CE Section 22b
Section 22, Part B deals with income received by the consumer unit as a whole, including interest income, dividends, pension income, unemployment and workers' compensation, money from food stamps and other government assistance, rental income, alimony and child support, tax refunds, and other income.
Up until this point, we have discussed earnings for individual members. Now, I would like to talk to you about your CU as a whole.
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive income from any of the following-
Interest on bank accounts, money market funds, CDs, or bonds?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of interest received by all CU members during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any-
REGULAR income from dividends, trusts, estates or royalties?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from dividends, trusts, estates or royalties during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive income from-
Retirement, disability and survivor pensions or annuities from private companies, military, Government, IRA or Keogh?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of retirement pensions and annuities during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any income from-
Unemployment compensation or supplemental unemployment compensation?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in unemployment compensation during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any income from-
Worker's compensation or veteran's benefits including the GI Bill but not including military retirement?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from worker's compensation during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any-
Food stamps or food stamp money on an EBT card?
- Yes
- No
What was the value of all food stamps or food stamp money received on an EBT card?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total value of all food stamps or food stamp money on an EBT card received in the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive cash assistance from any state or local government welfare program, such as TANF, or short-term emergency help? This would include checks, direct deposits, or EBT cards, but would not include food stamps.
- Yes
- No
How much cash assistance did you receive last year?
[enter value] ______________
- 1. Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of income from cash assistance from state or local government welfare programs during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU have any net income or loss from any type of rental rooms or living units?
- Yes
- No
Was the net income or loss received from roomers or boarders?
- Yes
- No
- Yes, but do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects your net income or loss from roomers or boarders?
- Loss
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
* Do not read.
Was this an income or a loss?
- Loss
- Income
How much net income/loss was received from roomers or boarders? [enter value] ______________
How much net income or loss was received from other rental units?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects your net income or loss from other rental units during the last 12 months?
- Loss
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any income from child support?
- Yes
- No
Did you receive a one time lump sum payment for child support?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount of lump sum payments for child support received by ALL CU members in the last 12 months?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in lump sum payments for child support by ALL CU members during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
Did you receive any child support payments in other than a lump sum amount?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount of non-lump sum payments received by ALL CU members in the last 12 months?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in child support payments, other than lump sum amounts, by ALL CU members during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REGULAR income from -
- Yes
- No
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REGULAR income from -
Other sources such as from persons outside your CU?
- Yes
- No
Altogether, what was the total amount received by all CU members from alimony and other sources in the last 12 months?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received in alimony and other sources during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any -
Lump sum payments from insurance, estates, trusts, royalties, alimony, prizes or games of chance, or from persons outside your CU?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- 1. Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total lump sum payments during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any -
Money from the sale of household furnishings, equipment, clothing, jewelry, pets, or other belongings, not including the sale of vehicles or real estate?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount received from these sales during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any -
Other money income, including money received from cash scholarship and fellowships, stipends not based on working, or from the care of foster children?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by all CU members?
[enter value] ______________
- Do not know the exact amount
Could you tell me which range on CARD C best reflects the total amount of other money income received during the last 12 months?
- $0-$999
- $1,000-$1,999
- $2,000-$2,999
- $3,000-$3,999
- $4,000-$4,999
- $5,000-$9,999
- $10,000-$14,999
- $15,000-$19,999
- $20,000-$29,999
- $30,000-$39,999
- $40,000-$49,999
- $50,000 and over
For definitions Information Booklet »
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
Federal income tax?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
State and local income tax?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
Overpayment on Social Security?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
Insurance policies?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
Property taxes?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU receive any REFUNDS from any of the following -
Other sources, including any other taxes?
- Yes
- No
* Specify: [enter text] ______________
What was the total amount received by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU PAY any of the following -
Federal income tax in addition to that withheld from earnings?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount paid by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU PAY any of the following -
State and local income tax in addition to that withheld from earnings?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount paid by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU PAY any of the following -
Personal property taxes for vehicles?
- Yes
- No
What was the total amount paid by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
During the last 12 months, did you or any member of your CU PAY any of the following -
Personal property taxes and other taxes not reported elsewhere? Do not include Social Security tax for the self-employed.
- Yes
- No
* Specify: [enter text] ______________
What was the total amount paid by ALL CU members? [enter value] ______________
End of Section 22B
Go to Section 22 Part G - Work Experience and Income - Change In Assets - Fifth Quarter Only »
Go to Section 24 - Total CU Income - For New Consumer Units Only »
Go to CE CAPI Survey Instrument Home Page »
Last Modified Date: January 5, 2005