Highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership, total and manufacturing, by country of ownership, 2012
Country of ownership
Total private:
United Kingdom
873,635 |
671,036 |
664,211 |
605,244 |
444,328 |
288,409 |
174,631 |
United Kingdom
161,563 |
161,241 |
115,276 |
A handful of countries accounted for most employment in establishments with foreign ownership
BLS publishes employment and wage data on 43 different countries that invest in the United States. Five countries accounted for nearly 3.3 million of the 5.5 million jobs (59 percent) attributed to establishments with foreign ownership. Establishments with investment from the United Kingdom accounted for the most employment, with 873,635 jobs or 16 percent of the total. Establishments with investment from Canada (671,036), Japan (664,211), Germany (605,244), and France (444,328) rounded out the top five.
In the manufacturing sector, establishments with Japanese ownership accounted for the most employment (288,409). This was followed by Germany (174,631), the United Kingdom (161,563), Canada (161,241) and Switzerland (115,276). Manufacturing jobs accounted for 43 percent of all employment in establishments with Japanese ownership. Although the United Kingdom accounted for the highest level of overall employment in establishments with foreign ownership, manufacturing jobs represented only 18 percent of all employment in establishments with United Kingdom ownership.
Counties with the highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership, levels and shares, 2012
County |
Employment (level or share) |
Employment level:
New York County, NY
175,100 |
Los Angeles County, CA
147,852 |
Harris County, TX
133,982 |
Cook County, IL
108,941 |
Dallas County, TX
73,012 |
Orange County, CA
65,624 |
Oakland County, MI
63,727 |
Maricopa County, AZ
61,207 |
Middlesex County, MA
51,288 |
King County, WA
49,492 |
Employment share:
Union County, OH
39.8% |
Logan County, OH
34.3% |
Talladega County, AL
29.1% |
Shelby County, IN
22.4% |
Jackson County, IN
21.5% |
Mississippi County, AR
20.7% |
Rowan County, NC
20.3% |
Madison County, OH
20.2% |
Orangeburg County, SC
19.5% |
Hall County, NE
17.3% |
The ten largest counties in terms of employment levels and share of employment
Counties with the highest employment levels in establishments with foreign ownership largely overlapped with counties with high overall employment levels. In fact, all of the 10 counties with the largest employment in establishments with foreign ownership were also among the 20 largest counties in terms of total employment. The largest county in terms of employment level in establishments with foreign ownership was New York County, New York (175,100); followed by Los Angeles County, California (147,852); and Harris County, Texas (133,982).
In contrast, there is no overlap between the counties with high overall employment levels and the largest counties in terms of employment share in establishments with foreign ownership. Among these 10 largest counties, 6 were located in the Midwest and 4 were located in the South. The county with the highest share of employment attributed to establishments with foreign ownership was Union County, Ohio (40 percent); followed by Logan County, Ohio (34 percent); and Talladega County, Alabama (29 percent).
Occupational groups as a percentage of total employment, establishments with foreign ownership and domestically owned establishments, 2012
Occupational group
Establishments with foreign ownership
Domestically owned establishments
6.7% |
4.9% |
Business and financial operations
7.0 |
4.9 |
Computer and mathematical
5.0 |
2.9 |
Architecture and engineering
4.4 |
1.8 |
Life, physical, and social science
1.2 |
0.6 |
Community and social service
0.1 |
1.1 |
0.3 |
0.7 |
Education, training, and library
0.2 |
1.9 |
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media
0.9 |
1.4 |
Healthcare practitioners and technical
2.0 |
6.2 |
Healthcare support
0.9 |
3.3 |
Protective service
2.7 |
1.0 |
Food preparation and serving related
3.1 |
10.5 |
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance
1.1 |
3.3 |
Personal care and service
0.9 |
3.3 |
Sales and related
14.8 |
12.4 |
Office and administrative support
15.3 |
16.2 |
Farming, fishing, and forestry
0.1 |
0.4 |
Construction and extraction
2.2 |
4.2 |
Installation, maintenance, and repair
5.0 |
4.1 |
17.9 |
7.3 |
Transportation and material moving
8.3 |
7.6 |
Establishments with foreign ownership had higher shares of production and sales occupations
Production occupations made up nearly 18 percent of employment in establishments with foreign ownership, compared with 7 percent of employment in domestically owned establishments. Establishments with foreign ownership also had higher shares of sales and related; business and financial operations; management; computer and mathematical; architecture and engineering; protective service; and life, physical, and social science occupations. These differences in occupational composition reflect, in part, the different mix of industries in which foreign and domestic owners invest.
