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Section 14, Part B collects detailed information about each health insurance policy that was reported in Part A.
* Enter name of insurance company, not the insurance agent.
* Do not read to respondent.1. Health Maintenance Organization
2. Fee for Service Plan
3. Commercial Medicare Supplement
4. Other special purpose plan
For definitions Information Booklet »
1. Dental insurance?
2. Vision insurance?
3. Prescription drug insurance?
4. Mental health insurance?
5. Dread disease policy?
6. Other type of special purpose health insurance? - Specify
* Specify: [enter text]
1. Entirely by you or your household?
2. Partially by you or your household?
3. Entirely by an employer or union?
4. Entirely by another group or persons outside your household?
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Last Modified Date: April 12, 2011