |
Other Marine Fishing | 114 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
114210 |
Hunting and Trapping | 114 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115111 |
Cotton Ginning | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115112 |
Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115113 |
Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115114 |
Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115115 |
Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115116 |
Farm Management Services | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115210 |
Support Activities for Animal Production | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
115310 |
Support Activities for Forestry | 115 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | 11 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
211120 |
Crude Petroleum Extraction | 211 | Oil and Gas Extraction | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
211130 |
Natural Gas Extraction | 211 | Oil and Gas Extraction | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212114 |
Surface Coal Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212115 |
Underground Coal Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212210 |
Iron Ore Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212220 |
Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212230 |
Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212290 |
Other Metal Ore Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212311 |
Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212312 |
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212313 |
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212319 |
Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212321 |
Construction Sand and Gravel Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212322 |
Industrial Sand Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212323 |
Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
212390 |
Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | 212 | Mining (except Oil and Gas) | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
213111 |
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells | 213 | Support Activities for Mining | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
213112 |
Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | 213 | Support Activities for Mining | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
213113 |
Support Activities for Coal Mining | 213 | Support Activities for Mining | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
213114 |
Support Activities for Metal Mining | 213 | Support Activities for Mining | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
213115 |
Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining | 213 | Support Activities for Mining | 21 | Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction |
221111 |
Hydroelectric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221113 |
Nuclear Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221114 |
Solar Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221115 |
Wind Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221116 |
Geothermal Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221117 |
Biomass Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221118 |
Other Electric Power Generation | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221121 |
Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221122 |
Electric Power Distribution | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221210 |
Natural Gas Distribution | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221310 |
Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221320 |
Sewage Treatment Facilities | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
221330 |
Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | 221 | Utilities | 22 | Utilities |
236115 |
New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
236116 |
New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
236117 |
New Housing For-Sale Builders | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
236118 |
Residential Remodelers | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
236210 |
Industrial Building Construction | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
236220 |
Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | 236 | Construction of Buildings | 23 | Construction |
237110 |
Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
237120 |
Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
237130 |
Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
237210 |
Land Subdivision | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
237310 |
Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
237990 |
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 237 | Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 23 | Construction |
238111 |
Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238112 |
Non-Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238121 |
Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238122 |
Non-Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238131 |
Residential Framing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238132 |
Non-Residential Framing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238141 |
Residential Masonry Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238142 |
Non-Residential Masonry Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238151 |
Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238152 |
Non-Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238161 |
Residential Roofing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238162 |
Non-Residential Roofing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238171 |
Residential Siding Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238172 |
Non-Residential Siding Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238191 |
Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238192 |
Non-Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238211 |
Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238212 |
Non-Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238221 |
Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238222 |
Non-Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238291 |
Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238292 |
Non-Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238311 |
Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238312 |
Non-Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238321 |
Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238322 |
Non-Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238331 |
Residential Flooring Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238332 |
Non-Residential Flooring Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238341 |
Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238342 |
Non-Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238351 |
Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238352 |
Non-Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238391 |
Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238392 |
Non-Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238911 |
Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238912 |
Non-Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238991 |
Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
238992 |
Non-Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 238 | Specialty Trade Contractors | 23 | Construction |
311111 |
Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311119 |
Other Animal Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311211 |
Flour Milling | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311212 |
Rice Milling | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311213 |
Malt Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311221 |
Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311224 |
Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311225 |
Fats and Oils Refining and Blending | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311230 |
Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311313 |
Beet Sugar Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311314 |
Cane Sugar Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311340 |
Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311351 |
Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311352 |
Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311411 |
Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311412 |
Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311421 |
Fruit and Vegetable Canning | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311422 |
Specialty Canning | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311423 |
Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311511 |
Fluid Milk Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311512 |
Creamery Butter Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311513 |
Cheese Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311514 |
Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311520 |
Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311611 |
Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311612 |
Meat Processed from Carcasses | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311613 |
Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311615 |
Poultry Processing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311710 |
Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311811 |
Retail Bakeries | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311812 |
Commercial Bakeries | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311813 |
Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311821 |
Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311824 |
Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311830 |
Tortilla Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311911 |
Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311919 |
Other Snack Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311920 |
Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311930 |
Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311941 |
Mayonnaise, Dressing, and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311942 |
Spice and Extract Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311991 |
Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
311999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing | 311 | Food Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312111 |
Soft Drink Manufacturing | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312112 |
Bottled Water Manufacturing | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312113 |
Ice Manufacturing | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312120 |
Breweries | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312130 |
Wineries | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312140 |
Distilleries | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
312230 |
Tobacco Manufacturing | 312 | Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313110 |
Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313210 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313220 |
Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313230 |
Nonwoven Fabric Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313240 |
Knit Fabric Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313310 |
Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
313320 |
Fabric Coating Mills | 313 | Textile Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
314110 |
Carpet and Rug Mills | 314 | Textile Product Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
314120 |
Curtain and Linen Mills | 314 | Textile Product Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
314910 |
Textile Bag and Canvas Mills | 314 | Textile Product Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
314994 |
Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills | 314 | Textile Product Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
314999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills | 314 | Textile Product Mills | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
315120 |
Apparel Knitting Mills | 315 | Apparel Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
315210 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 315 | Apparel Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
315250 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors) | 315 | Apparel Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
315990 |
Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 315 | Apparel Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
316110 |
Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing | 316 | Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
316210 |
Footwear Manufacturing | 316 | Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
316990 |
Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 316 | Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321113 |
Sawmills | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321114 |
Wood Preservation | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321211 |
Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321212 |
Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321215 |
Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321219 |
Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321911 |
Wood Window and Door Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321912 |
Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321918 |
Other Millwork (including Flooring) | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321920 |
Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321991 |
Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321992 |
Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
321999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing | 321 | Wood Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322110 |
Pulp Mills | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322120 |
Paper Mills | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322130 |
Paperboard Mills | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322211 |
Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322212 |
Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322219 |
Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322220 |
Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322230 |
Stationery Product Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322291 |
Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
322299 |
All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | 322 | Paper Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
323111 |
Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books) | 323 | Printing and Related Support Activities | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
323113 |
Commercial Screen Printing | 323 | Printing and Related Support Activities | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
323117 |
Books Printing | 323 | Printing and Related Support Activities | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
323120 |
Support Activities for Printing | 323 | Printing and Related Support Activities | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
324110 |
Petroleum Refineries | 324 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
324121 |
Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing | 324 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
324122 |
Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing | 324 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
324191 |
Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing | 324 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
324199 |
All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 324 | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325110 |
Petrochemical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325120 |
Industrial Gas Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325130 |
Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325180 |
Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325193 |
Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325194 |
Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325199 |
All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325211 |
Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325212 |
Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325220 |
Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325311 |
Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325312 |
Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325314 |
Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325315 |
Compost Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325320 |
Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325411 |
Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325412 |
Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325413 |
In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325414 |
Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325510 |
Paint and Coating Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325520 |
Adhesive Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325611 |
Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325612 |
Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325613 |
Surface Active Agent Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325620 |
Toilet Preparation Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325910 |
Printing Ink Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325920 |
Explosives Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325991 |
Custom Compounding of Purchased Resins | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325992 |
Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
325998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 325 | Chemical Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326111 |
Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326112 |
Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326113 |
Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326121 |
Unlaminated Plastics Profile Shape Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326122 |
Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326130 |
Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326140 |
Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326150 |
Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326160 |
Plastics Bottle Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326191 |
Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326199 |
All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326211 |
Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading) | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326212 |
Tire Retreading | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326220 |
Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326291 |
Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
326299 |
All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing | 326 | Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327110 |
Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327120 |
Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327211 |
Flat Glass Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327212 |
Other Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327213 |
Glass Container Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327215 |
Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327310 |
Cement Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327320 |
Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327331 |
Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327332 |
Concrete Pipe Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327390 |
Other Concrete Product Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327410 |
Lime Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327420 |
Gypsum Product Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327910 |
Abrasive Product Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327991 |
Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327992 |
Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327993 |
Mineral Wool Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
327999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 327 | Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331110 |
Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331210 |
Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331221 |
Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331222 |
Steel Wire Drawing | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331313 |
Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331314 |
Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331315 |
Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331318 |
Other Aluminum Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331410 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331420 |
Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331491 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331492 |
Secondary Smelting, Refining, and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331511 |
Iron Foundries | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331512 |
Steel Investment Foundries | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331513 |
Steel Foundries (except Investment) | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331523 |
Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331524 |
Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
331529 |
Other Nonferrous Metal Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 331 | Primary Metal Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332111 |
Iron and Steel Forging | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332112 |
Nonferrous Forging | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332114 |
Custom Roll Forming | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332117 |
Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332119 |
Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive) | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332215 |
Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332216 |
Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332311 |
Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332312 |
Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332313 |
Plate Work Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332321 |
Metal Window and Door Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332322 |
Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332323 |
Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332410 |
Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332420 |
Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332431 |
Metal Can Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332439 |
Other Metal Container Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332510 |
Hardware Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332613 |
Spring Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332618 |
Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332710 |
Machine Shops | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332721 |
Precision Turned Product Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332722 |
Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332811 |
Metal Heat Treating | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332812 |
Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332813 |
Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332911 |
Industrial Valve Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332912 |
Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332913 |
Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332919 |
Other Metal Valve and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332991 |
Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332992 |
Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332993 |
Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332994 |
Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332996 |
Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
332999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 332 | Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333111 |
Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333112 |
Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333120 |
Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333131 |
Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333132 |
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333241 |
Food Product Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333242 |
Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333243 |
Sawmill, Woodworking, and Paper Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333248 |
All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333310 |
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333413 |
Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333414 |
Heating Equipment (except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333415 |
Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333511 |
Industrial Mold Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333514 |
Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333515 |
Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333517 |
Machine Tool Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333519 |
Rolling Mill and Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333611 |
Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333612 |
Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, and Gear Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333613 |
Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333618 |
Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333912 |
Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333914 |
Measuring, Dispensing, and Other Pumping Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333921 |
Elevator and Moving Stairway Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333922 |
Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333923 |
Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333924 |
Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333991 |
Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333992 |
Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333993 |
Packaging Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333994 |
Industrial Process Furnace and Oven Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333995 |
Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333996 |
Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
333998 |
All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 333 | Machinery Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334111 |
Electronic Computer Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334112 |
Computer Storage Device Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334118 |
Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334210 |
Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334220 |
Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334290 |
Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334310 |
Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334412 |
Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334413 |
Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334416 |
Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334417 |
Electronic Connector Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334418 |
Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334419 |
Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334510 |
Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334511 |
Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334512 |
Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334513 |
Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Variables | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334514 |
Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334515 |
Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334516 |
Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334517 |
Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334519 |
Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
334610 |
Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media | 334 | Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335131 |
Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335132 |
Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335139 |
Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335210 |
Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335220 |
Major Household Appliance Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335311 |
Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335312 |
Motor and Generator Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335313 |
Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335314 |
Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335910 |
Battery Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335921 |
Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335929 |
Other Communication and Energy Wire Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335931 |
Current-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335932 |
Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335991 |
Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
335999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing | 335 | Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336110 |
Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336120 |
Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336211 |
Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336212 |
Truck Trailer Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336213 |
Motor Home Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336214 |
Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336310 |
Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336320 |
Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336330 |
Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336340 |
Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336350 |
Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336360 |
Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336370 |
Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336390 |
Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336411 |
Aircraft Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336412 |
Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336413 |
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336414 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336415 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336419 |
Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336510 |
Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336611 |
Ship Building and Repairing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336612 |
Boat Building | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336991 |
Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336992 |
Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
336999 |
All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 336 | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337110 |
Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337121 |
Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337122 |
Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337126 |
Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337127 |
Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337211 |
Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337212 |
Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337214 |
Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337215 |
Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337910 |
Mattress Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
337920 |
Blind and Shade Manufacturing | 337 | Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339112 |
Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339113 |
Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339114 |
Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339115 |
Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339116 |
Dental Laboratories | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339910 |
Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339920 |
Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339930 |
Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339940 |
Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339950 |
Sign Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339991 |
Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339992 |
Musical Instrument Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339993 |
Fastener, Button, Needle, and Pin Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339994 |
Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339995 |
Burial Casket Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
339999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 339 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 31-33 | Manufacturing |
423110 |
Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423120 |
Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423130 |
Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423140 |
Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423210 |
Furniture Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423220 |
Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423310 |
Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423320 |
Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423330 |
Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423390 |
Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423410 |
Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423420 |
Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423430 |
Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423440 |
Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423450 |
Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423460 |
Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423490 |
Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423510 |
Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423520 |
Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423610 |
Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423620 |
Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423690 |
Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423710 |
Hardware Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423720 |
Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423730 |
Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423740 |
Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423810 |
Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423820 |
Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423830 |
Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423840 |
Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423850 |
Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423860 |
Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423910 |
Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423920 |
Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423930 |
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423940 |
Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
423990 |
Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 423 | Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424110 |
Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424120 |
Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424130 |
Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424210 |
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424310 |
Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424340 |
Footwear Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424350 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424410 |
General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424420 |
Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424430 |
Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424440 |
Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424450 |
Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424460 |
Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424470 |
Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424480 |
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424490 |
Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424510 |
Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424520 |
Livestock Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424590 |
Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424610 |
Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424690 |
Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424710 |
Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424720 |
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424810 |
Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424820 |
Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424910 |
Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424920 |
Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424930 |
Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424940 |
Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424950 |
Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
424990 |
Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 424 | Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
425120 |
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 425 | Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 42 | Wholesale Trade |
441110 |
New Car Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441120 |
Used Car Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441210 |
Recreational Vehicle Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441222 |
Boat Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441227 |
Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441330 |
Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
441340 |
Tire Dealers | 441 | Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444110 |
Home Centers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444120 |
Paint and Wallpaper Retailers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444140 |
Hardware Retailers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444180 |
Other Building Material Dealers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444230 |
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
444240 |
Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers | 444 | Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445110 |
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers) | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445131 |
Convenience Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445132 |
Vending Machine Operators | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445230 |
Fruit and Vegetable Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445240 |
Meat Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445250 |
Fish and Seafood Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445291 |
Baked Goods Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445292 |
Confectionery and Nut Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445298 |
All Other Specialty Food Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
445320 |
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers | 445 | Food and Beverage Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
449110 |
Furniture Retailers | 449 | Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
449121 |
Floor Covering Retailers | 449 | Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
449122 |
Window Treatment Retailers | 449 | Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
449129 |
All Other Home Furnishings Retailers | 449 | Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
449210 |
Electronics and Appliance Retailers | 449 | Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
455110 |
Department Stores | 455 | General Merchandise Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
455211 |
Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters | 455 | General Merchandise Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
455219 |
All Other General Merchandise Retailers | 455 | General Merchandise Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
456110 |
Pharmacies and Drug Retailers | 456 | Health and Personal Care Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
456120 |
Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers | 456 | Health and Personal Care Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
456130 |
Optical Goods Retailers | 456 | Health and Personal Care Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
456191 |
Food (Health) Supplement Retailers | 456 | Health and Personal Care Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
456199 |
All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers | 456 | Health and Personal Care Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
457110 |
Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores | 457 | Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
457120 |
Other Gasoline Stations | 457 | Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
457210 |
Fuel Dealers | 457 | Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
458110 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers | 458 | Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
458210 |
Shoe Retailers | 458 | Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
458310 |
Jewelry Retailers | 458 | Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
458320 |
Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers | 458 | Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459110 |
Sporting Goods Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459120 |
Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459130 |
Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459140 |
Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459210 |
Book Retailers and News Dealers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459310 |
Florists | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459410 |
Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459420 |
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459510 |
Used Merchandise Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459910 |
Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459920 |
Art Dealers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459930 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459991 |
Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
459999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Retailers | 459 | Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers | 44-45 | Retail Trade |
481111 |
Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation | 481 | Air Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
481112 |
Scheduled Freight Air Transportation | 481 | Air Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
481211 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation | 481 | Air Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
481212 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation | 481 | Air Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
481219 |
Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 481 | Air Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
482111 |
Line-Haul Railroads | 482 | Rail Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
482112 |
Short Line Railroads | 482 | Rail Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483111 |
Deep Sea Freight Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483112 |
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483113 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483114 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483211 |
Inland Water Freight Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
483212 |
Inland Water Passenger Transportation | 483 | Water Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484110 |
General Freight Trucking, Local | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484121 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484122 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484210 |
Used Household and Office Goods Moving | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484220 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
484230 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | 484 | Truck Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485111 |
Mixed Mode Transit Systems | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485112 |
Commuter Rail Systems | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485113 |
Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485119 |
Other Urban Transit Systems | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485210 |
Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485310 |
Taxi and Ridesharing Services | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485320 |
Limousine Service | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485410 |
School and Employee Bus Transportation | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485510 |
Charter Bus Industry | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485991 |
Special Needs Transportation | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
485999 |
All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 485 | Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
486110 |
Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil | 486 | Pipeline Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas | 486 | Pipeline Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
486910 |
Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products | 486 | Pipeline Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
486990 |
All Other Pipeline Transportation | 486 | Pipeline Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
487110 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land | 487 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
487210 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water | 487 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
487990 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other | 487 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488111 |
Air Traffic Control | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488119 |
Other Airport Operations | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488190 |
Other Support Activities for Air Transportation | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488210 |
Support Activities for Rail Transportation | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488310 |
Port and Harbor Operations | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488320 |
Marine Cargo Handling | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488330 |
Navigational Services to Shipping | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488390 |
Other Support Activities for Water Transportation | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488410 |
Motor Vehicle Towing | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488490 |
Other Support Activities for Road Transportation | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488510 |
Freight Transportation Arrangement | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488991 |
Packing and Crating | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
488999 |
All Other Support Activities for Transportation | 488 | Support Activities for Transportation | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
491110 |
Postal Service | 491 | Postal Service | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
492110 |
Couriers and Express Delivery Services | 492 | Couriers and Messengers | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
492210 |
Local Messengers and Local Delivery | 492 | Couriers and Messengers | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
493110 |
General Warehousing and Storage | 493 | Warehousing and Storage | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
493120 |
Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage | 493 | Warehousing and Storage | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
493130 |
Farm Product Warehousing and Storage | 493 | Warehousing and Storage | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
493190 |
Other Warehousing and Storage | 493 | Warehousing and Storage | 48-49 | Transportation and Warehousing |
512110 |
Motion Picture and Video Production | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512120 |
Motion Picture and Video Distribution | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512131 |
Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins) | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512132 |
Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512191 |
Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512199 |
Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512230 |
Music Publishers | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512240 |
Sound Recording Studios | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512250 |
Record Production and Distribution | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
512290 |
Other Sound Recording Industries | 512 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries | 51 | Information |
513110 |
Newspaper Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513120 |
Periodical Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513130 |
Book Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513140 |
Directory and Mailing List Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513191 |
Greeting Card Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513199 |
All Other Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
513210 |
Software Publishers | 513 | Publishing Industries | 51 | Information |
516110 |
Radio Broadcasting Stations | 516 | Broadcasting and Content Providers | 51 | Information |
516120 |
Television Broadcasting Stations | 516 | Broadcasting and Content Providers | 51 | Information |
516210 |
Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers | 516 | Broadcasting and Content Providers | 51 | Information |
517111 |
Wired Telecommunications Carriers | 517 | Telecommunications | 51 | Information |
517112 |
Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | 517 | Telecommunications | 51 | Information |
517121 |
Telecommunications Resellers | 517 | Telecommunications | 51 | Information |
517410 |
Satellite Telecommunications | 517 | Telecommunications | 51 | Information |
517810 |
All Other Telecommunications | 517 | Telecommunications | 51 | Information |
518210 |
Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services | 518 | Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services | 51 | Information |
519210 |
Libraries and Archives | 519 | Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services | 51 | Information |
519290 |
Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services | 519 | Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services | 51 | Information |
521110 |
Monetary Authorities-Central Bank | 521 | Monetary Authorities-Central Bank | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522110 |
Commercial Banking | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522130 |
Credit Unions | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522180 |
Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522210 |
Credit Card Issuing | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522220 |
Sales Financing | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522291 |
Consumer Lending | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522292 |
Real Estate Credit | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522299 |
International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522310 |
Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522320 |
Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
522390 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation | 522 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523150 |
Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523160 |
Commodity Contracts Intermediation | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523210 |
Securities and Commodity Exchanges | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523910 |
Miscellaneous Intermediation | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523940 |
Portfolio Management and Investment Advice | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
523999 |
Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities | 523 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524113 |
Direct Life Insurance Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524114 |
Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524126 |
Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524127 |
Direct Title Insurance Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524128 |
Other Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524130 |
Reinsurance Carriers | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524210 |
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524291 |
Claims Adjusting | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524292 |
Pharmacy Benefit Management and Other Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
524298 |
All Other Insurance Related Activities | 524 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525110 |
Pension Funds | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525120 |
Health and Welfare Funds | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525190 |
Other Insurance Funds | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525910 |
Open-End Investment Funds | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525920 |
Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
525990 |
Other Financial Vehicles | 525 | Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles | 52 | Finance and Insurance |
531110 |
Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531120 |
Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses) | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531130 |
Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531190 |
Lessors of Other Real Estate Property | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531210 |
Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531311 |
Residential Property Managers | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531312 |
Nonresidential Property Managers | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531320 |
Offices of Real Estate Appraisers | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
531390 |
Other Activities Related to Real Estate | 531 | Real Estate | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532111 |
Passenger Car Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532112 |
Passenger Car Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532120 |
Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532210 |
Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532281 |
Formal Wear and Costume Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532282 |
Video Tape and Disc Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532283 |
Home Health Equipment Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532284 |
Recreational Goods Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532289 |
All Other Consumer Goods Rental | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532310 |
General Rental Centers | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532411 |
Commercial Air, Rail, and Water Transportation Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532412 |
Construction, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532420 |
Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
532490 |
Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532 | Rental and Leasing Services | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
533110 |
Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) | 533 | Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works) | 53 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing |
541110 |
Offices of Lawyers | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541191 |
Title Abstract and Settlement Offices | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541199 |
All Other Legal Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541211 |
Offices of Certified Public Accountants | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541213 |
Tax Preparation Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541214 |
Payroll Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541219 |
Other Accounting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541310 |
Architectural Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541320 |
Landscape Architectural Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541330 |
Engineering Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541340 |
Drafting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541350 |
Building Inspection Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541360 |
Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541370 |
Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541380 |
Testing Laboratories and Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541410 |
Interior Design Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541420 |
Industrial Design Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541430 |
Graphic Design Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541490 |
Other Specialized Design Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541511 |
Custom Computer Programming Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541512 |
Computer Systems Design Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541513 |
Computer Facilities Management Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541519 |
Other Computer Related Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541611 |
Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541612 |
Human Resources Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541613 |
Marketing Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541614 |
Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541618 |
Other Management Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541620 |
Environmental Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541690 |
Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541713 |
Research and Development in Nanotechnology | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541714 |
Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology) | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541715 |
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541720 |
Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541810 |
Advertising Agencies | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541820 |
Public Relations Agencies | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541830 |
Media Buying Agencies | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541840 |
Media Representatives | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541850 |
Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541860 |
Direct Mail Advertising | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541870 |
Advertising Material Distribution Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541890 |
Other Services Related to Advertising | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541910 |
Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541921 |
Photography Studios, Portrait | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541922 |
Commercial Photography | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541930 |
Translation and Interpretation Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541940 |
Veterinary Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
541990 |
All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 541 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 54 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
551111 |
Offices of Bank Holding Companies | 551 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 55 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
551112 |
Offices of Other Holding Companies | 551 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 55 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
551114 |
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices | 551 | Management of Companies and Enterprises | 55 | Management of Companies and Enterprises |
561110 |
Office Administrative Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561210 |
Facilities Support Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561311 |
Employment Placement Agencies | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561312 |
Executive Search Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561320 |
Temporary Help Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561330 |
Professional Employer Organizations | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561410 |
Document Preparation Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561421 |
Telephone Answering Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561422 |
Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561431 |
Private Mail Centers | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561439 |
Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops) | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561440 |
Collection Agencies | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561450 |
Credit Bureaus | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561491 |
Repossession Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561492 |
Court Reporting and Stenotype Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561499 |
All Other Business Support Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561510 |
Travel Agencies | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561520 |
Tour Operators | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561591 |
Convention and Visitors Bureaus | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561599 |
All Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561611 |
Investigation and Personal Background Check Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561612 |
Security Guards and Patrol Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561613 |
Armored Car Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561621 |
Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561622 |
Locksmiths | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561710 |
Exterminating and Pest Control Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561720 |
Janitorial Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561730 |
Landscaping Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561740 |
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561790 |
Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561910 |
Packaging and Labeling Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561920 |
Convention and Trade Show Organizers | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
561990 |
All Other Support Services | 561 | Administrative and Support Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562111 |
Solid Waste Collection | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562112 |
Hazardous Waste Collection | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562119 |
Other Waste Collection | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562211 |
Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562212 |
Solid Waste Landfill | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562213 |
Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562219 |
Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562910 |
Remediation Services | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562920 |
Materials Recovery Facilities | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562991 |
Septic Tank and Related Services | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
562998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services | 562 | Waste Management and Remediation Services | 56 | Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services |
611110 |
Elementary and Secondary Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611210 |
Junior Colleges | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611310 |
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611410 |
Business and Secretarial Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611420 |
Computer Training | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611430 |
Professional and Management Development Training | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611511 |
Cosmetology and Barber Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611512 |
Flight Training | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611513 |
