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Archived articles from The Economics Daily— Injuries Illnesses and Fatalities
- 4,679 fatal work injuries in 2014 (09/23/2015)
- Fatal falls in the private construction industry, 2003–2013 (05/15/2015)
- Fatal injuries in U.S. workplaces fall over the last two decades (04/28/2015)
- Injuries and illness among state and local government bus drivers (02/26/2015)
- Work-related injuries involving days away from work in 2013 (12/31/2014)
- Nonfatal workplace injury and illness rates down over the past decade (12/10/2014)
- Fatal occupational injuries by day of week and month, 1992–2011 (12/01/2014)
- Highest fatal injury rate (22.2 per 100,000) in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, 2013 (09/15/2014)
- Fatal occupational injuries involving insects, arachnids, and mites (08/26/2014)
- Trends in fatal injuries in the workplace, 1992–2011 (04/28/2014)
- 962 occupational road construction site deaths, 2003–2010 (01/03/2014)
- Older workers less likely to have severe work injuries, but they miss more work days to recover (12/30/2013)
- Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 2003–2010 (12/04/2013)
- Rate of severe occupational injuries and illnesses declines in 2012 (12/02/2013)
- Workplace injuries trend downward over last decade (11/14/2013)
- Fatal work injuries by event or exposure in 2012 (08/28/2013)
- Workplace fatalities in construction increase for the first time since 2006 (08/27/2013)
- Fatal work injuries in mining in 2010 (01/29/2013)
- Work injuries and illnesses of local government firefighters in 2009 (12/07/2012)
- State nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, private industry, 2011 (12/05/2012)
- Work injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in 2011 (11/14/2012)
- Private industry workplace injury and illness rate unchanged in 2011 (10/31/2012)
- Fatal work injuries decrease in construction, increase in transportation and warehousing in 2011 (09/26/2012)
- Fatal injuries among fishing workers, 2003–2009 (08/23/2012)
- Workplace safety for security guards (03/09/2012)
- Homicides in retail trade, 2003–2008 (01/04/2012)
- Fatal occupational injuries in retail trade, 2003–2008 (12/13/2011)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in 2010 (11/17/2011)
- Private industry workplace injuries and illnesses decline in 2010 (10/26/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries by incident in 2010 (08/30/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries in 2010 (08/29/2011)
- Workplace fatalities in mining, 2004–2008 (08/01/2011)
- Number and incidence rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by occupation, 2009 (07/13/2011)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among food and beverage servers in 2008 (04/01/2011)
- Nonfatal injuries and illnesses in State and local government industries, 2008 (03/03/2011)
- Workplace injuries involving the eyes, 2008 (03/02/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries among volunteer workers, 2003–07 (12/30/2010)
- Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 1995–2007 (12/08/2010)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work decrease in 2009 (11/18/2010)
- Private industry workplace injuries and illnesses decline in 2009 (10/28/2010)
- Fatal occupational injuries in 2009 (08/24/2010)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work for State government and local government workers, 2008 (03/04/2010)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work by age in 2008 (12/02/2009)
- Illnesses and injuries among State and local government workers in 2008 (11/04/2009)
- Declines in occupational illnesses and injuries in 2008 (11/03/2009)
- Types of fatal occupational injuries in 2008 (08/27/2009)
- Fatal work injuries in 2008 (08/24/2009)
- Occupational injuries and illnesses, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (12/29/2008)
- Musculoskeletal disorders and days away from work in 2007 (12/02/2008)
- Jobs with most injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work (12/01/2008)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work by age in 2007 (11/21/2008)
- Workplace injury and illness rates by industry in 2007 (10/27/2008)
- Injury and illness rate down again in 2007 (10/24/2008)
- On-the-job fatalities due to falls in 2007 (08/28/2008)
- Workplace homicides in 2007 (08/26/2008)
- Fatal work injuries in 2007 (08/21/2008)
- Coal mining fatalities (07/03/2008)