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Section 3, Part B collects detailed information about owned properties reported in Part A, including the date of settlement, total cost, current market value, and annual property taxes.
Now I'm going to ask some questions about your owned properties./ Now I'm going to ask about your next property.
* Enter type of property
Is this a time-sharing arrangement where you and/or your CU have/has use of the property only for a specified time each year?
How many weeks per year can you and/or your CU use your timeshare? [enter value] _____________
Do/Does you and/or your CU own the timeshare with anyone else outside your CU?
What percent of the timeshare do/does you and/or your CU own? [enter value] _____________
Do/Does you and/or your CU share ownership of the property with anyone else?
What percentage of the property do/does you and/or your CU own? [enter value] _____________
* Ask if not apparent
* If this is a timeshare with multiple locations, select the most often used location.
Where is the property located?
* Enter the two character State abbreviation [enter text] _____________
What county is the property located in? [enter value] _____________
* If the county name is not found, press X
* Specify other county [enter text] _____________
* Ask if not apparent
Do you still own this property?
Are/Were any of the expenses for this property deducted as business, farm, or rental expenses?
What percent of the expenses for this property are/were deducted? [enter value] _____________
In what year did you or your CU close or settle on this property? [enter value] _____________
In what month did you or your CU close or settle on this property? [enter text] _____________
Was this property received as a gift or inheritance?
What was the total price paid for this/the property, not including closing costs? Closing costs include the kinds of things listed in the information booklet. [enter value] _____________
For definitions Information Booklet »
About how much were the closing costs? [enter value] _____________
What was the amount of the down payment? [enter value] _____________
What are/were the annual property taxes for this/the property? [enter value] _____________
* Ask if not apparent.
Is/Was this property a -
Go to Section 3 Part D - Owned Living Quarters and Other Owned Real Estate - Disposed of Property »
Go to Section 3 Part I - Owned Living Quarters and Other Owned Real Estate - Ownership Costs »
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Last Modified Date: September 19, 2008