Apprenticeship Training | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611519 |
Other Technical and Trade Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611610 |
Fine Arts Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611620 |
Sports and Recreation Instruction | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611630 |
Language Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611691 |
Exam Preparation and Tutoring | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611692 |
Automobile Driving Schools | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611699 |
All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
611710 |
Educational Support Services | 611 | Educational Services | 61 | Educational Services |
621111 |
Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists) | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621112 |
Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621210 |
Offices of Dentists | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621310 |
Offices of Chiropractors | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621320 |
Offices of Optometrists | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621330 |
Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621340 |
Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologists | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621391 |
Offices of Podiatrists | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621399 |
Offices of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621410 |
Family Planning Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621420 |
Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621491 |
HMO Medical Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621492 |
Kidney Dialysis Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621493 |
Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical and Emergency Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621498 |
All Other Outpatient Care Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621511 |
Medical Laboratories | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621512 |
Diagnostic Imaging Centers | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621610 |
Home Health Care Services | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621910 |
Ambulance Services | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621991 |
Blood and Organ Banks | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
621999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services | 621 | Ambulatory Health Care Services | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
622110 |
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | 622 | Hospitals | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
622210 |
Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals | 622 | Hospitals | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
622310 |
Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals | 622 | Hospitals | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623110 |
Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623210 |
Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability Facilities | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623220 |
Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623311 |
Continuing Care Retirement Communities | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623312 |
Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
623990 |
Other Residential Care Facilities | 623 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624110 |
Child and Youth Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624120 |
Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624190 |
Other Individual and Family Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624210 |
Community Food Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624221 |
Temporary Shelters | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624229 |
Other Community Housing Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624230 |
Emergency and Other Relief Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624310 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
624410 |
Child Care Services | 624 | Social Assistance | 62 | Health Care and Social Assistance |
711110 |
Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711120 |
Dance Companies | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711130 |
Musical Groups and Artists | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711190 |
Other Performing Arts Companies | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711211 |
Sports Teams and Clubs | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711212 |
Racetracks | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711219 |
Other Spectator Sports | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711310 |
Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711320 |
Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711410 |
Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
711510 |
Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers | 711 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
712110 |
Museums | 712 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
712120 |
Historical Sites | 712 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
712130 |
Zoos and Botanical Gardens | 712 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
712190 |
Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions | 712 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713110 |
Amusement and Theme Parks | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713120 |
Amusement Arcades | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713210 |
Casinos (except Casino Hotels) | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713290 |
Other Gambling Industries | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713910 |
Golf Courses and Country Clubs | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713920 |
Skiing Facilities | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713930 |
Marinas | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713940 |
Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713950 |
Bowling Centers | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
713990 |
All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries | 713 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries | 71 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
721110 |
Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721120 |
Casino Hotels | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721191 |
Bed-and-Breakfast Inns | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721199 |
All Other Traveler Accommodation | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721211 |
RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Campgrounds | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721214 |
Recreational and Vacation Camps (except Campgrounds) | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
721310 |
Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps | 721 | Accommodation | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722310 |
Food Service Contractors | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722320 |
Caterers | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722330 |
Mobile Food Services | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722410 |
Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722511 |
Full-Service Restaurants | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722513 |
Limited-Service Restaurants | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722514 |
Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
722515 |
Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars | 722 | Food Services and Drinking Places | 72 | Accommodation and Food Services |
811111 |
General Automotive Repair | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811114 |
Specialized Automotive Repair | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811121 |
Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811122 |
Automotive Glass Replacement Shops | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811191 |
Automotive Oil Change and Lubrication Shops | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811192 |
Car Washes | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811198 |
All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811210 |
Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811310 |
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811411 |
Home and Garden Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811412 |
Appliance Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811420 |
Reupholstery and Furniture Repair | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811430 |
Footwear and Leather Goods Repair | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
811490 |
Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance | 811 | Repair and Maintenance | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812111 |
Barber Shops | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812112 |
Beauty Salons | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812113 |
Nail Salons | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812191 |
Diet and Weight Reducing Centers | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812199 |
Other Personal Care Services | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812210 |
Funeral Homes and Funeral Services | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812220 |
Cemeteries and Crematories | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812310 |
Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812320 |
Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812331 |
Linen Supply | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812332 |
Industrial Launderers | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812910 |
Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812921 |
Photofinishing Laboratories (except One-Hour) | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812922 |
One-Hour Photofinishing | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812930 |
Parking Lots and Garages | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
812990 |
All Other Personal Services | 812 | Personal and Laundry Services | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813110 |
Religious Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813211 |
Grantmaking Foundations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813212 |
Voluntary Health Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813219 |
Other Grantmaking and Giving Services | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813311 |
Human Rights Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813312 |
Environment, Conservation and Wildlife Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813319 |
Other Social Advocacy Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813410 |
Civic and Social Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813910 |
Business Associations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813920 |
Professional Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813930 |
Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813940 |
Political Organizations | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
813990 |
Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations) | 813 | Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
814110 |
Private Households | 814 | Private Households | 81 | Other Services (except Public Administration) |
921110 |
Executive Offices | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
921120 |
Legislative Bodies | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
921130 |
Public Finance Activities | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
921140 |
Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
921150 |
American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
921190 |
Other General Government Support | 921 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support | 92 | Public Administration |
922110 |
Courts | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922120 |
Police Protection | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922130 |
Legal Counsel and Prosecution | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922140 |
Correctional Institutions | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922150 |
Parole Offices and Probation Offices | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922160 |
Fire Protection | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
922190 |
Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 922 | Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities | 92 | Public Administration |
923110 |
Administration of Education Programs | 923 | Administration of Human Resource Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
923120 |
Administration of Public Health Programs | 923 | Administration of Human Resource Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
923130 |
Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs) | 923 | Administration of Human Resource Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
923140 |
Administration of Veterans' Affairs | 923 | Administration of Human Resource Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
924110 |
Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs | 924 | Administration of Environmental Quality Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
924120 |
Administration of Conservation Programs | 924 | Administration of Environmental Quality Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
925110 |
Administration of Housing Programs | 925 | Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development | 92 | Public Administration |
925120 |
Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development | 925 | Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development | 92 | Public Administration |
926110 |
Administration of General Economic Programs | 926 | Administration of Economic Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
926120 |
Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs | 926 | Administration of Economic Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
926130 |
Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities | 926 | Administration of Economic Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
926140 |
Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities | 926 | Administration of Economic Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
926150 |
Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors | 926 | Administration of Economic Programs | 92 | Public Administration |
927110 |
Space Research and Technology | 927 | Space Research and Technology | 92 | Public Administration |
928110 |
National Security | 928 | National Security and International Affairs | 92 | Public Administration |
928120 |
International Affairs | 928 | National Security and International Affairs | 92 | Public Administration |
999999 |
Unclassified | 999 | Unclassified | 99 | Unclassified |
naics6_code | naics6_title | supersector_code | supersector_title | domain_code | domain_title |
111110 |
Soybean Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111120 |
Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111130 |
Dry Pea and Bean Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111140 |
Wheat Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111150 |
Corn Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111160 |
Rice Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111191 |
Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111199 |
All Other Grain Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111211 |
Potato Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111219 |
Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111310 |
Orange Groves | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111320 |
Citrus (except Orange) Groves | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111331 |
Apple Orchards | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111332 |
Grape Vineyards | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111333 |
Strawberry Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111334 |
