Section 6, Part B - Appliances, Household Equipment, and Other Selected Items - Purchase of Household Appliances and Other Selected Items
Section 6, Part B deals with purchases and rentals of small appliances, televisions, radios, sound equipment, sports and exercise equipment, and miscellaneous other household items.
Now I am going to ask about expenses for the purchase or rental of household appliances and other selected items.
- Enter 1 to Continue
Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU purchased or rented any of the following items?
* Read each item on list
- Small electrical kitchen appliances
- Electrical personal care appliances
- Smoke detectors
- Electric floor cleaning equipment
- Other household appliances
- Sewing machines
- Office machines including fax machines & calculators
- PDAs and pocket PCs
- Computers, computer systems, or related hardware
- Computer software including computer games or accessories, for non-business use
- Video game hardware, video games, and accessories
- Telephones or accessories
- Telephone answering machines
- Photographic equipment
- Musical instruments, supplies, or accessories
- Lawnmowing machinery or other yard equipment
- Power tools
- Non-power tools
- Window air conditioners
- Portable cooling or heating equipment
- Continue list
For definitions Information Booklet »
Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU purchased or rented television, radio, video, or sound equipment?
Do not include purchases installed on vehicles.
* IF YES - Read each item on list
Which of the following did you purchase or rent?
- Televisions, all types
- DVD Players, VCRs, DVRs, or video cameras
- Satellite dishes, receivers or accessories
- Handheld personal music players
- Radios, all types
- Tape recorders or players
- Sound components, component systems, or compact disc sound systems
- Other sound or video equipment, including accessories
- 95. Continue list
For definitions Information Booklet »
Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU purchased or rented...?
- Portable memory, such as flash drives, memory cards, and recordable discs and tapes
- 95. Continue list
For definitions Information Booklet »
Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU purchased or rented sports, recreation, or exercise equipment?
* If Yes- Read each item on list
Which of the following did you purchase or rent?
- General sports equipment (include athletic shoes for sports related use, such as football, baseball, soccer or bowling)
- Health and exercise equipment
- Camping equipment
- Hunting and fishing equipment
- Winter sports equipment
- Water sports equipment
- Outboard motors
- Bicycles
- Tricycles or battery powered riders
- Playground equipment
- Other sports or recreation equipment
- None/No more entries
For definitions Information Booklet »
What did you purchase or rent?
* Enter a brief description of item.
*[Report items such as flash drives, memory cards, recordable discs, and tapes as Number 29, Portable memory.]
[enter text] _____________
Was this item
- Purchased for someone inside the CU?
- Rented?
- Purchased for someone outside the CU?
When did you purchase it? [enter text] _____________
What did it cost?
* Include delivery charges, exclude installation charges. / What was the total rental expense since the first of the reference month not including the current month? [enter value] _____________
Did this include sales tax?
- Yes
- No
* Enter 'C' for a combined expense
- C
- Not combined
What other item is the purchase or rental item combined with?
* Enter all that apply
- Small electrical kitchen appliances
- Electrical personal care appliances
- Smoke detectors
- Electric floor cleaning equipment
- Other household appliances
- Sewing machines
- Office machines including fax machines and calculators
- Personal digital assistants or PDAs
- Computers, computer systems, or related hardware
- Computer software including games and accessories
- Video game hardware, video games and accessories
- Telephones or accessories
- Telephone answering machines
- Photographic equipment
- Musical instruments, supplies, or accessories
- Lawnmowing machinery or other yard equipment
- Power tools
- Non-power tools
- Window air conditioners
- Portable cooling or heating equipment
- Televisions, all types
- DVD Players, VCRs, DVRs, or video cameras
- Satellite dishes, receivers or accessories
- Handheld personal music players
- Radios, all types
- Tape recorders or players
- Sound components, component systems, or compact disc sound systems
- Other sound or video equipment, including accessories
- Portable memory, such as flash drives, memory cards, and recordable discs and tapes
- General sports equipment (include athletic shoes for sports related use, such as football, baseball, soccer or bowling)
- Health and exercise equipment
- Camping equipment
- Hunting and fishing equipment
- Winter sports equipment
- Water sports equipment
- Outboard motors
- Bicycles
- Tricycles or battery powered riders
- Playground equipment
- Other sports or recreation equipment
- Misc. combined (unable to specify/DK)
For definitions Information Booklet »
Were there any additional charges for installation or set-up?
- Yes
- No
How much? [enter value] _____________
Did you purchase or rent any other item?
- Yes
- No
End of Section 6B
Go to Section 7 - Household Item Repairs and Service Contracts »
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Last Modified Date: April 16, 2009