Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

Occupational Injuries and Illnesses: Counts, Rates, and Characteristics, 2005
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports the number and frequency of work-related injuries and illnesses in private industry each year. BLS also provides case and demographic characteristics data on cases that involve one or more days away from work. The data, which come from the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, identify the industrial, occupational, and worker groups having relatively high risks of job-related injury and illness. Such data provide the means to focus attention on the severity of the incidents and how they occurred.
This bulletin has two sections. The first section includes 37 charts and accompanying text highlighting summary and case and demographic data gathered from the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.
A second section, originally provided in the printed bulletin on a CD, contains tables presenting detailed data by industry and case characteristics as well as appendices that present the scope and methodology of the survey.
- Cover and Preface
- Contents
- Chart 1. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, by case type, private industry, 2003 to 2005
- Chart 2. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, by employment size class, private industry, 2003 to 2005
- Chart 3. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, by major industries, 2003 to 2005
- Chart 4. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, by industry, 2004 and 2005
- Chart 5. Number of cases with days away from work, job transfer, or restriction, by case type and industry, 2005
- Chart 6. Incidence rates for cases with days away from work, job transfer, or restriction, by case type and industry, 2005
- Chart 7. Industries with at least 100,000 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses, 2004 and 2005
- Chart 8. Distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses, health care and social assistance, 2005
- Chart 9. Total recordable occupational injury and illness incidence rates, health care and social assistance, 2005
- Chart 10. Total nonfatal cases in private industry, injuries versus illnesses, 2005
- Chart 11. Total recordable nonfatal occupational injury incidence rates, by industry, 2004 and 2005
- Chart 12. Percent of nonfatal occupational injuries, 2005
- Chart 13. Total recordable nonfatal occupational illness incidence rates, by industry, 2004 and 2005
- Chart 14. Percent of nonfatal occupational illnesses, by industry, 2005
- Chart 15. Percent of nonfatal occupational illnesses, 2004 and 2005
- Chart 16. Number of injuries and illnesses with days away from work, 2003-05
- Chart 17. Percent change in incidence rate of injuries and illnesses, by selected events and exposures, 2003-05
- Chart 18. Occupations with 20,000 or more injuries and illnesses, 2003-05
- Chart 19. Injuries and illnesses and employment for occupations with 20,000 or more injuries and illnesses, 2005
- Chart 20. Employment and injuries and illnesses, by occupation group, 2005
- Chart 21. Occupations with the highest median number of days away from work, 2005
- Chart 22. Injuries and illnesses and employment, by industry domain, 2005
- Chart 23. Injuries and illnesses and hours worked, by gender of worker, 2005
- Chart 24. Injuries and illnesses and hours worked, by age of worker, 2005
- Chart 25. Median number of days away from work due to injuries and illnesses, by age of worker, 2005
- Chart 26. Percentage of injuries and illnesses, by race or ethnic origin and selected industries, 2003-05
- Chart 27. Injury and illness topology
- Chart 28. Distribution of injuries and illnesses, by nature
- Chart 29. Median number of days away from work due to injuries and illnesses by nature, 2005
- Chart 30. Injuries and illnesses, by part of body affected, 2005
- Chart 31. Median number of days away from work due to injuries and illnesses, by part of body, 2005
- Chart 32. Distribution of injuries or illnesses, by source, 2005
- Chart 33. Median number of days away from work due to injuries and illnesses, by source, 2005
- Chart 34. Injuries and illnesses, by event or exposure, 2005
- Chart 35. Median number of days away from work due to injuries and illnesses, by event or exposure, 2005
- Chart 36. Musculoskeletal disorders, (MSD's), 2002-05
- Chart 37. Musculoskeletal disorders, by nature of injury or illness, 2005
Appendix Tables
- Table A-1. Relative standard errors for rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by industry, 2005
- Table A-2. Relative standard errors for numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by industry, 2005
- Table A-3. Relative standard errors for rates of nonfatal occupational illnesses by industry and category of illness, 2005
- Table A-4. Relative standard errors for numbers of nonfatal occupational illnesses by industry and category of illness, 2005
- Table A-5. Factors for use in calculating relative standard errors by industry
Injuries and Illnesses by Industry
Injuries and Illnesses by Case and Demographic Characteristics
Last Modified Date: August 15, 2008