Berry (except Strawberry) Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111335 |
Tree Nut Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111336 |
Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111339 |
Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111411 |
Mushroom Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111419 |
Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111421 |
Nursery and Tree Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111422 |
Floriculture Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111910 |
Tobacco Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111920 |
Cotton Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111930 |
Sugarcane Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111940 |
Hay Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111991 |
Sugar Beet Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111992 |
Peanut Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
111998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112111 |
Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112112 |
Cattle Feedlots | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112120 |
Dairy Cattle and Milk Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112210 |
Hog and Pig Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112310 |
Chicken Egg Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112320 |
Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112330 |
Turkey Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112340 |
Poultry Hatcheries | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112390 |
Other Poultry Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112410 |
Sheep Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112420 |
Goat Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112511 |
Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112512 |
Shellfish Farming | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112519 |
Other Aquaculture | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112910 |
Apiculture | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112920 |
Horses and Other Equine Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112930 |
Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
112990 |
All Other Animal Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
113110 |
Timber Tract Operations | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
113210 |
Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
113310 |
Logging | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
114111 |
Finfish Fishing | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
114112 |
Shellfish Fishing | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
114119 |
Other Marine Fishing | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
114210 |
Hunting and Trapping | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115111 |
Cotton Ginning | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115112 |
Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115113 |
Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115114 |
Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115115 |
Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115116 |
Farm Management Services | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115210 |
Support Activities for Animal Production | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
115310 |
Support Activities for Forestry | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
211120 |
Crude Petroleum Extraction | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
211130 |
Natural Gas Extraction | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212114 |
Surface Coal Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212115 |
Underground Coal Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212210 |
Iron Ore Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212220 |
Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212230 |
Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212290 |
Other Metal Ore Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212311 |
Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212312 |
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212313 |
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212319 |
Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212321 |
Construction Sand and Gravel Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212322 |
Industrial Sand Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212323 |
Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
212390 |
Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
213111 |
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
213112 |
Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
213113 |
Support Activities for Coal Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
213114 |
Support Activities for Metal Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
213115 |
Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining | 1011 | Natural Resources and Mining | 101 | Goods-Producing |
221111 |
Hydroelectric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221112 |
Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221113 |
Nuclear Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221114 |
Solar Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221115 |
Wind Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221116 |
Geothermal Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221117 |
Biomass Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221118 |
Other Electric Power Generation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221121 |
Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221122 |
Electric Power Distribution | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221210 |
Natural Gas Distribution | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221310 |
Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221320 |
Sewage Treatment Facilities | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
221330 |
Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
236115 |
New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
236116 |
New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders) | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
236117 |
New Housing For-Sale Builders | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
236118 |
Residential Remodelers | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
236210 |
Industrial Building Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
236220 |
Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237110 |
Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237120 |
Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237130 |
Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237210 |
Land Subdivision | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237310 |
Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
237990 |
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238111 |
Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238112 |
Non-Residential Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238121 |
Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238122 |
Non-Residential Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238131 |
Residential Framing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238132 |
Non-Residential Framing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238141 |
Residential Masonry Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238142 |
Non-Residential Masonry Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238151 |
Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238152 |
Non-Residential Glass and Glazing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238161 |
Residential Roofing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238162 |
Non-Residential Roofing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238171 |
Residential Siding Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238172 |
Non-Residential Siding Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238191 |
Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238192 |
Non-Residential Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238211 |
Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238212 |
Non-Residential Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238221 |
Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238222 |
Non-Residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238291 |
Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238292 |
Non-Residential Other Building Equipment Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238311 |
Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238312 |
Non-Residential Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238321 |
Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238322 |
Non-Residential Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238331 |
Residential Flooring Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238332 |
Non-Residential Flooring Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238341 |
Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238342 |
Non-Residential Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238351 |
Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238352 |
Non-Residential Finish Carpentry Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238391 |
Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238392 |
Non-Residential Other Building Finishing Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238911 |
Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238912 |
Non-Residential Site Preparation Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238991 |
Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
238992 |
Non-Residential All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 1012 | Construction | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311111 |
Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311119 |
Other Animal Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311211 |
Flour Milling | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311212 |
Rice Milling | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311213 |
Malt Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311221 |
Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311224 |
Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311225 |
Fats and Oils Refining and Blending | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311230 |
Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311313 |
Beet Sugar Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311314 |
Cane Sugar Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311340 |
Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311351 |
Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311352 |
Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311411 |
Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311412 |
Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311421 |
Fruit and Vegetable Canning | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311422 |
Specialty Canning | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311423 |
Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311511 |
Fluid Milk Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311512 |
Creamery Butter Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311513 |
Cheese Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311514 |
Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311520 |
Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311611 |
Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311612 |
Meat Processed from Carcasses | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311613 |
Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311615 |
Poultry Processing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311710 |
Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311811 |
Retail Bakeries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311812 |
Commercial Bakeries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311813 |
Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311821 |
Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311824 |
Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311830 |
Tortilla Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311911 |
Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311919 |
Other Snack Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311920 |
Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311930 |
Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311941 |
Mayonnaise, Dressing, and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311942 |
Spice and Extract Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311991 |
Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
311999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312111 |
Soft Drink Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312112 |
Bottled Water Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312113 |
Ice Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312120 |
Breweries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312130 |
Wineries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312140 |
Distilleries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
312230 |
Tobacco Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313110 |
Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313210 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313220 |
Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313230 |
Nonwoven Fabric Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313240 |
Knit Fabric Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313310 |
Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
313320 |
Fabric Coating Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
314110 |
Carpet and Rug Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
314120 |
Curtain and Linen Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
314910 |
Textile Bag and Canvas Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
314994 |
Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
314999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
315120 |
Apparel Knitting Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
315210 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
315250 |
Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
315990 |
Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
316110 |
Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
316210 |
Footwear Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
316990 |
Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321113 |
Sawmills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321114 |
Wood Preservation | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321211 |
Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321212 |
Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321215 |
Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321219 |
Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321911 |
Wood Window and Door Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321912 |
Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321918 |
Other Millwork (including Flooring) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321920 |
Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321991 |
Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321992 |
Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
321999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322110 |
Pulp Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322120 |
Paper Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322130 |
Paperboard Mills | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322211 |
Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322212 |
Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322219 |
Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322220 |
Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322230 |
Stationery Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322291 |
Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
322299 |
All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
323111 |
Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
323113 |
Commercial Screen Printing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
