An official website of the United States government
The primary source for the QCEW is administrative data from state unemployment insurance (UI) programs. The states receive a Quarterly Contributions Report (QCR) from all private sector employers, as well as from state and local governments covered under the UI program. Federal government employers provide statistical reports via the Report of Federal Employment and Wages (RFEW). Response rates are calculated at the QCR and RFEW level.
For more information about QCEW collections and data sources, see the QCEW Handbook of Methods - Data Sources section.
The QCEW response rates final tables provide as first published, or initial, response rates for establishments, employment, and total quarterly wages compared to final response rates, for all quarters in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
The QCEW response rates summary tables provide response rates for establishments, employment, and total quarterly wages in a particular quarter compared to response rates for the prior year.
The QCEW response rates historical tables provide response rates for establishments, employment, and total quarterly wages. Each historical table focuses on one variable and provides data for the last 4 years.
Last Modified Date: August 23, 2023