International Labor Comparisons
Charting International Labor Comparisons
(2012 Edition)
Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. For more info, see the preface (HTML ) (PDF ).
Chart 1.1 - Gross domestic product, selected countries, in U.S. dollars, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 1.2 - Share of world gross domestic product, selected economies, 1990–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 1.3 - Manufacturing output as a percent of gross domestic product, selected economies, 1970–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 1.4 - Gross domestic product per capita and per employed person, selected countries, in U.S. dollars, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Notes - Sources and definitions (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.1 - Labor force size, gender composition, and participation rates, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.2 - Labor force participation rates by sex, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.3 - Labor force participation rates by age, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.4 - Working-age population by labor force status, selected countries, in percent, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.5 - Employment-population ratios, selected countries, 2007 and 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.6 - Employment growth, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.7 - Part-time employment rates by sex, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.8 - Share of employment by sector, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.9 - Unemployment rates, selected countries, 2000–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.10 - Unemployment rates by age, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.11 - Unemployment rates by education, selected countries, 2009 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 2.12 - Composition of unemployment by duration, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Notes - Sources and definitions (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.1 - Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, selected countries, in U.S. dollars, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.2 - Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, selected countries and regions, in U.S. dollars, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.3 - Percent change in hourly compensation costs in manufacturing and exchange rates, selected countries, 2009–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.4 - Growth in manufacturing hourly compensation costs, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.5 - Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, selected countries and regions, annual percent changes, 2006–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.6 - Components of hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, selected countries, in percent, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.7 - Manufacturing productivity growth, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.8 - Manufacturing output growth, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.9 - Growth in manufacturing hours worked, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.10 - Growth in manufacturing unit labor costs in national currency, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.11 - Growth in manufacturing unit labor costs in U.S. dollars, selected countries, average annual rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 3.12 - Gap between productivity and real hourly compensation in manufacturing, selected countries, 1970–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Notes - Sources and definitions (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 4.1 - Measures of consumer price inflation, selected countries, average annual growth rates, 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 4.2 - Harmonized indexes of consumer prices, selected countries, average annual growth rates, 2000–2007 and 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 4.3 - Gap between manufacturing compensation and consumer price indexes, selected countries, average annual growth rates, 2007–2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Chart 4.4 - Price of a basket of goods that costs one dollar in the United States, selected countries, 2010 (HTML ) (PDF )
Notes - Sources and definitions (HTML ) (PDF )
Last Modified Date: September 25, 2012