Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2006
The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), administered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in conjunction with the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and New York City, compiles detailed information on all work-related fatal injuries occurring in the United States. In an effort to compile counts that are as complete as possible, the fatality census uses diverse sources to identify, verify, and profile fatal work injuries. Source documents such as death certificates, news accounts, workers' compensation reports, and Federal and State agency administrative records are cross-referenced to gather key information about each workplace fatality.
The annual CFOI report provides detailed tabulations of data from the fatality census, as well as analytical articles on various topics related to fatal workplace injuries. The report contains charts and text highlighting fatality data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, including charts derived from the three analytical articles that use CFOI data.
User created tables and supplemental tables can be accessed on the internet at online version of the Profiles System can be accessed at data are available on request from BLS.
- Cover and Preface
- Contents
- All charts in one file (2.6 MB)
Appendix A: Articles
Railroad-related work injury fatalities
Monthly Labor Review, July/August 2007, 17-25.
Drudi, Dino.
Coal Mining Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities, 2006
Compensation and Working Conditions Online, June 2008
Rice, James and Janocha, Jill.
Fatal Occupational Injuries Associated with Golf Courses and Country Clubs, 2001-2006
Compensation and Working Conditions Online, April 2008
Pegula, Stephen.
Appendix B. Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Work Relationship Criteria
Appendix C. All Worker Profile 2002-2006
C-1. Fatal Occupational Injuries to all Workers by Selected Characteristics, 2002-06
Appendix D. Profile of the Ten Occupations with the Highest Fatality Rates
D-1. Occupations with the highest fatality rates by selected characteristics, 2005.
D-2. Note on the Selected Occupations with the highest fatality rates
Appendix E. Fatal Occupational Injuries in the Construction Industry
E-1. Construction Subsectors Profile
Appendix F. Profiles of Selected Fatal Work Injuries and Hazards
F-1. Homicides
F-2. Hispanic or Latino workers
F-3. Falls
F-4. Struck by object
Appendix G. Listing of Research Articles and Reports
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Contacts and Telephone Numbers
Last Modified Date: September 16, 2015