Compared with domestically owned establishments, establishments with foreign ownership had lower shares of food preparation and serving related occupations and both healthcare occupational groups. Establishments with foreign ownership also had lower shares of construction and extraction; personal care and service; building and grounds cleaning and maintenance; education, training, and library; and community and social service occupations.
Largest occupations in establishments with foreign ownership and in domestically owned establishments, 2012
Occupation |
Employment |
Foreign ownership:
212,790 |
Team assemblers
186,880 |
Customer service representatives
185,090 |
Retail salespersons
166,730 |
Security guards
131,160 |
Stock clerks and order fillers
124,660 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
115,410 |
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products
106,650 |
General and operations managers
89,260 |
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers
70,810 |
Domestically owned:
Retail salespersons
4,378,300 |
3,011,240 |
Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food
2,768,650 |
Waiters and waitresses
2,301,170 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
2,190,410 |
Customer service representatives
2,187,700 |
Office clerks, general
2,180,580 |
Registered nurses
2,176,970 |
General and operations managers
1,734,200 |
Stock clerks and order fillers
1,689,900 |
Establishments with foreign ownership and those domestically owned had occupational differences
Although several of the largest occupations were the same in both establishments with foreign ownership and in domestically owned establishments—including retail salespersons, cashiers, and customer service representatives—there also were differences. For example, registered nurses, with employment of nearly 2.2 million, was one of the largest occupations in domestically owned establishments, but there were no healthcare occupations with large employment in establishments with foreign ownership.
The largest occupations in domestically owned establishments also included two food preparation and serving related occupations: waiters and waitresses (2.3 million) and combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food (2.8 million). The largest occupations in establishments with foreign ownership did not include any occupations from this occupational group. In establishments with foreign ownership, by contrast, the largest occupations included production occupations, such as team assemblers (186,880) and inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers (70,810).
Annual mean wages in establishments with foreign ownership and in domestically owned establishments, by occupational group, 2012
Occupational group
Foreign ownership
Domestically owned
All occupations
$56,440 |
$44,890 |
137,410 |
113,220 |
Business and financial operations
80,720 |
70,850 |
Computer and mathematical
90,590 |
84,060 |
Architecture and engineering
83,400 |
79,950 |
Life, physical, and social science
78,510 |
70,870 |
Community and social service
52,480 |
39,590 |
150,210 |
105,320 |
Education, training, and library
46,470 |
48,550 |
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media
72,670 |
53,950 |
Healthcare practitioners and technical
60,480 |
76,130 |
Healthcare support
26,610 |
28,270 |
Protective service
26,330 |
28,910 |
Food preparation and serving related
24,360 |
21,590 |
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance
27,500 |
24,860 |
Personal care and service
22,960 |
24,420 |
Sales and related
53,800 |
36,760 |
Office and administrative support
37,930 |
33,900 |
Farming, fishing, and forestry
28,260 |
23,690 |
Construction and extraction
58,920 |
46,090 |
Installation, maintenance, and repair
50,510 |
43,490 |
40,670 |
33,910 |
Transportation and material moving
35,030 |
33,410 |
Establishments with foreign ownership had higher wages than domestically owned establishments
Establishments with foreign ownership had an annual mean wage of $56,440 in 2012, compared with $44,890 in domestically owned establishments. This difference is partly due to higher wages for individual occupations and partly due to differences in occupational composition. Establishments with foreign ownership had higher wages than domestically owned establishments for 17 of 22 occupational groups. Production occupations paid an average of $6,760 more in establishments with foreign ownership. Sales and related occupations paid an average of $17,040 more in establishments with foreign ownership, reflecting, in part, a lower share of retail salespersons and higher shares of high paying sales occupations such as wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives and securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents. Establishments with foreign ownership had significantly lower wages for protective service occupations, personal care and service occupations, and both healthcare occupational groups.