323117 |
Books Printing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
323120 |
Support Activities for Printing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
324110 |
Petroleum Refineries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
324121 |
Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
324122 |
Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
324191 |
Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
324199 |
All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325110 |
Petrochemical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325120 |
Industrial Gas Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325130 |
Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325180 |
Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325193 |
Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325194 |
Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325199 |
All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325211 |
Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325212 |
Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325220 |
Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325311 |
Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325312 |
Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325314 |
Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325315 |
Compost Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325320 |
Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325411 |
Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325412 |
Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325413 |
In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325414 |
Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325510 |
Paint and Coating Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325520 |
Adhesive Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325611 |
Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325612 |
Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325613 |
Surface Active Agent Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325620 |
Toilet Preparation Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325910 |
Printing Ink Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325920 |
Explosives Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325991 |
Custom Compounding of Purchased Resins | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325992 |
Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
325998 |
All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326111 |
Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326112 |
Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326113 |
Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326121 |
Unlaminated Plastics Profile Shape Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326122 |
Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326130 |
Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326140 |
Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326150 |
Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326160 |
Plastics Bottle Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326191 |
Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326199 |
All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326211 |
Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326212 |
Tire Retreading | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326220 |
Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326291 |
Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
326299 |
All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327110 |
Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327120 |
Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327211 |
Flat Glass Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327212 |
Other Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327213 |
Glass Container Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327215 |
Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327310 |
Cement Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327320 |
Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327331 |
Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327332 |
Concrete Pipe Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327390 |
Other Concrete Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327410 |
Lime Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327420 |
Gypsum Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327910 |
Abrasive Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327991 |
Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327992 |
Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327993 |
Mineral Wool Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
327999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331110 |
Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331210 |
Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331221 |
Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331222 |
Steel Wire Drawing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331313 |
Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331314 |
Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331315 |
Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331318 |
Other Aluminum Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331410 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331420 |
Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331491 |
Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331492 |
Secondary Smelting, Refining, and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331511 |
Iron Foundries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331512 |
Steel Investment Foundries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331513 |
Steel Foundries (except Investment) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331523 |
Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331524 |
Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
331529 |
Other Nonferrous Metal Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332111 |
Iron and Steel Forging | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332112 |
Nonferrous Forging | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332114 |
Custom Roll Forming | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332117 |
Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332119 |
Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive) | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332215 |
Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332216 |
Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332311 |
Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332312 |
Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332313 |
Plate Work Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332321 |
Metal Window and Door Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332322 |
Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332323 |
Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332410 |
Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332420 |
Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332431 |
Metal Can Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332439 |
Other Metal Container Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332510 |
Hardware Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332613 |
Spring Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332618 |
Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332710 |
Machine Shops | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332721 |
Precision Turned Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332722 |
Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332811 |
Metal Heat Treating | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332812 |
Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332813 |
Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332911 |
Industrial Valve Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332912 |
Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332913 |
Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332919 |
Other Metal Valve and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332991 |
Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332992 |
Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332993 |
Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332994 |
Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332996 |
Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
332999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333111 |
Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333112 |
Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333120 |
Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333131 |
Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333132 |
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333241 |
Food Product Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333242 |
Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333243 |
Sawmill, Woodworking, and Paper Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333248 |
All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333310 |
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333413 |
Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333414 |
Heating Equipment (except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333415 |
Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333511 |
Industrial Mold Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333514 |
Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333515 |
Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333517 |
Machine Tool Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333519 |
Rolling Mill and Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333611 |
Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333612 |
Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, and Gear Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333613 |
Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333618 |
Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333912 |
Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333914 |
Measuring, Dispensing, and Other Pumping Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333921 |
Elevator and Moving Stairway Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333922 |
Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333923 |
Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333924 |
Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333991 |
Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333992 |
Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333993 |
Packaging Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333994 |
Industrial Process Furnace and Oven Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333995 |
Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333996 |
Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
333998 |
All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334111 |
Electronic Computer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334112 |
Computer Storage Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334118 |
Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334210 |
Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334220 |
Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334290 |
Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334310 |
Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334412 |
Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334413 |
Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334416 |
Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334417 |
Electronic Connector Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334418 |
Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334419 |
Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334510 |
Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334511 |
Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334512 |
Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334513 |
Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Variables | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334514 |
Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334515 |
Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334516 |
Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334517 |
Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334519 |
Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
334610 |
Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335131 |
Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335132 |
Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335139 |
Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335210 |
Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335220 |
Major Household Appliance Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335311 |
Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335312 |
Motor and Generator Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335313 |
Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335314 |
Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335910 |
Battery Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335921 |
Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335929 |
Other Communication and Energy Wire Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335931 |
Current-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335932 |
Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335991 |
Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
335999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336110 |
Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336120 |
Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336211 |
Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336212 |
Truck Trailer Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336213 |
Motor Home Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336214 |
Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336310 |
Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336320 |
Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336330 |
Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336340 |
Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336350 |
Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336360 |
Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336370 |
Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336390 |
Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336411 |
Aircraft Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336412 |
Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336413 |
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336414 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336415 |
Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336419 |
Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336510 |
Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336611 |
Ship Building and Repairing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336612 |
Boat Building | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336991 |
Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336992 |
Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
336999 |
All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337110 |
Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337121 |
Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337122 |
Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337126 |
Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337127 |
Institutional Furniture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337211 |
Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337212 |
Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337214 |
Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337215 |
Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337910 |
Mattress Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
337920 |
Blind and Shade Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339112 |
Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339113 |
Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339114 |
Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339115 |
Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339116 |
