Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

Industry Injury and Illness Data
Nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses among private industry employers declined in 2009 to a rate of 3.6 cases per 100 equivalent full-time workers - down from 3.9 cases in 2008. Similarly, the number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses reported in 2009 declined to 3.3 million cases, compared to 3.7 million cases in 2008. The following charts highlight information from the recent release of the 2009 Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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- Figure 1. Nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by case type, private industry, 2003-2009 (HTML)
- Figure 2. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by employment size, private industry, 2005-2009 (HTML)
- Figure 3. Distribution of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases by category of illness, private industry, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 4. Distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 5. Incidence rates and numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 6. Incidence rates and numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 7. Incidence rates and numbers of nonfatal occupational illnesses by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 8. Incidence rates for nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work, job transfer, or restriction, by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 9. Number of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work, job transfer, or restriction, by private industry sector, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 10. Industries reporting 100,000 or more nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses, all ownerships, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 11. Distribution of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases and employment by ownership, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 12. Nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates by case type and ownership, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 13. Incidence rates and numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by select industry, State government, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 14. Incidence rates and numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by industry, local government, 2009 (HTML)
- Figure 15. State nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates compared to the national rate, private industry, 2009 (HTML)
Last Modified Date: November 26, 2010