An official website of the United States government
The Post Interview for Field Representatives section provides the standard interview closing remarks and collects information about the use of records during the interview.
This concludes the interview. Thank you for your patience, and for taking the time to answer our questions.
Let me remind you that the information you provide is very valuable because it is used to update the Consumer Price Index, which is one of our nation's leading economic indicators.
That is why we sincerely appreciate your participation in this survey [and look forward to your continued cooperation when we contact you again in 3 months].
* NOTE: Inform the respondent that a supervisor may call them to conduct re-interview.
* In answering questions about expenses, did the respondent consult bills, receipts, check stubs, expense books, tax returns, or other records?
* What types of bills, receipts, or records did the respondent(s) use to give cost information? Enter all that apply
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Last Modified Date: January 5, 2005