An official website of the United States government
How many nights did you or any member of your CU spend away from home on this stay? [enter value] _____________________
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . . Food and beverages?
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . .Lodging?
Did the package deal include anything for...
. . .Entertainment?
Did the package deal include ...
. . . Anything else?
* Specify: [enter text] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your CU pay for the package deal? [enter value] _____________________
What was the cost, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
What was the cost, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "meals, snacks, or drinks" for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes and tips? [enter value] _____________________
What were the expenses, including taxes? [enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "food or beverages" for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes? [enter value] _____________________
For definitions Information Booklet »
How much did you or any members of your CU pay? [enter value] _____________________
* Are there combined expenses for food/beverages, lodging, transportation, or other things?
* Only those things the respondent could not provide individual expenses for should be combined and entered here. [enter value] _____________________
Does this include anything for. . .
. . .Food and beverages?
Does this include anything for. . .
. . .Lodging?
Does this include anything for. . .
. . . Entertainment?
. . . Other expenses?
Did you or any member of your CU have any other stays at local hotels or motels?
Go to Section 19 Part A - Miscellaneous Expenses - Miscellaneous Expenses »
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Last Modified Date: November 29, 2005