Differences in occupational composition also contributed to the higher overall annual wages in establishments with foreign ownership. Compared with domestically owned establishments, establishments with foreign ownership had higher employment shares of high-paying occupational groups such as management, computer and mathematical, and architecture and engineering occupations, and lower shares of some of the lowest paying groups, including food preparation and serving related and personal care and service occupations.
Employment and annual mean wages for the largest STEM occupations in establishments with foreign ownership, 2012
Annual mean wage
Software developers, applications
58,360 |
$103,700 |
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products
53,590 |
93,090 |
Mechanical engineers
44,280 |
86,970 |
Computer systems analysts
43,300 |
90,090 |
Industrial engineers
39,900 |
81,370 |
Computer user support specialists
36,160 |
56,160 |
Computer and information systems managers
33,190 |
148,330 |
Software developers, systems software
30,180 |
102,670 |
Electrical engineers
23,780 |
97,920 |
Network and computer systems administrators
21,020 |
87,200 |
Architectural and engineering managers
19,460 |
132,340 |
Computer programmers
18,210 |
88,880 |
Electrical and electronics engineering technicians
16,410 |
60,490 |
Chemical technicians
13,640 |
51,760 |
Electronics engineers, except computer
13,430 |
97,260 |
Engineers, all other
12,880 |
90,560 |
Civil engineers
12,700 |
91,140 |
12,380 |
79,580 |
Computer occupations, all other
11,570 |
101,390 |
Computer network architects
11,510 |
114,140 |
STEM occupations made up 13 percent of employment in establishments with foreign ownership
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) occupations made up nearly 13 percent of employment in establishments with foreign ownership, compared with 6 percent of employment in domestically owned establishments. The largest STEM occupations in establishments with foreign ownership included applications software developers (58,360), wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives of technical and scientific products (53,590), mechanical engineers (44,280), and computer systems analysts (43,300).
Of the STEM occupations shown in the chart, the highest paying in establishments with foreign ownership were computer and information systems managers, with an annual mean wage of $148,330, and architectural and engineering managers, with an annual mean wage of $132,340. The lowest paying STEM occupations in establishments with foreign ownership were chemical technicians ($51,760) and computer user support specialists ($56,160).
States with the highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership, all occupations and largest occupational groups, 2012
State and occupational group
532,590 |
Sales and related
91,260 |
Office and administrative support
83,740 |
56,310 |
Transportation and material moving
46,180 |
43,550 |
476,490 |
75,960 |
Office and administrative support
70,320 |
Sales and related
53,420 |
Transportation and material moving
38,310 |
Business and financial operations
34,040 |
New York
416,210 |
Sales and related
91,300 |
Office and administrative support
79,220 |
Business and financial operations
47,720 |
36,970 |
27,210 |
268,770 |
Office and administrative support
46,620 |
Sales and related
43,100 |
36,740 |
Transportation and material moving
25,410 |
Business and financial operations
19,080 |
248,290 |
39,650 |
Office and administrative support
34,480 |
Sales and related
30,850 |
Business and financial operations
25,330 |
23,870 |
229,090 |
Sales and related
50,560 |
Office and administrative support
43,640 |
Transportation and material moving
19,670 |
18,830 |
Business and financial operations
15,110 |
228,550 |
67,380 |
Sales and related
28,850 |
Office and administrative support
28,830 |
Transportation and material moving
17,030 |
Installation, maintenance, and repair
12,880 |
220,920 |
69,480 |
Architecture and engineering
27,630 |
Office and administrative support
19,670 |
Sales and related
17,830 |
Transportation and material moving
15,800 |
New Jersey
205,930 |
Office and administrative support
40,880 |
Sales and related
30,260 |
Business and financial operations
21,620 |
21,230 |
19,600 |
North Carolina
202,910 |
51,630 |
Sales and related
32,360 |
Office and administrative support
31,170 |
Transportation and material moving
15,620 |
12,910 |
Sales was largest occupation in establishments with foreign ownership in California and New York
Sales and related occupations was among the largest occupational groups in states with the highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership. California and New York each had over 91,000 jobs in sales and related occupations in establishments with foreign ownership. Production was also among the largest occupational groups in states with the highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership. In Texas, there were 75,960 production jobs in establishments with foreign ownership. Production occupations accounted for 69,480 jobs in Michigan and 67,380 jobs in Ohio.
