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Section 3, Part A.2, in a first interview, is used to determine what types of properties are owned by the household, including second homes, vacation homes, and unimproved land.
Now I am going to ask about owned living quarters and other owned real estate.
Since the first of the reference month, have you or your household lived in any other home that you or any member of your household still own/owns?
How many? [enter value] _____________
Do/Does you or your household own any property only for business or investment purposes?
In the following questions, please do not include any of the properties you or your household own/owns only for business or investment purposes.
Other than property you have already mentioned, Do/Does you or your household own a second home, vacation home, or recreational property, including timeshares?
* Exclude right-to-use timeshares, vacation clubs, or destination clubs.How many? [enter value] _____________
Other than property you have already mentioned, do/does you or your household own any unimproved land, that is, land without buildings on it?
How many? [enter value] _____________
Do/Does you or your household own any other properties? Please do not include any properties owned only for business or investment purposes.
How many? [enter value] _____________
Since the first of the reference month, did you or your household own any properties that you or your household no longer own/owns?
How many different properties? [enter value] _____________What type of property was it/properties were they?
* Enter all that apply
For definitions Information Booklet »
How many homes in which you or your household used to live did you or your household dispose of since the reference month? [enter value] _____________
How many business or investment properties did you or your household dispose of since the reference month? [enter value] _____________
How many second homes, vacation homes, recreational properties, or timeshares did you or your household dispose of since the reference month?[enter value] _____________
How many unimproved land properties did you or your household dispose of since the reference month? [enter value] _____________
How many other properties did you or your household dispose of since the reference month? [enter value] _____________
End of Section 3A.2
Go to Section 3 Part B - Owned Living Quarters and Other Owned Real Estate - Detailed Property Description »
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Last Modified Date: April 5, 2010