An official website of the United States government
Section 18, Part F collects detailed information about local overnight stays, including the value of any package deals and expenses for lodging, food, and entertainment.
How many nights did you or any member of your CU spend away from home on this stay? [enter value] _____________________
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . . Food and beverages?
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . .Lodging?
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . .Entertainment?
Did the package deal include...
. . .Anything else?
* Specify: [enter text] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your CU pay for the package deal? [enter value] _____________________
What was the cost, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
What was the cost, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "meals, snacks, or drinks" for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
What were the expenses, including taxes? [enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "food or beverages" for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes? [enter value] _____________________
For definitions Information Booklet »
How much did you or any members of your CU pay? [enter value] _____________________
* Are there combined expenses for food/beverages, lodging, transportation, or other things?
* Only those things the respondent could not provide individual expenses for should be combined and entered here. [enter value] _____________________
Does this include anything for. . .
. . .food and beverages?
Does this include anything for. . .
. . .lodging?
Does this include anything for. . .
. . . entertainment?
Does this include any. . .
. . .other expenses?
Did you or any member of your CU have any other stays at local hotels or motels?
Go to Section 19 Part A - Miscellaneous Expenses - Miscellaneous Expenses »
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Last Modified Date: October 12, 2005