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Since the first of the reference month have you had any expenses for this policy?
How much was paid? [enter value] _____________
How much was paid this month?[enter value] ________
What kind of insurance was it?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
How many life insurance or other policies which provide benefits in case of death or disability did you purchase? [enter value] ____________
How many automobile or other vehicle insurance policies did you purchase? [enter value] ____________
How many homeowners insurance (including flood, fire and extended coverage) policies did you purchase?[enter value] ____________
How many tenants insurance policies did you purchase? [enter value] ____________
How many other types of non-health insurance policies did you purchase? [enter value] ____________
What kind of insurance policy was it?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
How many life insurance or other policies which provide benefits in case of death or disability did you make payments on for persons NOT IN YOUR CU? [enter value] ____________
How many automobile or other vehicle insurance policies did you make payments on for persons NOT IN YOUR CU? [enter value] ____________
How many homeowners insurance (including flood, fire and extended coverage) policies did you make payments on for persons NOT IN YOUR CU? [enter value] ____________
How many tenants insurance policies did you make payments on for persons NOT IN YOUR CU?[enter value] ____________
How many other types of non-health insurance policies did you make payments on for persons NOT IN YOUR CU?[enter value] ____________
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Last Modified Date: November 29, 2005