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The Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (OIICS) Manual provides the classification system used to code the case characteristics of injuries, illnesses, and fatal injuries in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) and the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). This manual contains the rules of selection, code titles, code descriptions, and keyword inclusions and exclusions, for the following code structures: Nature of Injury or Illness, Part of Body Affected, Event or Exposure, Source/Secondary source of Injury or Illness, Worker Activity, and Location.
The OIICS was originally developed and released in 1992. Since its initial release, there have been several updated versions of the OIICS system. They are listed with their corresponding data series:
The entire manual is available as a single file (XLSX 477K).
The OIICS structure underwent a comprehensive revision in 2022 for implementation with data reference year 2023. A list of major changes that were implemented in that revision (OIICS 3.0) is available (HTML). Case characteristic data for 2023 are, therefore, a break in series with data for prior years.BLS plans to release annual minor updates for OIICS 3 as part of version maintenance. These updates will contain additional coding guidance, but are not planned to affect code titles or numbers and will not be considered a series break. The latest update (OIICS 3.01) was issued in October, 2023.
The table of contents below refers to individual tabs in the manual excel file. Each tab contains a section of the manual.
The coding structure underwent a comprehensive revision in 2010. A list of major changes that were implemented in that revision (OIICS 2.0) is available (PDF 53K). A minor update (OIICS 2.01), incorporating some corrections and clarifications, was released in January 2012. BLS adopted OIICS 2.01 CFOI and SOII data for reference year 2011. Case characteristic data for 2011 are, therefore, a break in series with data for prior years.
The links in the table of contents below are to PDF files, each of which contains a section of the manual.
If you prefer, you may download the manual in its entirety in two ways:
1) The entire text as a single PDF file (PDF 2.5 MB)
2 ) A ZIP file that includes a PDF of each separate section shown below (Download ZIPPED PDFs 7.8 MB)
In addition, a ZIP file containing an Excel spreadsheet of codes and titles is available (Download ZIPPED XLSX 147 KB)
Instructions regarding the use of ZIP files are available: How to View ZIP Files
A list of changes in OIICS 2.01 can be found here (PDF 300 KB)
Clarifications and corrections were incorporated into the manual in 2007. These were used to code data for years up to and including 2010. Because of the minor changes involved in the 2007 revision, that version of the OIICS Manual may be used as a reference source for SOII and CFOI data for 1992-2010.