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Sometimes people in a household don't take a trip themselves, but pay for part or all of a trip that someone else takes.
Since the first of the reference month, have you or any member of your household paid for part or all of such a trip for any non-household members?
How many trips? [enter value] _____________________
Did these expenses include anything for...
. . . Food and beverages?
Did these expenses include anything for...
. . . Lodging?
* Repeat if necessary.
Did these expenses include anything for...
. . .Transportation?
* Repeat if necessary.
Did these expenses include ...
. . . Anything else?
* Specify: [enter text] _____________________
What was the total amount that you or your household paid for that trip/those trips?[enter value] _____________________
End of Section 18E
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Last Modified Date: April 5, 2010