Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Section 17 - Subscriptions, Memberships, Books, and Entertainment
- Fees for participating in sports, including -
bowling golf swimming tennis billiards
- Single admissions to spectator sports, including -
baseball football hockey soccer auto racing basketball
- Single admission to performances, including -
concerts movies plays operas
- Single admission to other entertainment activities, including -
museums amusement parks zoos state parks historic sites
- Books not purchased through book clubs, including -
hardcover paperbacks reference books digital books
Exclude reference books or school books
- Single copies of newspapers, magazines, periodicals (non-subscription)
- Compact discs, audio tapes, or records
Do not include blank CDs or blank audio tapes
- Photographic film, including disposable cameras
- Photo processing, including -
digital photo processing video film processing
- Purchase of video tapes or DVDs
Do not include blank or recordable DVDs or blank or recordable video tapes
- Rental of video tapes or DVDs, including -
mail delivery DVD rentals
Go back to Section 17, Part B »
Last Modified Date: April 16, 2009