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The Consumer Expenditure Survey Quarterly Interview Survey Control Card is used to establish membership in the consumer unit and to collect demographic characteristics of members. IMPORTANT: The Census Bureau does not release to the Bureau of Labor Statistics any confidential information such as names and addresses. This information is only used during the course of the interview.
Are all these persons still living or staying here?
What are the names of all persons living or staying here? Start with the name of the person, or one of the persons, who owns/rents this home. [enter text] _____________
What is the name of the next person living or staying here? [enter text] _____________
* Enter Last Name [enter text] _____________
What is your/names relationship to you/name of reference person/the owner/renter?
* Ask if not apparent Are you/Is (name) male or female?
Are you/Is (name) living away at college?
Do you/Does (name) usually live here?
* Probe if usual place of residence is elsewhere
With whom am I speaking?
I have listed . . . * READ NAMES
Have I missed any babies or small children?
Have I missed anyone who usually lives here but is away now - traveling, at school, or in a hospital?
Have I missed any lodgers, boarders, or persons you employ who live here?
Have I missed anyone else staying here?
Is anyone else living or staying here, including newborn babies?
Do all persons in this household live OR eat together?
Do the people who do not live or eat with [Name of reference person] have direct access to a separate living arrangement, from the outside or through a common hallway?
Who does not live or eat with this household.
* Enter all that apply
[enter text] _____________You are about to begin asking questions about one or more additional living arrangements at this location to determine if they qualify as EXTRA UNITS!!!
Is the address of the additional living quarters already listed?
This is not an Extra Unit. Continue with the interview of this unit.
Display any extra units that were already listed this qurater. [enter text] _____________
* Ask if not apparent
Does any other household on the property live OR eat with this household?
* Redefine the unit to include space occupied by all persons who live and eat together.
Apply merged unit procedures if appropriate.
If merged unit, add person or persons to household roster and complete the interview.
* Begin financial responsibilty questions for any non-relative in this household.
Earlier you said that [(name) was/you were] not related to [name of the reference person]. [Are you/Is (name)] related to anyone else in this household?
Who [are you/is (name)] related to?
PROBE: Anyone else?
* Enter line number(s) [enter text] _____________
Do/Does (NAME) pay for all your/his/her/their housing expenses with your/his/her/their own money?
(List the names of persons in this subfamily)
Do/Does (NAME) pay for all your/his/her/their food expenses with your/his/her/their own money?
(List the names of persons in this subfamily)
Do/Does (NAME) pay for all your/his/her/their other living expenses such as clothing, transportation, etc., with your/his/her/their own money?
(List the names of persons in this subfamily)
Does all or part of the money to pay for (READ NAMES) for the above expenses come from someone in this household?
(List the names of persons in this subfamily)
* Enter line number(s) [enter text] _____________
(List CU# Line number and name)
During this interview, I will use the words consumer unit or CU. A consumer unit is the person/group of persons in this household who is/are independent of all other persons in this household for payment of their major expenses.
The person(s) I'm including in your CU is(are) (READ NAME(S))
[* UPDATE Marital, Education, College and Armed Forces - Press END when done ]
What is your/(name)s date of birth?
* Enter Birth Month
* Enter Birth Day [enter text] _____________
* Enter Birth Year [enter value] _____________
As of today, that would make you/(name) "age" year/years old.
Is that correct?
Even though you dont know your/(name)s exact birthdate, what is your best guess as to how old you/he/she were/was on your/his/her last birthday?
Are/Is you/he/she under 16?
Are/Is you/(name) Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish?
* Specify: [enter text] _____________
* Probe if necessary
* Enter all that apply
Please select one of the following to describe your/(name)'s origin.
Are/Is you/(name) -
* Specify: [enter text] _____________
* Specify other race: [enter text] _____________
Are/Is you/(name) now -
Are you/Is (name) currently enrolled in a college or university either -
Are you/Is (name) now in the Armed Forces?
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Go to Section 1 Part A - General Survey Information - Reference Period Explanation »
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Last Modified Date: December 01, 2005