Although states with the highest employment in establishments with foreign ownership showed similarities in their largest occupational groups, there were also differences. In Michigan, for example, architecture and engineering occupations were among the largest occupational groups (27,630) in establishments with foreign ownership; in Ohio, installation, maintenance, and repair occupations were among the largest occupational groups (12,880) in establishments with foreign ownership.
Employment in establishments with foreign ownership, all occupations and largest occupations, by industry sector, 2012
Industry and occupation
1,566,980 |
Team assemblers
177,150 |
First-line supervisors of production and operating workers
55,610 |
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers
55,100 |
Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders
36,450 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
35,850 |
Industrial engineers
32,540 |
Industrial machinery mechanics
32,320 |
Maintenance and repair workers, general
31,730 |
29,870 |
Industrial truck and tractor operators
26,780 |
Retail trade
701,950 |
196,600 |
Retail salespersons
148,020 |
Stock clerks and order fillers
83,150 |
First-line supervisors of retail sales workers
58,200 |
Customer service representatives
23,190 |
Pharmacy technicians
14,580 |
13,080 |
Food preparation workers
9,620 |
Automotive service technicians and mechanics
9,470 |
First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers
8,520 |
Wholesale trade
510,870 |
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products
77,260 |
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products
36,020 |
Customer service representatives
23,910 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
23,910 |
Stock clerks and order fillers
15,140 |
General and operations managers
12,980 |
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers
11,050 |
Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks
10,060 |
First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers
9,840 |
Sales managers
9,490 |
Administrative and waste services
484,030 |
Security guards
124,170 |
Customer service representatives
44,990 |
Office clerks, general
22,120 |
Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners
21,060 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
15,760 |
Production workers, all other
14,490 |
Industrial truck and tractor operators
13,690 |
Assemblers and fabricators, all other
10,940 |
9,110 |
Maids and housekeeping cleaners
9,030 |
Professional, scientific, and technical services
437,530 |
Software developers, applications
28,180 |
Computer systems analysts
23,120 |
Mechanical engineers
17,810 |
Software developers, systems software
14,800 |
Computer and information systems managers
14,780 |
General and operations managers
13,460 |
Management analysts
12,540 |
Market research analysts and marketing specialists
11,780 |
Computer programmers
9,600 |
Computer user support specialists
8,970 |
Finance and insurance
415,040 |
Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents
56,110 |
32,060 |
Customer service representatives
31,590 |
Financial analysts
18,630 |
First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers
17,160 |
Financial managers
16,270 |
Brokerage clerks
15,520 |
Insurance sales agents
14,180 |
Personal financial advisors
13,220 |
Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators
12,210 |
Transportation and warehousing
265,690 |
Bus drivers, school or special client
57,650 |
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
25,880 |
Bus drivers, transit and intercity
16,670 |
Industrial truck and tractor operators
15,680 |
Cargo and freight agents
10,960 |
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers
10,330 |
Customer service representatives
7,030 |
Stock clerks and order fillers
6,240 |
Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks
5,840 |
Protective service workers, all other
4,820 |
209,110 |
Sales representatives, services, all other
13,060 |
Customer service representatives
12,800 |
Software developers, applications
9,960 |
9,020 |
Retail salespersons
8,780 |
Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers, except line installers
6,430 |
Computer user support specialists
6,100 |
Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop
4,980 |
Business operations specialists, all other
4,640 |
Software developers, systems software
4,600 |
Management of companies and enterprises
190,440 |
Accountants and auditors
10,160 |
Customer service representatives
8,270 |
Financial managers
7,520 |
Market research analysts and marketing specialists
5,820 |
General and operations managers
5,310 |
Business operations specialists, all other
4,930 |
Managers, all other
4,800 |
Marketing managers
4,780 |
Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks
4,390 |
Computer and information systems managers
4,130 |
Accommodation and food services
189,350 |
Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food
24,950 |
Food preparation workers
19,400 |
Cooks, institution and cafeteria
14,060 |
Waiters and waitresses
13,650 |
First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers
12,290 |
9,710 |
Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop
9,440 |
8,440 |
Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers
6,610 |
Cooks, restaurant
6,400 |
Healthcare and social assistance
154,570 |
Registered nurses
22,700 |
Personal care aides
19,670 |
Nursing assistants
18,640 |
Home health aides
11,980 |
Health technologists and technicians, all other
7,510 |
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
6,880 |
Medical and health services managers
3,160 |
Medical and clinical laboratory technicians
3,160 |
2,700 |
Medical assistants
2,350 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
114,520 |
Service unit operators, oil, gas, and mining
6,230 |
3,790 |
Roustabouts, oil and gas
3,540 |
First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers
3,530 |
Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators
3,340 |
Industrial machinery mechanics
2,930 |
Petroleum engineers
2,860 |
First-line supervisors of production and operating workers
2,790 |
Rotary drill operators, oil and gas
2,630 |
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers
2,200 |
103,910 |
Construction laborers
9,360 |
First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers
7,230 |
Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators
4,800 |
Construction managers
4,630 |
Civil engineers
4,310 |
3,360 |
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers
3,070 |
Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
2,520 |
General and operations managers
2,360 |
Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive
1,640 |
Office clerks, general
1,640 |
Other services (except public administration)
60,920 |
Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists
4,920 |
Automotive glass installers and repairers
3,990 |
Cleaners of vehicles and equipment
3,040 |
Retail salespersons
2,910 |
Industrial machinery mechanics
2,550 |
Receptionists and information clerks
2,140 |
Automotive service technicians and mechanics
1,820 |
1,750 |
Customer service representatives
1,690 |
Skincare specialists
1,490 |
Real estate and rental and leasing
42,820 |
Maintenance and repair workers, general
3,230 |
Counter and rental clerks
3,010 |
Customer service representatives
2,830 |
Sales representatives, services, all other
2,050 |
Property, real estate, and community association managers
1,960 |
General and operations managers
1,920 |
Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers
1,580 |
Real estate sales agents
1,560 |
Mobile heavy equipment mechanics, except engines
1,360 |
Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners
1,230 |
37,970 |
Electrical power-line installers and repairers
3,870 |
Customer service representatives
2,360 |
Control and valve installers and repairers, except mechanical door
1,940 |
Power plant operators
1,940 |
Electrical and electronics repairers, powerhouse, substation, and relay
1,450 |
Electrical engineers
1,200 |
First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers
1,150 |
Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators
1,140 |
Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
1,050 |
General and operations managers
920 |
Educational services
17,130 |
Customer service representatives
1,790 |
Self-enrichment education teachers
1,120 |
Software developers, applications
1,040 |
Computer programmers
1,030 |
Sales representatives, services, all other
1,020 |
Education, training, and library workers, all other
890 |
General and operations managers
720 |
Web developers
670 |
Adult basic and secondary education and literacy teachers and instructors
610 |
Instructional coordinators
360 |
Billing and posting clerks
360 |
Manufacturing establishments with foreign ownership employed over 177,000 team assemblers
Production occupations represented over 845,000 of the nearly 1.6 million jobs in manufacturing establishments with foreign ownership. These production jobs included 177,150 team assemblers, 55,610 first-line supervisors of production and operating workers, and 55,100 inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers. Sales and related occupations represented 60 percent of the jobs in retail trade establishments with foreign ownership, including cashiers (196,600) and retail salespersons (148,020). Stock clerks and order fillers (83,150) was also one of the largest occupations in retail trade establishments with foreign ownership.
