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The technical notes of each of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program publications—County Employment and Wages and Employment and Wages Annual Averages—are available for online reference.
QCEW data include information at the most detailed industry level (to the 6-digit NAICS industry since 2001) on establishment counts, annual employment, and annual and weekly wages for every county, Metropolitan Statistical Area, and state, as well as data for Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and national totals. QCEW data include the most timely data available at the county level. For data before 2001, the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 provided the basis for industry coding of QCEW information.
The cooperating State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) have labor market information offices that publish and disseminate QCEW data for their States.
Last Modified Date: January 4, 2006