Dental Laboratories | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339910 |
Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339920 |
Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339930 |
Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339940 |
Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339950 |
Sign Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339991 |
Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339992 |
Musical Instrument Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339993 |
Fastener, Button, Needle, and Pin Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339994 |
Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339995 |
Burial Casket Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
339999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 1013 | Manufacturing | 101 | Goods-Producing |
423110 |
Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423120 |
Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423130 |
Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423140 |
Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423210 |
Furniture Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423220 |
Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423310 |
Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423320 |
Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423330 |
Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423390 |
Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423410 |
Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423420 |
Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423430 |
Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423440 |
Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423450 |
Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423460 |
Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423490 |
Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423510 |
Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423520 |
Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423610 |
Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423620 |
Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423690 |
Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423710 |
Hardware Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423720 |
Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423730 |
Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423740 |
Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423810 |
Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423820 |
Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423830 |
Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423840 |
Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423850 |
Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423860 |
Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423910 |
Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423920 |
Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423930 |
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423940 |
Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
423990 |
Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424110 |
Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424120 |
Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424130 |
Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424210 |
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424310 |
Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424340 |
Footwear Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424350 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424410 |
General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424420 |
Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424430 |
Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424440 |
Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424450 |
Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424460 |
Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424470 |
Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424480 |
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424490 |
Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424510 |
Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424520 |
Livestock Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424590 |
Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424610 |
Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424690 |
Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424710 |
Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424720 |
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424810 |
Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424820 |
Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424910 |
Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424920 |
Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424930 |
Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424940 |
Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424950 |
Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
424990 |
Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
425120 |
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441110 |
New Car Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441120 |
Used Car Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441210 |
Recreational Vehicle Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441222 |
Boat Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441227 |
Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441330 |
Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
441340 |
Tire Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444110 |
Home Centers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444120 |
Paint and Wallpaper Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444140 |
Hardware Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444180 |
Other Building Material Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444230 |
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
444240 |
Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445110 |
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers) | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445131 |
Convenience Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445132 |
Vending Machine Operators | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445230 |
Fruit and Vegetable Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445240 |
Meat Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445250 |
Fish and Seafood Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445291 |
Baked Goods Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445292 |
Confectionery and Nut Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445298 |
All Other Specialty Food Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
445320 |
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
449110 |
Furniture Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
449121 |
Floor Covering Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
449122 |
Window Treatment Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
449129 |
All Other Home Furnishings Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
449210 |
Electronics and Appliance Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
455110 |
Department Stores | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
455211 |
Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
455219 |
All Other General Merchandise Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
456110 |
Pharmacies and Drug Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
456120 |
Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
456130 |
Optical Goods Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
456191 |
Food (Health) Supplement Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
456199 |
All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
457110 |
Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
457120 |
Other Gasoline Stations | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
457210 |
Fuel Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
458110 |
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
458210 |
Shoe Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
458310 |
Jewelry Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
458320 |
Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459110 |
Sporting Goods Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459120 |
Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459130 |
Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459140 |
Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459210 |
Book Retailers and News Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459310 |
Florists | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459410 |
Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459420 |
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459510 |
Used Merchandise Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459910 |
Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459920 |
Art Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459930 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459991 |
Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
459999 |
All Other Miscellaneous Retailers | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
481111 |
Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
481112 |
Scheduled Freight Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
481211 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
481212 |
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
481219 |
Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
482111 |
Line-Haul Railroads | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
482112 |
Short Line Railroads | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483111 |
Deep Sea Freight Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483112 |
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483113 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483114 |
Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483211 |
Inland Water Freight Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
483212 |
Inland Water Passenger Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484110 |
General Freight Trucking, Local | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484121 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484122 |
General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484210 |
Used Household and Office Goods Moving | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484220 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
484230 |
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485111 |
Mixed Mode Transit Systems | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485112 |
Commuter Rail Systems | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485113 |
Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485119 |
Other Urban Transit Systems | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485210 |
Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485310 |
Taxi and Ridesharing Services | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485320 |
Limousine Service | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485410 |
School and Employee Bus Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485510 |
Charter Bus Industry | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485991 |
Special Needs Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
485999 |
All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
486110 |
Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
486210 |
Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
486910 |
Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
486990 |
All Other Pipeline Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
487110 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
487210 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
487990 |
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488111 |
Air Traffic Control | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488119 |
Other Airport Operations | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488190 |
Other Support Activities for Air Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488210 |
Support Activities for Rail Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488310 |
Port and Harbor Operations | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488320 |
Marine Cargo Handling | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488330 |
Navigational Services to Shipping | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488390 |
Other Support Activities for Water Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488410 |
Motor Vehicle Towing | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488490 |
Other Support Activities for Road Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488510 |
Freight Transportation Arrangement | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488991 |
Packing and Crating | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
488999 |
All Other Support Activities for Transportation | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
491110 |
Postal Service | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
492110 |
Couriers and Express Delivery Services | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
492210 |
Local Messengers and Local Delivery | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
493110 |
General Warehousing and Storage | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
493120 |
Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
493130 |
Farm Product Warehousing and Storage | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
493190 |
Other Warehousing and Storage | 1021 | Trade, Transportation, and Utilities | 102 | Service-Providing |
512110 |
Motion Picture and Video Production | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512120 |
Motion Picture and Video Distribution | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512131 |
Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins) | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512132 |
Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512191 |
Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512199 |
Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512230 |
Music Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512240 |
Sound Recording Studios | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512250 |
Record Production and Distribution | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
512290 |
Other Sound Recording Industries | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513110 |
Newspaper Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513120 |
Periodical Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513130 |
Book Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513140 |
Directory and Mailing List Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513191 |
Greeting Card Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513199 |
All Other Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
513210 |
Software Publishers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
516110 |
Radio Broadcasting Stations | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
516120 |
Television Broadcasting Stations | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
516210 |
Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
517111 |
Wired Telecommunications Carriers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
517112 |
Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
517121 |
Telecommunications Resellers | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
517410 |
Satellite Telecommunications | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
517810 |
All Other Telecommunications | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
518210 |
Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
519210 |
Libraries and Archives | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
519290 |
Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services | 1022 | Information | 102 | Service-Providing |
521110 |
Monetary Authorities-Central Bank | 1023 | Financial Activities | 102 | Service-Providing |
522110 |
Commercial Banking | 1023 | Financial Activities | 102 | Service-Providing |