In wholesale trade establishments with foreign ownership, only 28 percent of jobs were in sales and related occupations. More than half of these sales jobs were wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives who did not specialize in technical and scientific products (77,260). The largest occupations in the professional, scientific, and technical services sector—which encapsulates legal, accounting, and engineering services, among other types of services—included applications software developers (28,180), computer systems analysts (23,120), and mechanical engineers (17,810).
Annual mean wages in transportation equipment manufacturing for establishments with foreign ownership and domestically owned establishments, by occupational group, 2012
Occupational group |
Foreign ownership |
Domestically owned |
All occupations
$49,890 |
$57,570 |
122,530 |
153,830 |
111,820 |
127,860 |
Computer and mathematical
81,930 |
102,050 |
Architecture and engineering
71,490 |
87,430 |
Business and financial operations
70,450 |
76,430 |
Healthcare practitioners and technical
69,090 |
72,990 |
Life, physical, and social science
63,620 |
71,750 |
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media
62,730 |
70,920 |
Sales and related
77,830 |
68,080 |
Protective service
34,380 |
54,160 |
Installation, maintenance, and repair
55,810 |
53,510 |
Construction and extraction
63,560 |
49,780 |
Office and administrative support
44,510 |
42,760 |
42,910 |
39,690 |
Transportation and material moving
40,140 |
38,090 |
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance
33,040 |
30,130 |
Establishments with foreign ownership in transportation equipment manufacturing paid lower wages
The transportation equipment manufacturing industry was among the largest with foreign ownership in 2012. The annual mean wage in this industry was $49,890 in establishments with foreign ownership, compared with $57,570 in domestically owned establishments. In addition to having a lower overall mean wage than domestically owned establishments, establishments with foreign ownership in transportation equipment manufacturing had a more compressed wage structure, with lower wages for high-paying occupational groups like management, architecture and engineering, and computer and mathematical, and higher wages for relatively low-paying groups like production, office and administrative support, and installation, maintenance, and repair. This differs from the data for all industries combined, which showed higher wages overall and for most occupational groups in establishments with foreign ownership.
Although establishments with foreign ownership paid higher wages for production occupations than domestically owned establishments, they also had a higher share of employment in this relatively low-paying group: 68 percent, compared with 49 percent in domestically owned establishments. This difference contributed to the lower overall mean wage in transportation equipment manufacturing establishments with foreign ownership.
