An official website of the United States government
This page includes links to the ATUS Leave Module microdata files and supporting documentation. The ATUS Leave Module is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau.
The 2017-18 Leave and Job Flexibilities Module was fielded from January 2017 through December 2018 and included questions about workers’ access to and use of paid and unpaid leave with additional questions about workers' job flexibilities and work schedules.
The 2011 Leave Module was fielded from January through December 2011 and included questions about wage and salary workers' access to paid and unpaid leave and the ability to adjust their work schedules and locations instead of taking leave or because they didn't have access to leave. The 2011 Leave Module also included a general health question.
NOTE: The 2017-18 Leave and Job Flexibilities Module questionnaire was a re-designed version of the 2011 Leave Module questionnaire. Questions were added, dropped, and modified. The 2011 Leave Module included some questions about workers’ ability to adjust their work schedule or location instead of taking time off from work. In 2017-18, these questions were replaced with questions about workers’ usual schedules and their access to schedule and workplace flexibilities. Therefore, the 2017-18 and 2011 Leave Modules are not directly comparable. Researchers should consult the respective data dictionary and questionnaire when working with the data files.
Last Modified Date: September 24, 2019