Employment and annual mean wages in production occupations in establishments with foreign ownership, by state, 2012
Foreign ownership
Domestically owned
28,940 |
$41,280 |
$31,660 |
$9,620 |
1,520 |
52,330 |
38,440 |
13,890 |
6,880 |
40,220 |
34,020 |
6,200 |
15,300 |
35,520 |
29,890 |
5,630 |
56,310 |
40,150 |
33,800 |
6,350 |
11,190 |
43,530 |
34,300 |
9,230 |
11,370 |
42,580 |
40,210 |
2,370 |
1,690 |
45,440 |
34,980 |
10,460 |
18,830 |
36,490 |
31,520 |
4,970 |
36,220 |
34,160 |
30,910 |
3,250 |
920 |
40,410 |
32,260 |
8,150 |
2,110 |
37,630 |
31,940 |
5,690 |
39,650 |
39,370 |
33,960 |
5,410 |
63,790 |
41,390 |
32,310 |
9,080 |
13,710 |
37,310 |
32,930 |
4,380 |
15,600 |
47,000 |
33,890 |
13,110 |
35,150 |
39,960 |
32,950 |
7,010 |
9,710 |
54,100 |
40,410 |
13,690 |
3,800 |
42,320 |
34,820 |
7,500 |
8,200 |
41,340 |
35,720 |
5,620 |
14,140 |
42,900 |
37,710 |
5,190 |
69,480 |
40,430 |
33,940 |
6,490 |
16,620 |
37,670 |
34,780 |
2,890 |
9,000 |
43,650 |
30,890 |
12,760 |
20,720 |
42,220 |
32,780 |
9,440 |
490 |
52,670 |
36,010 |
16,660 |
8,430 |
35,850 |
31,870 |
3,980 |
2,360 |
51,400 |
32,280 |
19,120 |
New Hampshire
7,030 |
40,430 |
35,350 |
5,080 |
New Jersey
19,600 |
42,940 |
34,910 |
8,030 |
New Mexico
1,550 |
34,230 |
35,650 |
-$1,420 |
New York
27,210 |
44,080 |
34,180 |
9,900 |
North Carolina
51,630 |
39,400 |
31,020 |
8,380 |
North Dakota
2,760 |
41,710 |
38,930 |
2,780 |
67,380 |
42,330 |
33,930 |
8,400 |
10,400 |
40,620 |
33,830 |
6,790 |
6,600 |
37,810 |
34,770 |
3,040 |
36,740 |
40,130 |
35,850 |
4,280 |
Rhode Island
1,330 |
37,890 |
33,850 |
4,040 |
South Carolina
42,640 |
41,340 |
32,860 |
8,480 |
South Dakota
1,720 |
32,330 |
30,210 |
2,120 |
43,960 |
38,550 |
31,380 |
7,170 |
75,960 |
42,910 |
34,200 |
8,710 |
6,510 |
36,750 |
33,820 |
2,930 |
1,290 |
36,650 |
35,230 |
1,420 |
20,910 |
38,250 |
33,740 |
4,510 |
11,360 |
44,970 |
39,880 |
5,090 |
West Virginia
6,210 |
39,640 |
37,320 |
2,320 |
21,790 |
38,640 |
34,710 |
3,930 |
960 |
58,400 |
47,620 |
10,780 |
Establishments with foreign ownership paid higher wages for production occupations in 45 states
Texas (75,960), Michigan (69,480), Ohio (67,380), Indiana (63,790), and California (56,310) had the highest employment of production occupations in establishments with foreign ownership. These five states accounted for more than one-third of total production jobs in establishments with foreign ownership. Compared with domestically owned establishments, establishments with foreign ownership had significantly higher wages for production occupations in 45 of the 50 states, including the 5 states just mentioned. Wage differences between establishments with foreign ownership and domestically owned establishments may be affected by differences in the mix of high- and low-paying occupations within the production group, differences in the wages for individual production occupations, and differences in the mix of industries in which foreign and domestic owners invest.
Employment in production occupations in establishments with foreign ownership, by region and country, 2012
541,770 |
101,520 |
United Kingdom
95,780 |
81,680 |
63,190 |
50,790 |
39,410 |
37,910 |
27,780 |
17,690 |
6,360 |
4,040 |
4,000 |
3,670 |
3,100 |
2,000 |
1,500 |
Other Europe
1,350 |
248,740 |
193,000 |
Other Asia
13,970 |
Korea, Republic of
11,660 |
8,800 |
7,200 |
6,510 |
3,010 |
2,300 |
Hong Kong
2,290 |
97,410 |
97,410 |
Latin America
74,570 |
Other Latin America
51,660 |
20,390 |
UK Islands - Caribbean
2,520 |
Middle East
8,130 |
Saudi Arabia
3,450 |
2,050 |
United Arab Emirates
1,810 |
Other Middle East
820 |
1,260 |
South Africa
1,260 |
Establishments with Japanese ownership had 193,000 production jobs
Establishments with European ownership had employment of nearly 542,000 in production occupations, accounting for the majority of production jobs in establishments with foreign ownership. Among individual European countries of ownership, Germany (101,520), the United Kingdom (95,780), and Switzerland (81,680) had the highest employment of production occupations. Establishments with Asian ownership had employment of 248,740 in production occupations. Seventy-eight percent (193,000) of these jobs were in establishments with Japanese ownership. Establishments with Canadian ownership had employment of 97,140 in production occupations, and establishments with Latin American ownership had employment of 74,570 in production occupations.
For more information
Erik Friesenhahn is an economist in the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Email: Friesenhahn.Erik@bls.gov. Stella Fayer and Audrey Watson are economists in the Division of Occupational Employment Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Email: Fayer.Stella@bls.gov and Watson.Audrey@bls.gov.
This Spotlight on Statistics presents research data on foreign direct investment (FDI). This research dataset is the result of a cooperative effort between the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). More information about this research project and additional FDI data are available at www.bls.gov/fdi. For questions about these FDI data, please contact FDIinfo@bls.gov.
To produce this dataset, researchers used BEA’s 2012 Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States to identify establishments in the BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) that were part of companies with partial or complete foreign ownership. The QCEW database contains employment and wage information for an estimated 126.9 million workers covered by state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) legislation, representing 95.5 percent of civilian wage and salary employment.
Establishments were defined as having foreign ownership if they could be matched with a company reporting at least one foreign owner with at least 10 percent ownership in BEA’s 2012 Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. Establishments were defined as being domestically owned if they did not have at least one foreign owner with at least 10 percent ownership, or could not be well matched to a company with foreign ownership. Data for these domestically owned establishments are provided for comparison purposes. Data by region and country are based on the country of ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO). The entity at the top of the ownership chain is the UBO of the foreign-owned U.S. company. In most cases, the entity at the top of the ownership chain is a foreign entity, but sometimes it is a U.S. entity.
After establishments with foreign ownership were identified in QCEW, these same establishments were then identified in the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey sample for 2011 -2013. The OES program produces employment and wage estimates for over 800 occupations, based on a survey of approximately 1.2 million business establishments collected over a 3-year period. OES data are published annually for the nation, states, and metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas; and for approximately 415 industry classifications at the national level. The OES survey covers wage and salary workers in nonfarm establishments and does not include the self-employed and owners, partners, and proprietors of unincorporated businesses.
More information about the OES survey is available at www.bls.gov/oes/oes_ques.htm and in the technical documentation at www.bls.gov/oes/oes_doc.htm. Publicly available OES data are available at www.bls.gov/oes/.
The 2012 FDI occupational data were produced using a different methodology, a different reference period, and different survey panels from the May 2012 OES estimates, and, as a result, occupational data from the FDI research dataset are not directly comparable to the May 2012 OES data. In addition, because of differences in coverage and methodology, OES all-occupations employment in establishments with foreign ownership may differ slightly from QCEW employment in establishments with foreign ownership for a given state or industry.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations are defined in this Spotlight to include computer and mathematical, architecture and engineering, and life and physical science occupations, as well as managerial and postsecondary teaching occupations related to these functional areas and sales occupations requiring scientific or technical knowledge at the postsecondary level. This is only one possible definition of STEM occupations; guidance on alternative definitions can be found at www.bls.gov/soc/2010/#crosswalks.
Related publications:
Employment and Wages in Foreign-Owned Businesses in the United States, Fourth Quarter 1991
Occupations in Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Establishments in the United States, 1989
Domestic employment in U.S.-based multinational companies, 2011